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Taylor.... I Love You

"Ashley, its me! Tay." Taylor said, banging on the door.

"Get your ass in here." I screamed. He walked in and saw me on my bed. I was crying, rocking back and forth. He sat next to me, and put his arm around me.

"Tay, there's this stupid country song I love. It goes "You had me from hello, I felt love start to grow, the moment that I looked into your eyes, you owned me. It was over from the start, you completley stole my heart. I never even had a chance you know, you had me from hello." Taylor, you had me from hello. I love you, more than the world Tay. I would live and die for you, anything you want, you got it. Wheather it takes five minutes, or five years, or five milleniums... I'll get it for you. Just remember this. I wont let them keep me, I'm too strong for that. I will find you again." I said looking strait into his baby blue eyes. The eyes that I fell in love with in MMMBop, those eyes were magical. They held my whole world in their deep ocean of blue. I couldn't stand it, and I started bawling into his shoulder. I never wanted to let go. I held his face to mine, and kissed him softly, like he was going to break at my touch. I never wanted to let this moment die. He was my life. As our kiss grew more intense, and we opened our mouths, it was like it was brand new. Like the first kiss. It was so magical. I wanted his tounge in my mouth forever, I wanted to take it with me. I didn't want to leave.

BOOM BOOM BOOM! I heard three stern knocks on the door, and I knew it was them. I grabbed Taylor, in one last magical kiss. He was speechless as they broke down the door, grabbing me. I started screaming. "NEVER FORGET ME TAY! I'LL BE BACK. THESE FAGS CAN'T KEEP ME FOREVER. I LOVE YOU. TAYLOR, I LOVE YOU." I couldn't stand it. I reached out for him, and he ran twoards me. Ike grabbed him, and he started crying.

"ASHLEY, I LOVE YOU. I ALWAYS WILL...." he started. We were crying together. I was kicking and screaming. I didn't want to leave my life behind me. I was going to kill my parents for this.

"Ashley... I love you..." was the last thing I heard, and Taylor's sullen, fighting body reaching for me was the last thing I saw. I couldn't help it. I closed my eyes, and stopped fighting. I was helpless in their grasp. I had no where to go now...

...but home.


Chapter 14
Chapter 16