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I'm Definetly Sure....That I'm NOT Sure

It was a long night that night, trying to get to sleep. It was too hot, and I couldn't get in the right postition. I had a craving for a popcical, so I went downstairs. It was two in the morning, and no one was awake. The kitchen was completely dark except for a little night light next to the stove.

I opened up the freezer and was blasted with refreshing cool air. I knew they had an Air Conditioner, but I wasn't about to turn it on. I ate my popcical and decided to head back upstairs.

On my way to my room, I noticed Taylor's door was open. I peeked inside and saw all of them sleeping. Zac looked so cute, with a smile on his face. Ike seemed like he was caught in a nightmare. And Taylor looked like an angel. A true angel. I walked over to the other side of his bed as not to wake any of them up, and with just my luck in two minutes or so, he turned over, almost like he was staring at me through his eyelids. I leaned over and gently kissed him, and his eyes shot open.

"Hey hun? What time is it?" he said in a soft whisper. I put my finger over his mouth, and held up three fingers on my other hand. He nodded, and stood up.

"Hun, go back to sleep." I whispered, and he shook his head. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me downstairs. He was in his red plaid boxers and a tight white tank top, and I was in pink silky pj's with little hearts all over them. And in what we were wearing, he pulled me outside. We walked to the tree, and sat under it. We didn't talk, until Taylor started talking, breaking the silence.

"I'm sure you don't care, but this is the spot where I lost my virginity." Taylor said, staring me strait in the eyes. I knew where this was headed, and at three in the morning, I wasn't sure which way to go.

"I'm still a virgin" I stated quietly, after a few seconds. Taylor looked at me, most innocently, looking way too hot. I knew I was going to give in, just by the look on his face. I wasn't sure about it for so many reasons, one being how much I didn't like my body. The others being about the time, the place. But I knew it would be special, to me at least. I looked Taylor in the eye and said, "Taylor, what do I mean to you? Don't lie, tell me the god honest truth. Am I a slut to you, just another girl?"

"The look on his face said it all. He looked hurt, like I just shoved a dagger into his heart and pulled it out leaving his heart to bleed on the ground. I couldn't stand it, I felt awful. I gave him a huge hug, and laid him down. He looked up at me, and smile, and I kissed his lips softly.

Chapter 11
Chapter 13