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Hershey's and Chica-Cherry Cola!

Melanie Mansfield
Savage Garden and Friends
Dedicated to:
Saz, my family, my US friends, and ALL those wonderful people I met in England.
PS - Saz, give Barney and Jimmy a good pat for me.
Photos coming in the near future.
More will be added.


I created my photo album for this trip! yea me! So if you'd kindly click here you'll be taken right to the page. Luv yas!

Before I start boring you all with my expedition to England (and all those lovely towns and cities enclosed!) could you PLEASE go to Sara(Saz)'s site? Here's the address.
Marvelously Mental

Thank you!

Well, this page is dedicated to my trip to England, visiting my dear friend, Sara (Saz). Both of us are massive Savage Garden fans (how do you think we met?)so it appears we got along great! As time goes on, I'll be posting things we did and places we visited, since I kept a journal of the trip. I'm just lazy and probably won't be typing it all up in one shot. ^_^ hehehe. So bear with me and we'll start with my oh-so-boring entry at Philidelphia Airport. By the way, the entries posted by me (Melanie) are set by this lil blue drum set

and Sara's entries are set by this cute lil guitar

March 13, 2000

Well, I'm here in Philly's airport, staring at the clock and wishing they'd board us. The flight crew just went through the doors (5:28) so I'm hoping we'll be boarding shortly. Yeesh, I'm bored. Even talking to people doesn't help. I can't wait to meet Sara. She seems like a slightly more bouncy version of me (if that's possible)! There goes another flight attendant. I'd better wrap this up. They'll be boarding us in 10 minutes or so and I think I should be ready.


-Same Day-

I'm back. On the plane. WOW! They have T.V.'s in the seat in front of you... AND they give you complimentary toothpaste, toothbrush, lil sockies, and eye masks. Not only that, but each seat has it's own blanket. They're cute! All fuzzy and warm, and the pillows are all different colors. It's awesome! Mom, Dad.. you HAVE to try this sometime. The people behind me are speaking French and I can't understand more than 5 words and the people in front of me are yacking like there's no tomorrow, but otherwise, it's gotten boring. This plane is HUGE! There are 3 sets of 3 seats per row, seperated by two aisles. I'm in heaven. Can I live on the plane mom? Dad? PLEASE??? The luggage compartments even are cool. Can you believe it? Luggage compartments that are cool!? Instead of having doors to small cubicles, the compartments roll upward to save space. Neat! Saz, if you're reading, if you were here, the Sazzashuttle would have taken off BEFORE the countdown! Well, enough out of me till they feed us. I wonder what it'll be.


Same Day - Somewhere over Mass.

Well, they didn't give us peanuts, bless their hearts. (I'm taking this as a GOOD sign) We got these Combos-like snacks called Pretzel splits, but without the cheesy center. Mine were Balsamic Vinegar and Seasalt flavored. They gave us MENUS of our dinner choices. These people are angels... well, kinda. I'm going to wait till something else about this wonder-of-wonders flight strikes my fancy.


Early Tuesday Morning- Somewhere over the Atlantic
OOOOO BREAKFAST! Not much to say about it. All it was is this yogurt stuff and a cranberry muffin, but the GOOD thing is that we're only 1 hour from London.


Late Tuesday Morning

On the train. Wow. I'm so confused! I'm sure I'll get the hang of things soon, though. I still need to switch at Doncaster, and NO, I'm still not sure I can pronounce it right. Still can't pronounce Scunthorpe for my life, either. My pen disappeared into my bags and so I had to write this whole thing in pencil (before typing it up, of course). ACK! I'm tired. Jet lag, probably. That's what I get for travelling 5 time zones.


Wednesday Morning - At School

Well, I've made it through one day with no problems. They have two absolutely adorable dogs, and yes, Uncle Barry's dog is tall and skinny for a sheltie! Class should be starting soon, so I'll talk later.


16-3-00 (that would be March 16th)

Well, we went to Lincoln today. Ate "tea" and saw a castle and cathedral. We walked "The Steep Hill." Dad, you'd be proud of me! I wasn't too winded at the top! Basically - we had fun. Friday's another day of classes and recouperation, then Saturday we're going to London. Sunday's set for food, fun, and packing.


Well, we're in classes today and both of us are in pain, thanks to our trip to Lincoln yesterday. My stomach is queezy and porr Sara's legs hurt. We're in computer class right now. Sara's learning how to do spread sheets. I'm pretending to learn, but I spend more time writing in here. Oh well, the day's almost over.


Saturday - stuck on the train
Well, it's about 7:45 at night and wooooo what a trip. Spent half the day on the subway (the evil stairs, Saz!), 1/4 of it trying to find the elusive Starbucks - never DID find it - and 1/4 of the day shopping and touring. The bus rides were freezing but fun, the Tower of London was GREAT (though I can't remember near anything of what they said, it was intresting at the time!), The London Dungeon was horrible (don't ever go there unless you have half a day and money to spend), and the food was awesome. Saz and I spent about two hours with Diana trying to find a stinking Starbucks. We saw at least 4 or 5 on the bus ride.. but that the second we were on foot, we couldn't find anything!

By the way - anyone that knows where the cyber-cafe is - aka Darren, Leonie, the band, MintyKim, etc... TELL ME!!!!! so I can find it the next trip I take!

Well, I'm exhausted. I'll write later about tomorrow or something.


Haha! My turn! (this is Saz)
Ok, today I was initiated into the subway, it was awful! Well, until we went to the dungeon. I would much rather sit through a S Club7 concert! ACK! Well subway didn't seem too bad after that! I spent most of the trip with the IKILY vid in my head with TAS soundtrack over!! INTRESTING!!

Everything sudenly became evil after me and Mellers got high on chocolate - fanfic from that coming later - SORRY KARL!! WE LOVE YOU, REALLY!!

The Tower of London was pretty cool - we had a well funny tour guide - highly reccommended.


(note from Mel - I have no idea, Saz... absolutely none...)

PS. from Saz
Ever watch the movie "American Werewolf in London" - we were in that hall where a man got torn to pieces!! I kept expecting a werewolf to come stalking round the corner!!! Scary!!

P.S. from Mel
Just had to add this, since Saz said it for the n'th time this trip. Uuughhh!! Darren Stanley Hayes, you *HAD* to do those Cream pics, didn't you? You do realize that those are the -only- pics that make me think of you in *that* way, yes?? Otherwise, you're just a nice-looking, great-singing, wish-I-could-meet-you-friend-type person. UGGGH! SAZ!!!! Stop with the Cream pics! Actually, don't.... nice flutery feeling hits the stomach at the sight of them. *giggle*


From Saz - NO PROBLEM!!!

Sara and Melanie

Saz (The one in black) and Mel with the London bridge in the background!

The Court Tower

The tower where the Court was (I think! :))

Hung Drawn And Quartered

The best pub name ever! the Hung Drawn and Quartered! Thats prolly how you'd feel after a night there!!

The Tower Gate... oooooo spooky!

This is where they shoved the prisoners!

*hides!* The Tower! Ahhh, they're going to kill us!

And heres the actual tower! This has got all the cool stuff inside!

Sunday Morning
Saz is typing away to the BBS and I'm being ordered to tell you all about our oh-so-silly train ride back to her house. Mind you, we WERE sober. This is just what happens when you put two completely compatible people together on a train with lots of energy and tendancies for silliness. We started off singing a few Savage Garden songs, which led to a quest for songs to sing. Then suddenly the magnetic clip on Saz's handbag drew our attention (complete and undivided). We then came up with more songs, a few Dr. Evil impressions (though we could NEVER be as good as Darren is, you GOD), played with our juice boxes (Sara killed hers), sang even MORE (by now, the other passengers were about to lynch us) then ended with a loud rendition of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." Darren, you *have* to sing that song with the girls. We'd be oh-so-grateful.

That's it for now. I'll let Saz tell her version, if anything is different on her side or if I left anything out, which I'm rather apt to do.


Ok, my turn!!! (Saz again)
Well it was pretty funny, and it turns out Mel's the same star sign as Daz, and I'm the same as Dan... (or close!) hehe!!
All the other passengers were half asleep while I was bouncing around singing TAS at 10:45 at night. Does this remind you of Leonie's updates? She writes most of the time and Daz sticks his head in every so often!!
Ok, I think that's it!!

Monday, Monday
BLAH! I'm going home. It's not that I don't like it there, but staying with Saz was fun and quite peaceful. I've finally found someone I can relate to. Her family is wonderful, she's sweet, and WE BOTH LOVE SAVAGE GARDEN!! Hehehe! Yes, I'm strange. The train ride is fun, but I think I'm in the wrong class. Oh well. I'll move if I have to, though there aren't enough people on the train to cause for the 1st class area to completely fill. Ah, I'm done.


On the plane - Monday Afternoon
Well, this has been fun. Next trip, however, I'm only bringing enough money for train tickets, plane tickets, and $50 spending money. Saz and I REFUSE to do the tour thing again. We'll just lounge around. That was fun! We did have a blast, though. Even she admitted it, though she kept saying she wished she were relaxing in bed. But it was an experiance. Her family showed me what Yorkshire pudding was and I had a "real" English dinner, which is served at our lunchtime. We're already planning what to do when Saz comes to the U.S. She "hates" big cities, but she seemed to fit in all right. I miss them already! Can I go back soon? Please? It was great there and I got along wonderfully with them all (at least, I thought so!). Mom, dad, you'll love Saz. We'll we're getting ready to land. Ciao!


June 1, 2000

Well, here I am again. It's the first of June and near two and a half months since my trip. Saz and I are trying to organize another trip, this time with me going there again and then her flying to the states. WOOHOO! I can't wait for that to actually happen. Sazza, if you're out there, I'm going to give you the password to look this thing up and work on it, that way you can input your view for the "before the trip" entries and everyone can monitor our progress. That and I still don't know how to get my piccies on my computer yet (the scanner isn't working) so if you can get some of those pics we took in London and at your house up and running, we can add them to the site. Sound like fun? Check your mail sometime today. I'll have sent you the info as soon as I'm done updating this thing. Hehee!

SoThat's it from the peanut gallary. I'm at work and using my lunch break to do this, so :-þ*** I can't stay longer. See you all (my "loyal" viewers) later for more updates on another exciting set of trips!


Ok, this is Saz!!! Yay! How happy everyone is! (j/k). Well, it's june the third and I'm trying to figure out how to get a job to earn some money - no one wants me!! But WHEN I finally get a job, I'll get saving!! Ok, I'll leave you all now. There was NO point to this was there? lol


June 3rd, 2000

LOL, this is Melanie again. I was on the Today Show, this morning! I thought I'd be able to at least shake hands with Darren or something, since 10 of us had VIP passes, but gah.. we were actually excluded from more than we were included! But the concert was great and the boys (and backup band!) looked fantastic! Savage Garden, you're wonderful! LOL. And ummm.. if anyone in the group reads the addys on the back of that "21 Reasons..." sheet.. that was a mistake!!! They're mine and a friends, but I didn't mean it, I swear! I was helping another friend of mine fix her address book, and well... things went wrong. But at least now you have my address! If you're ever in the area again, you have a place to stay! *giggles* Anyways, Saz, you HAVE to come to the States, now. I have a video of ME on national TV in my stash now! *scampers off*


Okay... it's August 14th, 2000 and I have the most AWESOME news. You know the backup guitarist for Savage Garden? Ben Carey? Well, he's part of this other band called Supanatural. They're going to start working on songs full time in November, but till then, they've released "Island" on MP3... an AWESOME song! I have a few other nice tidbits, but I'd better keep them to myself for now. LOL. Sorry folks! Saz, yes, I'll ask. Beth, get ready. It's request time. *cues the funky beat* weehee!


By the way... this pic's for you, Mr. Darren Hayes!!!

Saz here!!!!!!!

OK! So this is nothing interesting! But a wekk last friday (it's tuesday today!) I got my eyebrow pierced!! This guy stuck a massive flippin needle through my eyebrow without freezing it! I'm also now 17!! WOOHOO! OK - I've also got blue/black hair - mel can't imagine me!! hehe - all I need is a guitar! The 'rents won't buy me one, so I've REALLY gotta get a job! I WANT A GUITAR DAMMIT!!!!!!!! I've also become a bit of a Point Break fan! (music's on Napster!) Other than that! Mel - I can't wait to see your vid of you on TV!!!! Ok! Me go now!!!!

Friday, 18th of August, 2000

Weehee! Saz, you're a nut. And yes, I can imagine you with all that. :-þ so NAH! and you ought to be saving up for a trip rather than a guitar. My sis has one you can practice on down here, too.. soooo... ;-) I'm off.


26th going on 27th of August

hehe - you can imagine me now eh? And I'm gonna buy a guitar!!! So NAH to you!!! LOL I've actually been working this week! At a hairdressers - thats where the dosh has come from - I'm getting one next week! WOOHOO!! Ok, Me go now!!

Hey hey hey!!!! It’s me – Saz! Ok, it’s October 16th and I’ve been ill (don’t ask, but apparently I’m allergic to the weather! Great!) Anyway, I’ve learnt a way to cope with it so I can go back to college. I’m an even bigger Point break fan – almost as much as a Savage Garden fan! I got the BEST top today – you know Nike? They have that tick with “Just do it!”? Mines a mick take, it’s an upside down tick with “Just did it” written on it!! Haha – I love it! I’ve done a load of my coursework at home, I have more to do (ack!) Um, well mel you’ll be glad to know that the doctor thinks that going abroad will help my illness! Heheheheheheheeeeeeeee – so if I can get the £££, and find that little wage elf who keeps stealing my wages, then I’ll be able to come! That’s it - ahd more to say, but Hold Me by Savage Garden could be played soon – so see ya! And to top it all off I have hiccups!!

ROFL, love the shirt, Saz! It's the 17th of October right now. I've got classes in less than a half an hour and yet I'm online, typing away to you lovely people. Am I crazy or what? Anyway, to update you, Affirmation has YET to be played by my favorite radio station and let me tell you, I'm a bit peeved at this. It's been out for almost 2 months!!! (okay, okay, a month and a half *grumble*) It seems MTV doesn't like Savage Garden or something, because *they* won't play Affa, either. Something fishy's going on around here, no? But anyways, I'm saving up still for the trip. I have the money at the moment, but I need to *keep* the money. That and I want a new computer. Soooo I'm saving up and saving up and ... ew. I hate not being able to splurge on things. I wonder if I can re-set that lil people-counter. hmmmm... Okay, now I'm rambling. I'd better go. Saz, you're an angel, I tell ya!


I'm back. Same day. BTW, I just wanted to tell you all that I had gone to MTV TRL on Friday the 13th. Here's a pic of myself (I'm on the bottom) and the rest of the group:

Ahhh! Stop poking us!!!

Hope you like it!


Mel again - November 3rd, 2000
I'm adding a sound file.. and I hope it works. cross your fingers, folks!

Yea! it worked! Okay. For those that *don't* know, this is the song that Darren sang at the Affirmation World Tour, only going to the first part where the octave jumps up a bit... and he'd hold the microphone out to the crowd, then laugh as we failed miserably to hit that high note... Buuuut.. it was hilarious. ::Ducks a microphone thrown by Darren for revealing the surprise:: Whoops. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy a little "Imagine"...

Love, laughter, joy and jellybeans,


Saz here!

Thanks for the music mel! you scared the crapola outta me!!! I was just was just sitting, waiting for the page to load reading a mag when all this noise sprang outta nowhere! Well my solution to get back to college still hasn't worked and it's november 2nd!! Well I'm ahead of a lot of people in my coursework! I'll be even further ahead when I get my scanner!! heheheee! Right! I'm off!!

November 8th, 2000

Ladeedaa... Melanie here. Ummm.. umm... sorry I scared you, Saz! ;) luv ya! really! Just an update. Tickets for the up and coming trip to england/usa can't be bought till... February. Blarg. But I'll keep everyone posted!



HEY!! It's Saz here on...the 8th of March with a banging headache at 10:45pm!
Well, we're still trying to sort the tickets and get the money! i had a job interview today, so maybe...*crosses fingers* Oh yes, for anyone other than me and mel who reads this - that "problem" of mine ended up requiring an operation to fix it and I might have to go back! BLAH! What else...go to my site! I've done some massive updating and I'm also starting a new one on a COMPLETELY different subject (mostly anyway) And I see mellers has forgot to link this page to the rest of the site (YES! there is MORE!!!! So I'll go try and do that now...!)
See ya later!
Sazaz (yes I meant that!)

Hi! It's Melanie, if you couldn't tell. I have tix to england again, this time with another airline. But it's inexpensive and I'm seeing Saz again. So no big deal. I'm a lil upset, though, because during the time I'm in England, Placebo (one of my fav. bands) is heading on over to my side of the USA. :( Blah. And then by the time I come back, they're on their way to Europe. *bawls* But at least I'm going to England again. Oh! I have some treats for you people. below are links to a wav. file of Darren praising us "internet fans" ... we're crazy and he loves us. Basically. So click on the links, put them together in Sound Recorder and poof! you have the whole thing. Enjoy!




May 15, 2001

Well, here I am, almost packed enough to walk on the plane to England. Tickets are in my hand, passport has been dug up from the last trips I've made, and this is the beginning of another trip to the good ol' UK. This time I only have one suitcase, but ugh... it's huge. I need one more video (me on the Today Show from last spring) and I need to hop up and down on my bags jussst a lil bit more. Then I'll be fine. This luggage piece is almost as big as me! Weighs a LOT, too. But... it's my only piece, save my carryon. Go me! (hauling two bags with no wheels was NOT fun last time.... ) Next time, Saz.. you're coming HERE for a month, dern it. I want you to go through all this crap. heeee.. just kidding. Anyways... Saz, if you check this page, I'm bringing you and your family a surprise. Nothing much, but it's something I know you'll like.


P.S. - My new journal for my last, monthlong trip to England, will be found here , so if you'd kindly click in a few days (it's not up yet, just be patient as I work on the html), you'll see everything! Go me!