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This is the place where fans can meet and reflect back to their encounters with AJ. In the above picture was the day my friend and I(I'm the red head) waited outside much music in Toronto for 15 hours just to get a chance to possibly meet AJ and of course it worked! We were in the front row outside, my friend talked to him, shook his hand and everything, while I on the other hand, choked! I couldn't believe that he was right in front of me and by the time I could finally opened my mouth to say something he was off signing more autographs. If I could turn back time dammit I would! I did however, talk to Kevin, shake his hand, and the same with all the rest of them, but AJ, I'll get you next time! To see more pics of my encounter check out the gallery, also if you have any pics you wanna share from your own encounter send me an e-mail at and I'll put them up!

my encounter
fan encounters
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