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Britney Spears is CRAP!!

stupid shit about B-Spears

This is Britney Spears is CRAP! More to come! Until then, sign the Guestbook! ok. this is the first update since sometime last year. THIS PAGE IS A BIG JOKE. BRITNEY SPEARS HAS A SEXY ASS. BUT HER MUSIC AND PERSONALITY BOTH SUCK. SHE IS OWNED BY A RECORD COMPANY. IF YOU LISTEN TO DEVO YOU WILL NOTICE THT WHAT THEY SANG ABOUT CAME TRUE. WE ARE ALL CLONES. AMERCANS ARE SHEEP IN A HERD. THE MEDIA IS THE SHEPARD. WE ARE SHEEP. WE ARE SHEEP. THE FEW ARE SHEPARDS AND THE REST ARE SHEEP. THIS PAGE IS A JOKE. IT IS MY OPINION. DO NOT BE THREATENED OR OFFENDED. you see, this is the INTERNET. and on the INTERNET we have something called "free speech" we can say what we want and not have any cosequences. this isnot hurting britney. saying that her music is bad does not hurt her. i don't want her dead. i just think that she makes bad music. i like different music!! dont' care!! she's got nice toes though. if i ever saw her foot, i'd lick it. same with her ass and boobs. god, her body is soooo sweet. i'd fuck her.

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