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MY FAMILY--Thanks for letting me spend countless hours on the computer to do this. Thanks for having patience with me (despite the numerous "Don't look!"s; yes, Dad, you know what I'm talking about!) Thanks for being the best family in the world! I love ya'll very much!!!!!!

MISSY--You are my bestest friend in the whole world. Thank you for all your support and for always being there for me no matter what. I cannot imagine my life without you. You are the BEST! Thanks for having patience with me during my phases! =) I could not have asked for a better best friend.

MANDIE--THANK YOU! I could not have done this without you! You are a God-send! Thanks for helping me with this and telling me how to start everything. I am so lucky to have a best friend like you! I am so glad that we have met. All the fun and crazy things we have done and still do are the best. Thanks!

ANGEL AND AMANDA--Thanks for being such great friends. Meeting you and becoming friends was so much fun. I won't forget all the wild and crazy things we would do this past summer. Those were some fun times! Good luck with your band!

HOLTA--Even though you don't like this, I decided to include you in this. Aren't you proud? =) Thanks for being such a wonderful friend! I miss you! Maybe one day your sister will be able to see it, and she can enjoy it instead of you. He he!

TARA --My kindred spirit! I'm so thankful for work so that I had the chance to meet you! You are the coolest person I know! Anything you need I'm here for ya goob! =P I guess Orlando needs to watch out! Ha ha!

EMILY --You're the best! We've had a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to more fun times! I know how much you love these guys and wanted to be included so here you are! Too bad our guys were the ones that got taken first! He he!


Sarah--You're my favorite suitie! I'm looking forward to more crazy times! Especially at concerts! We'll have to be sure and take our hairbrushes! =)

Cara--We will have our five minutes of fame on stage! We'll have to make up our dance...Thanks for always saying the right thing!

Ashley--Thanks for being such a great friend throughout the years! I'm always here for ya!

Becky--I'm so glad that we met! I've enjoyed getting to know you! I'm glad we're friends!

Barbara aka Batgirl--You're the coolest!

Foxyroxy--You're so funny!

Alex--My twin! lol! I know the group you love. You can't deny it from me! I'm glad that we got to meet and talk. We laugh way too much! We should work on that...

Selena--Thanks for always writing me and keeping me informed on the BSB. Also, thanks for sharing your thoughts and writings with me. I really enjoy them!

Puck--What can I say ya big goober? We have way too much fun when we talk! I get tired of waiting on you!
