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This is the final chapter. First off everybody was finally happy and there were no problems. Everybody was now married. Yup Kevin and Lee had finally gotten married a couple years later. Your probably wondering what about the group Mercury and The Backstreet Boys. Well the two were still going strong, but were not on tour. The did lots of TV appearances, recorded in the studio making an album together, did lots of HBO concerts and that’s about it. The fans were perfectly fine with them being married and supported them and loved their children sending them stuff in the mail all the time. All the marriages lasted and the children grew up to be famous as well. Danielle and Nick’s children Nick Jr. became a singer as well just like his father and Samantha had become a model and sang on the side. Ashley and AJ child Alex Jr. had become a singer with Howie and Jamie’s daughter Caroline, they were also a couple as well.

Well that’s it, it’s over (pouts and wipes away the tears). I hope ya liked it.

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