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The summer soon ended and Crissy and Ashley packed up and went back up to Pennsylvania. Crissy and Brian stayed in touch and called each other all the time. Howie and Ashley broke up before Ashley left and AJ and Ashley called each other a lot and stayed in touch with each other too. Danielle stayed in Florida and moved into the guys house. Nick and Danielle had fallen for each other big time. After a couple months later Crissy and Ashley came back down to Florida and moved into the guys house as well. Nick soon asked Danielle to marry him and Danielle accepted of course.

A Year Later.....

(Danielle and Nick)

Danielle and Nick had a big wedding outside at the Florida Keys. It was a beautiful wedding. After that they went on their honeymoon in Spain. That’s where Danielle became pregnant with her first child Nicholas Gene Carter Jr. They then moved into a house Nick had built on a island in they Keys. A year later Danielle became pregnant with her second child in which they named her Amaya Lynn Carter.

(Crissy and Brian)

For Crissy and Brian everything went great. They got married a year later after Danielle and Nick in Kentucky at a big Church. They had one child named Micheal David Littrell soon after and they also moved into their own house in Orlando, Florida.

(Ashley and AJ)

Ashley and AJ they were a perfect couple they soon got married a couple months after Brian and Crissy. They got married at a Church in West Palm Beach while Ashley was pregnant with their child Alex James McLean Jr. They moved into a house down in West Palm Beach and soon had their child 5 months later.

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