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Chapter 1

"Shit!" Jamie scowled as her alarm clock went off. She reached over to turn it off, but fell onto the floor. She had forgotten that she had fallen asleep on her bay window.
"Ooch!" She moaned as her eyes came into focus and she realized what had happened. Then it all came back to her. Today was the 'big day'.
She sluggishly walked over to her nightstand and turned her alarm clock off. "Whoa...stood up a little too fast," she said feeling dizzy. She sat back down in the middle of her bedroom floor. Everything was packed, except tha pillow she had slept on the night before. The movers had come early that morning and their things were on their way to Kissimmee, Florida that very moment.
She sighed as she looked at the room that she had called home for only seven months. She had actually liked this place and she didn't want to leave. She just wanted to live a normal life, but then again, nothing was normal about her. She was a singer, and a damn good one at that. At least that's what everyone else thought. "A natural born performer," was what her mom always told her. But she knew she could handle a complicated lifestyle if she was doing the one thing she loved most in the world, singing. When she was performing, she had no worries, no fears. It was her way of getting away from things.....people, friends, boyfriends, parents, any shit that was thrown her way.
"Jamie!" her mother yelled at her from the bottom of the stairs. "Get ready! We don't have time for you to loaf around."
She breathed heavily trying to calm the anger that was growing inside of her. "One more month, Jamie. Only one more." She had been counting down the days until her eighteenth birthday since before she could remember. She would finally be able to get away from her parents. They were always on her case about something.
She picked herself off of the floor and stumbled into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and quickly dried her hair. She threw it up in a ponytail and a few loose strands clung around her face. She picked up a baby blue tank top that showed off her athletic figure and made her blue eyes sparkle. After pulling on a pair of blue jean shorts, she slid on her Birkenstocks and glanced one last time in the mirror. She put some lip gloss on and walked slowly down the stairs.
"It's about time you got up!" her mother said sternly. Basically giving her a lecture.
"Mom...I got ready as fast as I could, so please don't start with me." Picks up her keys and twirls them around her finger. "Mom...I'm leaving now. I have to go take care of some things. Can you right down the directions?"
"Sure...I won't be far behind you." Hands her a sheet of paper with the directions on it. "Drive safely honey. I love you."
"I will...I love you too." She turned and walked out of the door. She drove out of her subdivision slowly, trying to remember everything. This would be her last time here. She glanced around one last time, and sped off towards Mandy's house. She had dreaded this moment since the first time her parents had explained that they would be moving. (again)
She pulled into the driveway and sighed. She looked up at the two story house that she knew so well. It had become like her own over the past seven months. She breathed in heavily trying to hold back the tears she felt coming.
She looked at the front door, not knowing whether to turn and run or just knock. "It's too hard," she thought to herself. She found herself knocking on the door.
Soon the door slowly opened. She tried putting on a smile as Mandy's mother came into view.
"Hi sweetie!" Mrs. Fields said cheerfully. She gave Jamie a quick hug and told her that Mandy was in her room.
Jamie walked slowly up to Mandy's room. She stopped briefly at the door, not knowing how she was going to say goodbye. They had tried not to think about this day for months, but now it was here. She slowly turned the door knob and walked in.
She just stood there, not knowing what to say. "Oh Jamie!" Mandy said as she ran over to Jamie giving her a hug.
"I don't want to leave!" Jamie cried into Mandy's shoulder.
"It's for the best Jamie." Mandy hugged her friend tighter trying to calm her down. "You have a much better chnace of pursuing your dream there."
"But not without you. We were supposed to travel together. Meet guys together."
"I know...and you'll still meet guys. You're a freakin' guy magnet! They love you!"
Jamie smiled as she thought about how easy it was to talk to guys. Most girls freaked when they were within ten feet of someone they had a crush on. Jamie could hide it well. "I'll miss you Mandy." She gave her friend one last hug and wrote down her new address.
"I'll miss you too, and don't you forget to write!" She forced a smile, trying to be strong.
"I won't forget, and I'll call as much as I can." She left quickly, not wanting to cry anymore. She waved goodbye one last time to her friend as she got into her car. She pulled out of the driveway and looked around the neighborhood, taking in everything.
She sighed as she sped off towards the highway. "Kissimmee, I come!" she said, not very enthusiastically. She thought about what her friend Mandy had said. "Who knows....maybe I will meet some guys." She smiled as she thought about how big of a flirt she was.
She took one more turn and got onto the freeway. She sped up to seventy and set the cruise control. There was no turning back. She was going to Florida to start a new life, all over again. Whether she liked it or not.

Chapter 2