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Chapter 16

(In Howie's Room)

"AJ i need some time alone with Howie ok?" AJ nodded his head and walked out to talk with Brian.

Ashley: I'm so glad you are all right Howie."

Howie: Um...Ash there's something that the doctor didn't tell you...he just told me actually."

Ashley: "What is it baby?"

Howie: Ash.....I’m....paralyzed from the waist down." Ashley felt her knees go weak. AJ walked back in just in time to help Ashley back to her feet. She ran over and knelt down next to Howie. He held her close. She couldn't say anything through her tears. AJ walked over to the both of them. "D. what's wrong with Ashley?" AJ asked as he was petting her hair. "AJ I need to tell you something....." AJ listened closely. "AJ I’m paralyzed from the waist down." AJ sat down in the chair and started crying.

(In the Recovery Room)

Danielle woke up in the recovery room in extreme pain. She looked over at Nick.

"Danielle?" One of the nurses said. "We are going to take you back to your room then we will put Nick next to you." Danielle nodded her head and fell asleep.

(Three Hours Later)

(Conversation between Nick and Dani.)

Dani: "Nick, how do you feel?"

Nick: "I feel great now that I’m next to you." As Danielle was just finishing her conversation with Nick, Ashley came walking in to the room.

"Ash what's wrong?" Nick asked. " paralyzed from the waist down.!"

Ashley sat on the ground and cried. "Oh my god Ash..come here." Nick said as he tried to comfort her. "Ash..are you serious?" Dani asked.

"YES I AM VERY SURE..HE CAN'T EVEN WALK!" "God calm down Ash!" Dani said. They all sat there just as the nurse walked in.

"Ashley i have something to tell you....."

Chapter 17
