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The Trojan Horse
The Trojan Horse

Odysseus was the clever man who came up with the brilliant idea of building the Trojan Horse in order to fool the Trojans. Odysseus ordered the soldiers to build a huge, hollow wooden horse for some men to fit in. When it was finished, some of the soliders, fully armed, hid in it. The remaining Mycenaean soldiers then pushed the giant horse up to the gates of Troy and sailed away. The Trojans saw the boats sail away and assuming they had won the war and it was a victory prize, they pulled the horse into the gates of the city. Immediately the men inside jumped out and attacked. They burned the city, killed the king, and took Helen - the woman who had caused the whole war - with them back to their homes. The Mycenaeans had won the war - all thanks to the quick, clever thinking of Odysseus.