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How is the tour with Britney Spears going, Aaron?

Aaron Carter: It’s going great. Everything’s been fun, she’s a really nice person.

Good. Do you hang out with her?

Aaron Carter: I haven’t really hung out with her. I see her on and off every once in a while.

Is your mom on tour with you?

Aaron Carter: Yes.

Your life must be really busy right now?

Aaron Carter: It is a little busy. I get back for one day and then we go to Asia for three weeks.

Have you been to Asia before? I’m sure you travel a lot.

Aaron Carter: Yeah, it’s cool.

What would you be doing if you were spending time at home right now?

Aaron Carter: I would just hang out and ride my motorcycles everyday. Be a normal kid, go to school.

Why do you like motorbikes so much?

Aaron Carter: It’s something different that nobody else does. I just wanted to do it.

You recently moved out to California from Florida, how was that?

Aaron Carter: We actually didn’t like it, so we moved back to Florida again.

Are you living in the same place?

Aaron Carter: No, a different one.

Aaron, you and your brother have definitely become musical successes, have you always anticipated finding the success you have?

Aaron Carter: I don’t really know. I think it was just something that came to us.

Are you still surprised by your stardom?

Aaron Carter: Oh yeah, of course.

When was the last time you saw your brother, Nick?

Aaron Carter: When I was in England. He came from Sweden to England and they did a show with Elton John. AJ wasn’t there and Elton John had to take his place, it was really funny.

Aaron, you have a twin sister Angel, does she share your musical talent?

Aaron Carter: Yes, she has her talents, she’s more into acting and modeling though.

What’s your favorite song on your new album?

Aaron Carter: They’re all great. I love them all.

Do you get nervous before you go onstage to sing these songs?

Aaron Carter: Sometimes I do, but not really.

What do you do to get ready for your performances?

Aaron Carter: We pray. That helps a lot. It gets us in the mood.

You’re probably a lot younger than the people you’re on tour with. Who do you hang out with?

Aaron Carter: I sometimes hang out with the dancers, but most of the time I’m just by myself. I hang out and play Nintendo. They’re all older and they don’t like to like to play video games as much.

Do you have a girlfriend back home?

Aaron Carter: I have many of them.

I’ve read you have a lot of pets back home?

Aaron Carter: I have five dogs, six birds, eight cats, eight hamsters, and two iguanas.

Why so many?

Aaron Carter: I don’t know.

They just keep showing up at your back door?

Aaron Carter: They do.

Who takes care of all those pets when you’re gone?

Aaron Carter: We have people, like housekeepers and stuff. Like 25 of them.

25 housekeepers, really?

Aaron Carter: Yeah.

Do you think you’ll always stay in the entertainment business, or are you too young to decide what you want?

Aaron Carter: Hopefully I will be in the entertainment business forever with all the other stars.

What about writing your own songs. Have you started doing anything like that?

Aaron Carter: I’m getting into it a little bit, but not that much.

You play bass guitar and probably a number of other instruments as well.

Aaron Carter: Yeah, saxophone too. I’m not that good.

Aaron, what’s your favorite soft drink?

Aaron Carter: Coke.

Would you ever do a commercial for Coke?

Aaron Carter: I would.

What about Pepsi?

Aaron Carter: Pepsi’s actually better.

You like Pepsi better but you drink Coke?

Aaron Carter: Uh huh.

Ok…What about a TV show. I heard you were working on a pilot?

Aaron Carter: We were going to do something, but it hasn’t been planned that much yet. It’s been written.

But is anything taped?

Aaron Carter: Nothing has been taped yet, but hopefully we’ll be doing some stuff.

Do you like to do anything artistic besides music?

Aaron Carter: I like to ride motorcycles.

Do you want to race your motorbikes?

Aaron Carter: I race them all the time. I have lots of friends through competitions.
What kind of bike do you have?
Aaron Carter: It’s called a KX 125.
When did you start getting into all this?
Aaron Carter: Six years ago.
Have you broken any bones while riding?
Aaron Carter: I’ve broken all my bones, pretty much.
It’s a pretty dangerous sport.
Aaron Carter: Very.
What do you think of the nickname given to you by the media: “The Little Prince of Pop”?
Aaron Carter: Actually, that was given to me by my mom. She came up with it about two years ago. But I prefer “Banshee” or something, that’s what my friends call me.
Aaron, do you have anything you’d like to tell your fans who’ll be reading this interview?
Aaron Carter: Well, my album is coming out September 26th, and my single is already released. I hope they like it.