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Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Tribute!

Yes, I know I need to update. It's just that it's so hard to type song after song into the computer when you're a very busy teenager! ;) Meantime, please check out this very worthwhile petition and consider signing!

Hellooo! Welcome to my Four Seasons tribute! If you don't like these guys, then you're in the wrong place!!

Ay-yi-yi! What am I going to do with this main page?? It sure isn't much to look at!

I'm writing a Four Seasons fanfic currently (thanks to everyone who's been encouraging me and sending plot ideas!), and it should be up soon. And I'm having a lot of fun getting these song lyrics together! I have a few songs up now, check them out below. And now there's a word search game! :-) Also, PLEASE sign the Guestbook!! I promise I won't bite!

Play the Four Seasons Word Search Game!

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I would imagine the lyrics page is much more interesting than the main page. Hehe . . .

Other Places To Visit

Anton's Four Seasons Page
One of my other pages, dedicated to Gomer Pyle
iMusic has a Frankie Valli message board
My Four Seasons lyric page
My lyric page for classic pop/rock songs in general
Rockhouse----a great on-line store!
My page dedicated to the best oldies radio station in the world!
