Now a days, when Whoa asks the girls if they wanna watch when they grab their crotch, the answer is NO!!

What Happened to Whoa???
I want you to tell me what YOU think happened to Whoa.
Email me at UnME_2gether@angelfire.com

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I saw some pretty mean look-alikes at a restraunt the other day, busing tables at Rolling Rock.I only saw 2 that look like them, but you never know, the other 3 might have had the night off!
Bambi (UnME_2gether@angelfire.com)

6 words, "Do you want fries with that?"
Amber (rippeon@bellsouth.net)

They died.

I think that WHOA got so embrassed that they had to leave the country. I bet they had a sign in their window that says "A NEW COUNTRY OR BUST."

I saw them the other day at the mall. A little 7 year old girl stopped them and asked them if they were Whoa. They said yes, happy to hear that they still had fans. She kicked one of them in the leg and ran off singing "U+Me=Us"!! They looked like they were really hurting. It was so funny!!

"Cleanup on asile 5!"

"I think that WHOA left America for China and now do Chinese bubble gum camercials! Ha! HA!"

"well i heard that my friend saw whoa, working in the salvation army, and some old lady came up to them and pull there nuts and she had her grand daughter kick them in the knees, next thing they new they where in a ambalance. they had nuts all over the floor, and 10 knee caps, on the floor. and everyone was singing
" Say It Don't Spray It" and" Whoa + The Abalance = them""

"Well after they TRIED to make a comeback, they were all forced to leave the country and live on top of mount everest. eventually they ran out of food and had to eat each other, and the last one jumped off the side of the mountain and died."

"i think that whoa married some diusional teeny that didnt know that they lip-sync."

"Well, I believe that whoa ended up with normal lives like everyone else that aren't stars and now everyone sees them as the meanies that disses Chad and pissed Mickey off."

"ok, this is what happened to whoa! Just like those idiot fagstreet boys, a new cool group who was all real and 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000times better (nsync) and then the gay other groups (whoa!/bsb) fans went to the new group (2gether/nsync) and hated the stupid unreal lip syncing group!"

"I think Whoa started to work at a homeless shelter and then ended up hurting some old innocent man in the midst of the 5 guys fighting over which 2gether guy is the hottest! Then they were thrown in jail for hurting the old man and the old man sued Whoa. Then, 2gether came by Whoa'a jail cell and...let's just say what they say was enough to scar them for life!"

"They moved to bolivia and can no longer speak english."

"I think whoa is probably singing 4 some Barney thingy now:)"

"Oh they're still out there, they go by the name of Backstreet Boys."

"I think Whoa is doing naughty movies south of the border in Mexico maybe they are even in the US learning the catch phrase That'll be 6.75."

"Oh they're still out there, they go by the name of Backstreet Boys"

"all i have 2 say is toilet service!! they clean the plop johnz on da road!thatz whut they get 4 being lipsingers!! and ever made fun of noah!!!!!!"

"they gave up went for sergury and they had an accedent"

"I think whoa killed each other off one by one!!!!!"

"i think that secretly whoa! is now n'sync but they don't want to take off thier ugly masks b/c everyone will know its thee, they are still lips syncing though! its a little obvious"
