Welcome to Cheap Labor Creations

Hello everyone. We are Cheap Labor Creations, and this is our brand-spankin, hot-off the notepad presses website. (And yes by notepad presses I mean notepad, the crappy text editing program that came with windows 3.0!)

So, we have a website up and running... This means for all y'all that have been itchin to get a taste of what we can do... YOUR TIME IS NOW!

We are currently going to release a Fallout Tactics WW2 MOD Demo. Yes, that's right, a demo of the long-awaited FOT modification that will support MOST of the features of the full version, minus a buncha weapons and the ingame music, and the... well, it's a demo. You know how it goes.

So, take a look around, register on our forums, tell us what you think. We're here to stay, and we hope after seeing what we can do, you will be too.

-Eric Wiessner, CLC "Mod God"