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My Captured Pokemon at Wolfsong's Wilderness

Level 50 Male Salamence
Knows: Rage, Bite, Leer, Dragon Dance, Double Edge, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Double Team, Swift, Toxic, Headbutt, Hidden Power Ice, Focus Energy, Ember, Brick Break, Protect, Dragonbreath, Return, Scary Face, Fly, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt
Holding: Nothing
Drake is my first captured pokemon. At first, Drake was unsure about coming with me, but after traveling together for a while at Draconic Lake he changed his mind and decided to come with me. When Drake joined the team, he was a level 9 bagon. Not long after, Drake ended up having his first battle against a spinarak. Not only did he get a level but we also gained a new teammate, Mystic. Drake is usually calm and nice, however when he enters a battle his demeanor changes. He puts all jokes aside and becomes serious. He is intent on winning. Drake, in one way or another, has assisted in the capture of everyone one of my captees. Drake loves to travel and he is now enjoying life as a captured pokemon. He achieved his dream of evolving into a salamence on 10-29-05.
Trait: Intimidate (upon entering battle, opponets attack lowers one stage.)

Level 14 Female Dratini
Knows: Wrap, Leer, Iron Tail, Dragon Dance, Water Gun, Thunder Wave, Dragonbreath, Extremespeed, Hidden Power Electric, Twister
Holding: Nothing
Drake and i found her when we were exploring the Western Plains. It seemed that she was seperated from her family in a storm. Then an aerodactyl grabbed her and before she could make it back to her nest she lost her grip on the dratini who fell into a spinaraks web. Not long after, we met up with the spinarak and her. She eagerly joined my team, and Drake got to have a battle as well.
Trait: Shed Skin (Every turn, it has a 1 in 3 chance of healing from a status condition.)

Level 14 Female Espeon
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Tickle, Psychic, Sand Attack, Hidden Power Fire, Shadow Ball, Psycho Boost, Crunch, Double Team
Holding: Nothing
Kiyoshi is a quiet pokemon. She doesn't have a lot to say, but when she does, it is best if you listen. When i found her she was a scared little thing and i had to battle her in order to capture her. Eventually, she came to enjoy being on the team and even though her evolution was an accident it suits her. In fact she can't picure herself as anything but an espeon. She has fallen head over paws in love with Blaze and the feelings are mutual. Blaze and Kiyoshi are now officially proud parents of twin boys. Kiyoshi gave birth to them on April 23, 2006 at 5 in the afternoon.
Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralized, or burned, so does the opponent..)

Level 20 Male Ninetales
Knows: Ember, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Safeguard, Confuse Ray, Roar, Heat Wave, Hidden Power Rock, Crunch, Attract, Will-O-Wisp, Iron Tail, Odor Sleuth
Holding: Nothing
This handsome fellow is Enya's father. We met up with him while exploring the dormant volcano. He and Enya almost seemed to recognize each other. Upon finding out that Enya was his daugher, Blaze accepted my invition to join the team. Ever since joining the team, Blaze has been trying to be the dad he wasn't for Enya when she was growing up. He loves his grandchildren to death. Also while being on the team, he and Kiyoshi have formed a tight bond and are now an inseperable couple with twin sons. Blaze couldn't be more prouder of Kiyoshi or his sons if he tried.
Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging fire type move. Once activated, user's fire type moves deal 1.5x damage and user is immune to damage from fire type attacks.)

Level 10 Male Scyther
Knows: Quick Attack, Leer, Silver Wind, Hidden Power Water, Focus Energy, Aerial Ace
Holding: Nothing
This guy hatched on 3-27-05. His parents are the breeding center ditto and Shonta's Scyther Reaper..
Trait: Swarm (when HP is below 1/3, bug's power increases to 1.5 times.)

Level 14 Shiny Genderless Ditto
Knows: Transform
Holding: Nothing
I found Mirage while seaching the Dirt Path Maze for a meowth. I'm still looking for one but when i saw that Mirage was shiny, I hurled my master ball at the ditto. Although technically genderless, Mirage thinks of herself as female and gets angry when anyone calls her an it. She hasn't had an easy life. Her mates that knew her for what she was and loved her just the same was killed by the same group of pokemon that hate dittos. Her son (Cosmo) managed to escape but she didn't know it. For a while she thought that he was dead, but now that she has found him she couldn't be happier. Even more weird, is that Cosmo has the exact same hidden power type that his father had. In a weird twist of fate, Mirage has recently discovered that Cosmo's father is still alive. He had been horrible wounded, but he survived. She recently met up with him and Nick was the result.
Trait: Limber (Prevents paralysis.)

Level 12 Shiny Male Umbreon
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Tickle, Return, Hidden Power Steel, Pursuit
Holding: Nothing
Captured on 9-12-2005. Storywise, Mirage's son. More info to come later. Cosmo evolved into an umbreon on March 4, 2006. Although Cosmo wanted to evolve into an umbreon, his evolution was an accident. He was standing in front of my pack debating on whether or not to evolve when Cora spotted him and came running. Unfortunately, she stumbled and was sent tumbling forwards where she crashed into Ayasha who in turn crashed into Cosmo. Cosmo fell in my backpack and touched the Dusk Stone which cased him to evolve.
Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralized, or burned, so does the opponent..)

Level 6 Male Flareon
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Hidden Power Rock
Holding: Nothing
Pyro is the first born of Blaze and Kiyoshi's twins. He and his brother, Liam, were both born on April 23, 2006.
Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging fire-type move. Once activated, user’s fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage and user is immune to damage from fire-type attacks.)

Level 6 Male Jolteon
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Hidden Power Bug, Double Kick, Spark
Holding: Nothing
Liam is the second born of Blaze and Kiyoshi's twins. He and his brother, Pyro, were both born on April 23, 2006.
Trait: Volt Absorb (healed by up to ¼ maximum Hp when hit by electric type moves.)

Level 13 Shiny* Male Houndour
Knows: Leer, Ember, Roar, Howl, Fire Spin, Hidden Power Ground, Smog, Dream Eater, Hypnosis
Holding: Nothing
While sobbing herself to sleep one night, Tala wished that she was different. Jett, in his innocence,told Tala that if that was what she wanted, then he wished that she was different too. Neither of them saw the shooting star shoot across the sky when Jett said this. Anyways long story short, the next morning when Tala woke up she was no longer a pregnant female houndoom, but a shiny male houdnour. Needless to say it was quite a shock for both her, as well as for me and the team. Tala has chosen to shorten his name to Tal, and is doing his best to adjust to his new form.
Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging fire type move. Once activated, user's fire type moves deal 1.5x damage and user is immune to damage from fire type attacks.)

Level 5 Female Glaceon
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Hidden Power Grass
Trait: Snow Cloak (pokemon evades more easily when it's hailing.)

Level 5 Shiny Male Leafeon
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Return
Trait: Leaf Guard (prevents status conditions during strong sunlight.)

Level 5 Shiny Male Vaporeon
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Return, Hidden Power Psychic, Aurora Beam,
Trait: Water Absorb (healed by up to 1/4 maximum hit points when hit with water type moves.)

Level 6 Female Stunky
Knows: Scratch, Focus Energy, Poison Gas, Crunch
Holding: Nothing

Trait: Aftermath (if Stunky was fainted by a physical attack, the opponent receives damage.)

Level 14 Male Rapidash with Black flames
Knows: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Poison Jab, Megahorn, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Flamethrower, Hidden Power Dragon, Ember
Holding: Nothing

Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging fire type move. Once activated, user's fire type moves deal 1.5x damage and user is immune to damage from fire type attacks.)

Future Team Member when Kiyoshi gives birth.

L.5 M Eevee
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Attract
Trait: Adaptive

Future Team Member when Calleigh gives birth.

L.5 M Eevee with Black Ruff
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, HP: Water
Trait: Run Away

L.5 Shiny M Eevee
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, HP: Fire
Trait: Run Away

Supporting Characters:

Level 18 Female Smeargle with Blue Paw on her back
Knows: Hidden Power Grass, Thunderbolt
Holding: Canvas (Doubles Smeargle's attack.)
She was caught on April 19, 2006. Not much is known about her, except that she does not want to get pregnant.
Trait: Own Tempo (Prevents cofusion.)

Level 6 Black Male Pikachu
Knows: Thundershock, Charm, Wish, Present, Hidden Power Dark, Tail Whip
Holding: Nothing
Jett was born on April 19, 2006. Not much is known about this little guy as he has just hatched. He evolved on April 29, 2006 when he was playing a game of hide and seek with Willow and Crowfeather. He accidentally touched the evolution jewel that i had in there and evolved.
Trait: Static (has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that hit it with an attack that involves physical contact.)

Level 5 White Male Umbreon with Black Rings and Tail
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Shadow Ball, Pursuit
Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralized, or burned, so does the opponent..)