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Ash and Gary should be together. Okay, so Ash will probably end up with a certain ugly red-haired girl. Who cares... we have to proofs for Ash and Gary's love!

Gary is gay
This is the one and only thing I say about that matter. Gary Oak is not straight. Can you imagine him with a girl? Gary? Girl? Nope. Exactly.
And admit it... Ash and Richie were awfully good friends. Really, really, really good friends. Ash really appreciated his friendship with Richie. Okay? Then perhaps I'm just pathetic. But face it already.

Battle of the badge

Do I have to say anything more? I mean... Brock probably likes Gary better than Ash, but did he run to him like Ash did? No. Of course that was caused by Gary's cheerleaders, but still. The point is that Ash was CRADDLING GARY IN HIS ARMS! Did he ever do that to little Ms. "You owe me a bike Ash Ketchum"?
Nopie. Enought for you?
And you know, later in that episode Gary even admitted that "Ash was a pretty good trainer". See? Who said he's that big a jerk? Because he... um... is, yes, but... Whatever!

Showdown at Pokč-coral
Their first meeting after the Viridian Gym incident (Battle of the Badge), and Gary is back to his normal self. But later on in this episode he exchange a glance with Ash. Which almost puts the famous rocketshippy one from "Holy Matrimony" all aside.
Seriously. If you ever see that episode again, you'll have to notice.

There are more, but I just re-did this and I feel lazy, so... not yet!