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Look! It's Ash the hero!


Ash Ketchum is the protagonist of Pokèmon. You know he is. The show is about Ash, what Ash does and his friends and foes... but what do we know about him?

He started out from Pallet the day he turned 10 as a pokèmon trainer, and is probably around 12 now (Johto episodes).

Ash can be a serious jerk at times, but that was more or less in the beginning of the show. He tends to be more than a little slow, but on the other hand he isn't alone in that either. He loves his pokèmon a lot, and he never does anything he doesn't consider right... well more or less. He did dress in drag and help Jessie and Jame break into Erika's gym to get a badge, after all...I said more or less! And Ash in a blond wig and orange dress is a memory worht to save! But usually our dear Ash absolutely despices everything that officer Jenny wouldn't like him doing. He also tends to be a sore looser, but I think he has improved on that part, thouhg.

Whaa? I LOST?! Oh the lovely 'Im so confused' Ash look...

His dream is to become the best pokèmon master ever, and he'd do more or less anything to achieve that goal. He travels around collecting badges and capturing new pokèmon (well that is a rarity but it still counts). His best friend is Pikachu, his first pokèmon, and Ash would do everything to save his friends, no matter what. That can be caused by the fact that Ash rarely thinks before he does something, but even when he do he always are determinated to do what he can.

Call CNN! Ash caught a pokèmon!

Is Ash in love? Well... he hasn't shown any remarcable romantic side, but it seems like he has a little interest in Misty. Palletshippers also point out a few episodes... this doesn't get any way, I'm both a twerpshipper and a palletshipper, so.. err, just ignore me. The conclusion will still be that Ash isn't a romantic guy, and that evetual love life still lies a few years ahead.

His mother is Delia, and she gets money in a way nobody knows... but his father is unknow. The only thing we know about him is from Delia's comment in "Pokèmon emergency" when she tells him that "his father is so proud of him, it took him four days to get there (Viridian) himself". But except that Ash's father is never seen of heard of anymore. Somebody thinks it is Profesor Oak (well he and Delia DO spend an awful lot of time together after all), other that it is Giovanni. In "pokèmon live" Delia tells that she used to hang out with him when she was young or something like that, and Ash and Giovanni do after all look kinda like each other... personally I think Ash's father is either dead or a character never seen. Oak look more like Ash than Giovanni does (Giovanni is creepy... he doesn't have eyebrows!), but he is too old, too. After all he has a grandson.

Ah those musings are over... what more? Okay, don't get me started on ranting on about him, go over to Sketchpads and Badges to get those...