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Whenever fans of male twerps want's them to love, who are they paired with but Misty? That's also Tracey's destiny. Yes, orangeshipping is nothing but the idea of Misty and Tracey's undying love.

Likely? As with any other pairings than Ash/Misty I don't see it that way. It is, of course, caused by me seeing Ash and Misty as two people who'll end up together in the end whether they like it or not, but okay how can it be orangeshipping?

Misty goes for older men? Tracey isn't in love with Oak at all (as I claimed all the time)? After all Tracey doesn't really treat her all that much as a little sister like Brock did… I don't know. All I know is that I like Orangeshipping better than gymshipping, and I'm not sure why…