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..::The Nintendo Game Crew::..

The Nintendo Game Crew
Nintendo Game Crew
In memory of
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Nintendo Release Dates: Aliens: Thanatos Encounter (THQ) GBC Only! Winter 2001|   Castlevania II (Konami) (re-release) GBC Winter 2001|    F-1 Racing Championship (Ubi Soft) GBC Winter 2001|   Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (Titus) GBC Only! Winter 2001|    Inspector Gadget (Ubi Soft) GBC Only! Winter 2001|    Jimmy White's Cueball (Vatical) GBC Only! Winter 2001|   Major League Soccer (Konami) GBC Winter 2001|   NBA Live 2001 (THQ) GBC Only! Winter 2001|   VR Sports Power Boat Racing GBC Only! Winter 2001|   
Thursday, August 1st
Woah, this is crazy! No update since march 19th???? Sorry about all this. Im working on a new layout for the site. So, thats what ive been doin while ive been hideing away, lol. Well, wish me, CJ, and Kevin the best of luck. Enjoy the site!The Webmaster of this site, Brenden (
Hi This is former Co-Webmaster here. YES, you heard me right. FORMER Co-Webmaster. I resigned.. But I am not quitting from working here. I'll just be ocasionally updating and saying stuff. ^_^' I'm trying to see if I can get a better forum than a junky ezboard. So check for updates because we're going to update a lot more. ^_^ Sincerely, Kevin Mondoux (New Email)
Hello all! This is cjmarsh18 here at your service! I am the NEW co-webmaster! You shall see more updates now that I am aboard. ;) If you have any suggestions for the site drop me an email. Peace, Charles Marshall (cjmarsh18@
Vote now! :o)
 Other Cool sites
Pokemon Strike  Wormy Death      Cyber Mew's Pokemon RPG TheGameWizard   The Super Squirtle Page (My sisters site) SPL Super Pokemon Links                      D.H.O.A. Digimon Haters of America (I love this site!) T.R.I.G. An ANTI-anti-pokemon page.
 Other stuff
Link to me! Please put my link on your site!

Hey, Welcome to the Nintendo Game Crew. Here you will find, A Red/Blue Walkthrough, A G/S walkthrough, A Pokedex, Red/Blue Cheats, G/S cheats,Contest, a poll, Pokčmon Roms and some Emulators, Pokčmon pics, Info on Gameboy Advance, Pokemon Crystal, Nintendo Game Cube, and MORE! The site is CONSTANTLY updated about Nintendo. Thanks for chooseing The Nintendo Game Crew for all your Nintendo info!
Just want to say a big "THANKS!" to for there OUTSTANDING site!
If it wernt for there site, my site would be NOWHERE! Here's there link: Need HTML help? GET FUNKY!
BAD BAD NEWS! My computer crashed, and I lost ALL the pics and the Crystal walkthrough! Sorry for ANY truobles this has done. I'm really mad. Everythig is there, exept the pics. Well, I'll c-ya around! I'll try to fix this as soon as I can!
2/01/2001 News is updated every other day. Hi Pokčmon fans! I have made the G/S walkthrough and the G/S cheats. But they will be on the NEW site witch is just INCHES away from being ready!! Again, The Message board is up! So, post what you want!! Well, thats all! Thanks for chooseing The Pokčmon Power Page for all your Pokčinfo! The Webmaster of this site, (Brenden)
1/30/2001 News is updated every other day. Hi Pokčfans! Wass ^? I am still working on the new layout!! The main page is up! And I am working on the G/S walkthrough and G/S cheats! Well, Thats all! And thanks for chooseing The Pokčmon Power Page V 2.0 for your Pokčmon Info!! The Webmaster of this site, (Brenden)
1/25/2001 News is updated every other day. Hi Pokčfans! I put up the message board! Check it out! It under My Links. Well, I am ALMOST done with the new site! The New polls up! Well, Thats all! And thanks for choseing The Pokčmon Power Page for your Pokčinfo! The Webmaster of this site, (Brenden)
The Nintendo Game Crew ©1998-2002: No reproduction of the contents of this site is permitted without expressed written permission from The Nintendo Game Crew. Most images were created by The Nintendo Game Crew and are copyrighted. Anyone who steals, modifys, or sells these images will be punished to the fullest extent by law.
Nintendo ©1986-2002 This is an unofficial site and is in no way associated with Nintendo or any other company mentioned on this page. All logos are property of their respective owners and cannot be used as your own creation.

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