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          HeyI I'm Sean Bascom and this is my brand spankin new website. first ever so don't be mad if it sucks. I was bored with homework one night so I decided to make a website. Exciting, huh?
          This site is here so I can put stuff out in the world, without any type of actual physical confrontation. Sweet, eh? Well I don't have a digital camera or scanner at the moment, but eventually I will be able to put some sort of photography on the site. For now you will just have to settle for my ramblings. I know you like to hear me ramble better than see pictures anyway.
Credible Crew
The Sean Is Awesome Site
Dreidle dreidle dreidle!
I'm not jewsish but it sure as hell is a fun game!

 Best flick?
Andrew Reynolds
PJ Ladd
Tom Penny
Chris Cole
Mike Ball


This page was last updated on: May 31, 2003