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Phoenix's Relm

Hi Ya! I'm Tatinna and this is my neopet Golden_Articuno's website. This website is dedicated to Phoenix, Giffins, and other mythical creatures.
If I had lived 4500 years ago, I would have been...
an Egyptian!

One of the first civilizations (and also the longest lasting) was Egypt. Most famous for the gigantic tombs of stone called the pyramids, they also established many things that we take for granted today: a 365 day calender, paper, and basic arithmetic to name a few.

When you want something done, you get it done! You're very determined and practice at things until you like the result. Chances are you're a perfectionist, but hey, that's a good thing!

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If I had lived 200 years ago, I would have been...
an Inuit!

Living off the land in the Arctic Circle, these nature-loving folk are practical and use every scrap of the animals they hunt. Though they are more commonly called the Eskimo, they prefer Inuit, which means "The Real People".

Like them, you are respectful of nature and very resourceful. Your art has its own very distinct style which can be recognized at a flash.

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You are Charmy Bee. Boy, I feel sorry for you... You're just down right
annoying. The lighter side is, out of you and
your friends, you're the brains of the outfit
but you're too unique to act like it. Sugar is
NOT your friend.

Which Chaotix Member Are You?
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If I were a cat, I would be a… Lynx!

Lynxes (Lynx lynx) are compact, agile cats found in great numbers worldwide. Their coats are brownish gray and are covered with irregular spots. They have unique tufted ears and fluffy cheeks.

Being a Lynx, you are a very quiet person. You have many talents yet prefer to keep them quiet rather than flaunting them boldly. Many admire you – and for good reason!

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You are Cyborg 002!
You are Cyborg 002!

Which Cyborg 009 Character Are You?
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