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Travis Jackson's Career Page

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My Super Diary Page

ME page


What a noble dream to become a Hobo
I spend many lonley nights alone in my bed contemplating this superb career choice

I can walk around the country seeing all the beautiful people and landscapes.
I can learn the ways of Hobo fighting in combat duels with fellow Hobos
The life of a Hobo
What else can I say?
Such a Great life style!
Having no job and no food is so fun
I have always wanted to sleep in the gutter
Or some sort of cardboard box
Maybe i would find a nice maytag dryer box somewhere
Ohh! I could fold it up and carry it around with me
That is ingenious..
Man! I am so smart
Why are you so smart Travis?
I do not know... Maybe I am a robot ghost
And maybe my robot logic programing has been blocked from finding out that i am a robot ghost
Well to summurize all this...

Hobos should all become robot ghosts and live in the ocean

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