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Our tour of the Kennedy Space Center
Our tour of the Kennedy Space Center is in Florida, Cape Canaveral. When  you enter  you will greated by one of many spacemen who have been on a real mission.Cool huh?! The kennedy space center is also a animal refuage it has thousands of animals an is a national wild life center, isn't that amazing I think it is. 
The kennedy space center also has a bunch of cool stuff like a no gravity room so that you can go in on your tour wow isn't that amazing. Wow, isn't it so cool that the space center is also a national wild life center. When you are taking tours you can view the amazing things not just stuff about space but now stuff about animals.
The kennady space center is a great place for the family you can view launches into space on special ocations. wow amazing. Ok well im goin to go to the space center now and see the amazing things ok well I hope you love my site ok have a amazing day ok bye.
Kennedy space center has been arround since the time of Neil Armstrong. the firast man to ever set foot on the moon. wow isn't that amazing!!  Done by: Brian, Jeff, Scott, and Dillon
When you walk into the kennedy space center you are amazed by what you see there are amazing thing all arround you you will be amazed at what you see it is undesribable it is so amazing. It space stuff! email to :
Make sure that you see the gift shop in the main lobby. it is filled with gifts for the whole family. its amazing at what you can do at the kennedy space center. 

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Last updated on 3/31/04