Hello!! You might know me from such places as "Somewhere" or ya know somewhere! So hello anyways, and enjoy this little place or else..*shakes fist...

Okay so the bgmusic...uh...it is the only one I can find at the moment, so ha! You can go with it right??
*here are the names of people and who they are..
-Kyle: My brother
-Cody: Kyle's friend, and an annoying little boy!!
-Sabrina: My doggy!!
-Kerry: a neighbor kid
-Kyles friend's dad: Kerry's dad Big Kerry..evil!!
-Lena: my awesome friend in AZ..who is a fam friend too
-Chris: another good friend in AZ (I knew him since I was 2
-Pooh: Cody's sister

-Hey here is my broken arm...yay!! (hint: look below)-
OOOOOH itz bluepeace, well kinda
"how I broke my wrist..again"

Okay so itz been about five years, since that day I broke my arm back on July 12, 1999. Yeah but this time it wasn't my fault, because you see we were playing that fun, but not fun game if you actually suck at it..Diarreah. Its not what it sounds like though, its just a name Kyle and Cody gave it. The object of the game is to try to knock down someone on the trampoline by kicking their legs or bouncing them down. You can only have 3 people on at a time, and you can't touch the blue thingy or else your out until someone gets knocked down. So anyways everything was going good, until Kyle got mad of loosing by me and Cody after we ganged up on him. So now he was in sore looser mode which means he is evil and angry and comes back with lame comebacks...you know what I mean don't you LENA?? Well he almost broke Cody's leg by choke slamming him, and then he came after me, so I tried to back away, but it was no use..so I kicked him in his shoulder, barely. He then turned real evil, and jump kicked me. I then was real high in the air, about 7 feet..(really I tell ya!)and I thought I could grab the bar, but nope! I put me left arm out, and before I knew it, BAMM!! I hit the ground, right in the mud! Then Kyle jumped off and went into the "I'll do anything, but just don't hurt me mode" and he threw hundreds of questions at me in one second, but I was to busy looking at my arm..which was very tingly, but hardly no pain, it just felt like I got punched in the wrist. So I decided to put ice on it..(but I got my revenge, by giving Mr. Kyle a friendly punch, and supercharged sock, so hard, he got sick to his Stummy. haha!! About 2 hrs later my dad took me to his dads house..(GP's)my grandpaw, to get a 2nd opinion about it, and he told us to go to the hospital, so we went and it was broken, his reply.."what!? AGAIN?"
So now Kyle's punishment is to be my fulltime servant until I am healed, and I just have to enjoy the freetime..hehe, oh what a life!!

-Stuff I'm up to lately..
playing the Gamecube (Cel Damage, The Sims), having fun doing things one handed, watching new and unusual shows on tv, and enjoying the days before I have to go back to school.

*Pirates Of the Carribean
*Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life
*How to Deal
*Spy Kids 3D
*Charlies Angel's Full Throttle
*Terminater 3
I think these are all, but I don't know

-Main Events that happened this summer
*I almost punched out Kyle's friends dad..(okay I was sick that day and in a groggy mood and had no sleep, and then he comes banging on our door, almost knocking down all of the pictures on the wall..it was like he was going to break down the wall!!.., and I was sleeping on the couch. So I went to answer it, and I thought it was one of the stalker neighbor kids, so I opened the door real fast, and took a swing, but stopped, a inch away from the guy. All he wanted was to speak to his son, about something stupid, dang, what a freakin'_____ sorry.. he's just the type of person who wines about the stupidest things in the world, all of the time.

*Sabrina's dog house collapsed, or the roof. (She sleeps on the roof like snoopy and it started to wear out, so she fell through one day..so funny!!)

*Invasion of the people who spend the night!!!! (Dang almost everynight someone would spend the night, and would stay the day at our house..I asked them once-why they like to come over to our house, and they said because they would never get bored and our house always smelled good, and was nice inside..wow I said.)

*Thats all I can think of right now..

==================================== Thursday, August 13, 2003..
oh yes today is the day that I went to an awesome place, called Kings Island..in OhiO. Here check out the rides I went on below..

**Just click on the link and you can check out all of the ride specs below..
Son Of Beast
Adventure Express
Flight of Fear
The Beast
The Eiffel Tower
Spongebob 3-D
Scooby Doo and the haunted house(my score was 1050)
and others, but I don't quite remember...
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