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Rafes phat blog
Friday, December 24, 2004
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: with my eyelids
I am soooooo happy. christmas is tomorrow and i am stoked. i hope I get the $639 hamster terarium that i asked for. it houses 27 russian dwarf hamsters. I am going to sleep now to wake up @ 4 AM so i can open my presents. BYE!!!!

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 12:01 AM
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: with my picture of you know who.
well, well, guess whos back. its me. well sooooo much has happened since the last time I have talked to you guys. I am about to tell you the most exiting story, ever. EVER!!!!!! ok, I was sitting in my bed and watching tv and petting my cat, oh wait, I was masterbaiting. yea thats it. then i went to the phone and called some guy, and we did sommmmmething. i dont really remember..... oh well, it was AMAZING. then i went snowboarding the next day. oh wait, no, I went skiing. yea... skiing. thats it. then i went and busted a mute grab. no wait it was a backy. yeaaaaa a big backy. then i went home, oh wait i went to Trents. yeaaaa, trents. well wa-ever. damn, i have to go rub Camamile on my grandpas chest and read him to sleep. bye guys.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 4:50 PM
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
This is crazzzzzy
Now Playing: with my dads toes

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 5:04 PM
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Day #5840 of my life
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: with my Jacob action figure
well guys today was ok. first i found out i have AIDS. but more importantly i hung out with Jacob. he is soooo neat, i am going to name my kids(all 14 i plan to have, once i find a suitable host.) after him. then we wemt to Reno together, but dont tell his mom, dad, aunt, uncle, or cousins; cause wasnt supposed to go. but he did and we had fun happies. first we got in his car, then we closed the doors. after that we put on our seatbelts. jacob the great adjusted his mirror so he could see me. and we left his driveway. then me passed his neighbors. after that we stopped at the stop sign because Jacob is a perfect law abiding citizen. then we talked about our day so far. after that we went to reno and did stuff. then we got back in his car and hit The Red Button. then his car morphed and we drove upside down on the top of the tunnel and listened to Elvis. then we killed a bug cause he ate my gun and tried to take over the earth. then we went to La Gato Negro. its this little house we found in the middle of reno that served food. it was good until I found a dead cat in my burrito(which was all they served.). then Jacob found out that masterbating in front of another guy isnt really "gay". so we did that and a little more that you might consider a "little gay". then we drove back. when we got back we talked for like for hours about how fat and ugly some of the guys at school are, and who we where going to ask to prom. he makes me laugh and feel warm inside. the we braided jacobs sisters hair and Jacob and her made out. it was soooo gross and it pissed me off because she is supposed to be going solid with trent. I am also a little suspicious because i think trent might be hooking up with Michelle, who is Austins cousin, who is supposed to be with Rachel, who broke up with Joe, who is now going out with laury. GOSH, what a tangled web we weave. then me and jacob took a bubble bath together, because he doesnt have a hot tub. After that Jacobs mom came home and we had a long chat about how Jacobs adjusting to his new school. she is such a hoot. I told her Jacob will be fine. he just needs some time to let the other guys know how much of a great guy he is. she gave me a back rub and Me and Jacob went out to lunch. we went to this new Italian restraunt called Le Squlik. it was soooo good. I had a Cheeseburger and some won ton soup. I ate it in 14 seconds flat. then i was full, so i went to the bathroom and threw it back up. then we got in my car and went shoe shopping. while we where there i bought jacob a $200 pair of shoes. then we went and walked in the park. we saw some losers flying these little toy planes and we laughed at them. what dorks! then we went and got Ice cream. i got bubble gum with gummy bears and sprinkles and peeps on top. it was soooo good that i didnt even want to throw it back up. then we went back to my casa(which is spanish for house.)and played chesskers. we invented it, its a mix between Monopoly and backgammon. then I snuggled up with a good book and went to bed. four seconds later, I woke up and went to my desk and called Jacob. we chatted and made jokes and happies together. then we watched TV on the phone and I told him my deepest secret. which is that i got a B on a test last week and told people I got an A. please dont tell anyone. Then I went to my Computer, and booted it up. It boots up in four seconds since i hopped it up. its almost as fast as my X-box, which is a smidgen slower than my PS3. im the first one in the world to have it. it cost me $1100 and a kidney. Damn Japanese, they want everyhting. Then i typed this blog. it took me like 5 minutes with eight hurt fingers. well im kinda dizzy now, so im gonna go to bed. Peace out guys.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 2:53 PM
Updated: Friday, November 26, 2004 3:04 PM
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Monday, November 22, 2004
hi dudes
Now Playing: with my friends brothers sega genises.
today was hecka gay. well actually it was cool. wait... no it was real gay. first i was asleep, then i opened my eyes. it was hella bright and i was hella tired. then my mom was mad cuz her coffee tasted bad so she poured it on me. well that woke me up. then i thought about what my day was going to be like. i dreamt that i was a popular for one day. first i went to school and my seat didnt have gum on it. then i dreamt the populars aked me to sit with them instead of throwing mayonaise on me. then ms tallant gave me gold star and let me talk. it was hella awsome. then i actually got to do a lab instead of having all of the chemicals poured on me. then all of a sudden i woke up and it was 8:53:23:34:01 AM. then put on my roller skates and my dad towed me to school. then i fell on my butt and I almost cried(but i didnt, i swear). then I went in and talked to Austin and Trent but i dont think they could hear me, because they wouldnt look at me or talk to me. well i had my lucky Hampton the Hamster shirt on so it didnt bug me one bit. well after that i went to chemistry an hour early to set up my desk, and get the best seat(up front in the middle). well i had it and I was ready to learn. then Austin called me out into the hall. I was soooo excited that i tripped over my self and the Mean Girls spit on me. well i gotr up and ran to the door. when i got out they jumped my. they where so fast. they beat my butt hella bad, and threw bugs and snakes on me. i am alergic to snakes so i went to the hospital. then i went home and played russian roulette with myself. i was a little bummed that i didnt lose, so i went and typed this, well, back to my game.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 3:20 PM
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Jimmy newtron is dope.
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: with my boobs
Hi guys and gals, i am just sittin here and watchin my fav show. jimmy newtron boy genius. soooo how was my day. first i went to chemistry and i was sooo hungry i passed out. when i came to, i was covered in pudding and dead bugs. it was weird, so i walked to my car, then my car started talking to me, and we discussed the relation of the plasma discharge from uranus to the formula x=8%k&lxa$7=7y.
then i realized i was on pcp and i got sober. then i went to safeway and masterbated in the bathroom(someone drew a pic of some boobs, and its hot.) i always masterbate there. then i went back to school and graded calc papers for ms ebyam. i always love a good chalenge. then i went and played pokemon revolutions 2000 online. i am the only one that has it, so its kinda boring. then i played dungeons and dragons with my cat(I won!) then i went and played with my mom. we played monopoly. then i went to bed. then i woke up and took a shower. it was now 1:30 PM. then i went to bed again. then i woke up and wrote this. goodnight, it is 2:30 pm and i am tired so bu-bye.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 4:30 PM
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
My day was ok
Now Playing: with my 50 cent action figure(its seriously not a doll)
hey everyone, today was fun, i played all day in the nice warm sun. i went to school, cuz i aint no fool, I dont want to end up a nasty old tool. i played with trent, he got all bent, when i told him how i hang out with brent. then i saw austin and i talked a lot to him. then i went to the hill, and gave it a twirl, then sean was with a girl. except that girl was an imposta, and she, i mean he, was a flasta. then i went home and flew my plane made of foam.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 2:33 PM
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Monday, November 15, 2004
cool day
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: with my hamsters rolly wheel.
Today started like any other day. I awoke to my dad's ass right in front of my face because he thinks its funny to wake me up by farting in my face. then i went and flew my RC plane in the morning fog. it was sooo foggy. I mean seriously, I couldnt even see my hands in front of my face. I had to fly it by noise. then I went to kemastrie and filled my head with noleg. then we found out that MS. TALLENT had gotten a couple new fish. we asked where the old ones went and she fed us some bullshit about them being to agressive and her giving them back. I think she had them killed by a hitman because we thought they where cooler than her. then I went and flew my plane with austin. after that trent came along. we flew and flew then I had the idea to fly through the Gazeebo. I tried to get trent to do it but he was way to pussy to try it. then I tried it and did it! then trent tried it and crashed. he slapped me and screamed at Austin. then Austin got mad at me and threw my plane at the ground. we left and i ate Now and Laters. then I went home and booted up my Computer and then i went to then I typed what you guys just read. and Austin, this blog is copyrighted, so, IN YOUR FACE!!:-)

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 3:18 PM
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
Mood:  accident prone
this was the 14th greatest day i have ever had in my entire meaningless life. first i didnt wake up to myself crying as usual. then my dad didnt spit on me. when I called these people I know (trent and his cat) he actually picked up his phone!!!:-) then my mom bought me my only christmas present because she won on the slot machines. Its a rubber band airplane and it is the best. I brought it home and flew it twice. then i decided to strap my hammie to it. BAD IDEA. my hamster was waaaaay too heavy and when i threw it the plane went dooowwwn then the prop broke off and it cut my hamster tummy open. I didnt know what to do so i just put it back in its cage. oh yea, I forgot to tell you, It was my moms hamster. she found out and now i am grounded for about three days or untill my mom gets sober and forgets about it. i am writing this because she is at the casino and she wont be back till tomorrow. well bye.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 4:07 PM
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
Mood:  happy
Today sucked cheese. first me and my posse woke up and ate some fiznood. then T-rent and lil J-key got all up in my piece about flyin dey planes. so i was like "wa eva" and they bounced. thiznen I wizas all like "waaaaat" and I bounced ova to da field dey was at. I watched T-rent and killa fly dey planes. T-rent was loopin an rollin like i role dem da der jizoints. I got up in dere and caught a plane. den we bounced to Da Hill and did some tearin. we got TOed and lizeft dat place. den we went bizack and rizented a mizovie. we jacked some fools pooch and took him fo a spin in ma ride beeeatch. den we got bizack and some bitch ass nigga punked ma ride. i was piiiiiissssed izoff. but den T-rent capped his ass wif hid fita pliznane. den we beefed. peace

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 4:08 PM
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
This is my one legged hamster

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 3:57 PM
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Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: with my hopped up X Box (and a little with penis)
I am writting this on my cell phone, so dont get mad if there is some spelling errors. well, Sean and Austin are going to Las Vegas to play a little game of futbol. I sure hope Austin's mom had enough cell phone service to call so he could play. I played HALO 2 and had a doozey of a time. then i went with trent to help his mom move stuff into storage. when she went into the room and we locked her in. It was soooo funny. we left her there and came back in like ten minutes. then she started yelling at trent and he got really mad. when she said he was grounded, he lunged at her. he hit her in the head and started to tear off her shirt. I pulled him off and we put his mom(unconcious) into the storage room. we locked the door and then went and got lunch. I bought a pen/radio controlled land-based miroscopicly sized vehicalular device. It is sooo neat. my mom and dad are buying on tomorrow. we just wasted all the batteries chasing my hamster around.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 3:38 PM
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
My Song

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 4:06 PM
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Trents kinda okay I guess
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Sorta with trent
I apologize for that last blog everybody, Trent actually isnt that bad. and to prove it here is a list of 20 things that he has going for him.

1. He has a nice butt

2. he has, i mean had a ferret.

3. he has a wicked awsome monster truck.

4. hes a pretty desent Magic Player.

5. he has a cool dog.

6. he has a nice butt.

7. he has a cool cat.

8. he can bust some pretty dope freestyles.

9. he can beat box.

10. he has a nice butt.

11. he has a huuuuuge weiner (4 3/4")

12. His brother is good at video games and trail riding.

13. He has a 50.

14. He has an Rc plane.

15. He has a nice butt.

16. He has two copies of Brink, the best movie ever.

17. He won an urchins medalion in a race for the mountain.

18. He has 12 hamsters.

19. his annual hamster circus is the coolest event of the year.

20. He has a dope bedroom in the garage of his grandparents house.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 3:06 PM
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Trent and his homework
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: alone
I was just talking to trent on the phone and we were having an amazing conversation. then out of nowhere, he tell me he has to go do his homework. WHAT THE FUCK!!! thats sooo gay of him. I thought that i was important but i guess Im not. maybe I need to not hang out with him anymore. I have heard that he has also been talking shit behind my back about how he is a way better Magic player. well Trent if your soooo fuckin hot, why cant you beat me. I mean you even have a level 12 COMMANDER card and you still cant beat me. Well you and me are through you little fuckin bitch. I am sooo sick of you. I mean, what have you done for me? Nothing! thats what. I give and give and give and all you do is take, take, take, and give jack shit back. Well fuck you and goodbye you little asshole, maybe you'l treat your other friends a little better. that is if you have any.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 2:48 PM
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My hamster

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 2:41 PM
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A ski day for me and sean
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: with my penis with my hand and a little bit of lubrication
Topic: new members
Well im back and i had a blast today. First I decided to go to CHEMISTRY 101 again. I learned soooo much. I can just feel the knowledge pulsating through my mind. me and sean went to boreal after school and had a blast. me and sean were jibbing this building and gettin' ten kinds of nasty all over the place. then sean tried to do some super knarly tricks and hit the building toooo fast. he road onto the roof and went wayyyyyyyayyyayya to big. he launched off of the other side and landed in the icy flats. since I had told him to do it and my DNA was all over him, I dragged the body into the woods and hid it under about 2" of snow. I hope no one finds the body anytime soon. then I landed a 270 on to Pinky Toe and felt sooo cool. I asked everyone around me if they nsaw it and how cool it was on a scale of one to ten. then i did a butter slide on the roller and it was cool to. pretty much everything I di today was cool. I went in and put on my snowblades because I wanted to try a back flip on this kicker i made. I wish trent was there to video tape it, because i almost landed it. But he couldnt be there because he was puttin a bangin system in for a bebe that he knows, I hope he made to second base(good luck trent, my fingers and toes are crossed for you). It was soooooo sick. I accidently over rotated and landed on my back. I knocked the wind out of myself and it hurt so bad that I just lied there and screamed for ski patrol. when they finally came, I felt better so I got up and skied away. Then I came down to the bottom and got some hot cocoa. I drank it soo fast I threw up all over the cashier. then I had to go poop, but I couldnt make it, so I crapped all over myself and the surrounding area. I felt like crap cause I couldnt clean it all out, so I called my mom to come get me. when she got there I changed my clothes and hugged her. then I went home and took a bubble bath. Then I went and played with my new hamster. it only has one leg so it can only crawl around in circles. i have to put it on a tec-deck to make it move fast. sometimes I tape it to the tec-deck and put it in my hot-wheels track and make him do the loops. hes also blind and deaf so he cant do to much, but hes still the funnest thing i have, I really hope my dad doesnt kill this one to. I want to keep bloggin but i have to bounce out of heezy, peace out. actually im not done writting this dope blog yet. I just found out that austin had a wet dream about me and that is a ok with me cuz ive had plenty about him. I found out that things can go in my butt a while ago, but eveyone knows that. But I dont think you guys know that things can go in your peehole to. It hurts at first, but then the calluses start to build up and it feel soooooo good. my new favorit song is by the A Teens, it is sooo hot. It is called the Dancing Queen, and shes only seventeen, ba da ba da ba ba ba do wop ala ba bo be bop ski do. I also like Hanson alot. well I forgot to tell you about CHEMISTRY 101 today. first I made a somersalt into the class, then Austin sexually asaulted me and took my CUBE. he got pissed that he couldnt solve it and broke it. well i fixed and trent solved it. Austin cryed and pulled trents hair untill trent started crying. I felt bad so I went up to Austin and scratched his face. he tryed to scratch me but I blocked and bit his hand. Then I got an A+ for the day and went skiing with sean, but you already know that, byedy Bye for now. just kidding again, actually i am going to go take a shower and probably play with my penis and my butthole

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 1:43 PM
Updated: Tuesday, November 9, 2004 4:47 PM
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Monday, November 8, 2004
creeped out
I just found out that my mom really did step on a mouse and my hamster got out of the way last second. I found a steel heater vent chewed through in my room and I went out on the deck and found my dog dead. its head had a hole in it about the size of my hamster. kinda a weird coinsadance though. well im gonna go walk around my house then go to bed alone cuz my parents arent here. well bye.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 6:15 PM
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Bad news about my hammie
Mood:  sad
I am really sad right now because I accidently killed my hammie. I was playing with it and it had bitten me like six times and I was about to put it away in its 200 dollar custom fit cage when it lunged at me. I reacted to quickly and swatted into the wall. It started to freak out and cough up blood and drag its head around in circles and foaming out of its ears. my mom came in and freaked out and thought it was a mouse so she stomped it. well i have to go clean off the walls now. bye

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 6:07 PM
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New hamster For meeeee!!!!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: with my hamster rafe jr.
Today I got a new hamster because my dad killed my last ones(he said he was sorry). I begged and begged and he finally let me buy a new one. It is black and white and yellow and blue and orange and red and gray and purple and green. Its a huskanavarian hamster that costs me 70 bucks. I bought it online and when it came in the mail it limped and spitted and hissed at me. Maybe i can try to train it to listen to its name in the next year and half of its ling life. wish me luck.

Posted by pokemon2/rafesblog at 6:01 PM
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