Welcome To Pokemon World!

What's this site about? For those who remember it's me JLB, I was just becoming a regular writer for the Pokemasters before the massive bandwidth killed the site. I finished up Emerald: A New World (Though it was a hit on the site I still don't like it! Too many mistakes and such forth keeps me from liking my first fic.) and have it posted here. I just finished up Draco's Flame, Year of The Dragon and I am currently beginning the official Emerald Sequel: Amber: Conspiracies. It's been fun writing Draco and Ace's adventures but Amber will be the last of the series. I want to end it before people get tired of them. I will still write but, I don't know exactly what to start on after Amber.

I have recently changed the whole format of this site from game and fanfic content over to entirely Fanfic content. There is still access to all the old stuff (Except for the video game stuff that has all been trashed) Among the new stuff: Ralph's Sketch book and more of my sketches as well. There is a new revised edition of Emerald on the way so watch for it. Among the changes is the first and major new change! This site is no longer suitable for all ages. I read some excellent fiction on other sites and that changed what I thought was acceptable as a PokeFic.

I hope you enjoy my site and my other websites which I'll post links for later. (Note: Demonics and Hauntings is going down! I lost my interest in the paranormal) -JLB

Fan Fiction.


Loki Gallery

Realm Of Light (My Rpg)

Raychu's Lounge (Message Board)

Pichu 32's Faq Section


The Rpg Page