The Realm Of Light Logs:

The following are the events that have taken place in Realm of Light rpg. The following stories have been written with the combined efforts of the games players so enjoy:

The Body (PG): The Realm Of Light, a peaceful harbor to several species of pokemon is about to change. The Utopian society is about to find the one thing that could destroy their community...
Authors: JLB, Blissy, and Raychu

Life Goes On (PG):Lupaul tries to forget the bloody scene they discovered. Lupaul and Azura enjoy a day together in the valley.
Authors: JLB, Blissy, and Raychu

Wandering Back Into His Life (PG):Nysokatta a wandering ewe returns to the valley to discover her sister Juna was killed.
Authors: JLB, Blissy and Raychu

An Old Enemy (PG-13):Meet the ruthless killers of Juna and her lamb.
Authors: JLB, Raychu, and Blissy

The Painted Smeargle (PG):Lupaul and Azura returning from their day by the pond discover a calf, a miltank calf that witness a hideous crime.
Authors: JLB, Blissy and Raychu

The Slaughter (PG-13):Ray-ray leads the investigation in the matter of a tauros and miltank herd that never arrived into the valley.
Authors: Raychu, JLB, and Blissy