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Hey thanks for visiting my website, if you want to know any basic stuff from ANY Pokemon (Including the new ones from Ruby/Saphire!) like their height/wight, how they evolve, and stuff like that just scroll down, we have all the 386 Pokemon here with their own picture! If you want ROMS for EVERY version, including RUBY & SAPPHIRE(All ROMs are 100% English) and cheats, pokemon locations, and a walkthrough for Ruby & Sapphire, click here. If you have any questions or find any errors please drop me an e-mail. Please don't forget to sign my guestbook!!!! And finally also visit

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Info: A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with the pokemon
Type: Grass
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 15 lbs
Evolution: Ivysaur(Level 16)
Venasaur(Level 32)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow

Info: When the bulb on its back grows large, it appears to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs.
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 29 lbs
Evolution:Venasaur(Level 32)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow

Info: The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight.
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 221 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow

Info: Obviously prefers hot places. When it rains, steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail.
Type: Fire
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 19 lbs
Evolution: Charmeleon(Level 16)
Charizard(Level 36)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow

Info: When it swings its burning tail, it elevates the temperature to unbearably high levels.
Type: Fire
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 42 lbs
Evolution: Charizard(Level 36)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow

Info: Spits fire that is hot enough to melt boulders. Known to cause forest fires unintentionally.
Type: Fire/Flying
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 200 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow

Info: A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with the pokemon
Type: Water
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 20 lbs
Evolution: Wartortle(Level 16)
Blastoise(Level 36)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow

Info: Often hides in water to stalk unwary prey. For swimming fast, it moves its ears to maintain balance.
Type: Water
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 50 lbs
Evolution: Blastoise(Level 36)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow

Info: A brutal Pokémon with pressurized water jets on its shell. They are used for high speed tackles.
Type: Water
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 189 lbs
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow

Info: Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls.
Type: Bug
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 6 lbs
Evolution: Metapod(Level 7)
Butterfree(Level 10)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: This Pokémon is vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body.
Type: Bug
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 22 lbs
Evolution: Butterfree(Level10)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: In battle, it flaps its wings at high speed to release highly toxic dust in the air.
Type: Bug/Flying
Height: 32'7"
Weight: 71 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head.
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 7 lbs
Evolution: Kakuna(Level 7)
Beedrill(Level 10)
Found in: Red, Blue, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Almost incapable of moving, this Pokémon can only harden its shell to protect itself from predators.
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 22 lbs
Evolution: Beedrill(Level 10)
Found in: Red, Blue, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Flies at high speed and attacks using its large venomous stingers on its forelegs and tail.
Type: Bug/Poison/Flying
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 65 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Blue, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 4 lbs
Evolution: Pidgeotto(Level 18)
Pidgeot(Level 36)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Very protective of its sprawling territorial area, this Pokémon will fiercely peck at any intruder.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 66 lbs
Evolution: Pidgeot(Level 36)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as Magikarp.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 87 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 8 lbs
Evolution: Raticate(Level 20)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It uses its whiskers to maintain balance. It apparently slows down if they are cut off.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 41 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Eats bugs in grassy areas. It has to flap its short wings at high speed to stay airborne.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 4 lbs
Evolution: Fearow(Level 20)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: With its huge and magnificent wings, it can keep aloft without ever having to land for rest.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 84 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Moves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of birds, such as Pidgey and Spearow whole.
Type: Poison
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 15 lbs
Evolution: Arbok(Level 22)
Found in: Red, Gold, Silver, Crystal
Note: If you read "Ekans" backwards it will say "snake".

Info: It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area.
Type: Poison
Height: 11'6"
Weight: 143 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Gold, Silver
Note: If you read "Arbok" backwards it will say "kobra".

Info: When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
Type: Electric
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 13 lbs
Evolution: (Evolves from #172 Pichu with friendship)
Raichu(Thunder Stone)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high voltage power.
Type: Electric
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 66 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Burrows deep underground in arid locations far from water. It only emerges to hunt for food.
Type: Ground
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 26 lbs
Evolution: Sandslash(Level 22)
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Curls up into a spiny ball when threatened. It can roll while curled up to attack or escape.
Type: Ground
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 65 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

#29 NIDORAN(female)
Info: Although small, its venomous barbs render this Pokémon dangerous. The female has smaller horns.
Type: Poison
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 15 lbs
Evolution: Nidorina(level 16)
Nidoqueen(Moon Stone)
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The female's horns develops slowly. Prefers physical attacks such as clawing and biting.
Type: Poison
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 44 lbs
Evolution: Nidoqueen(Moon Stone)
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its hard scales provide strong protection. It uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves.
Type: Poison
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 132 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

#32 NIDORAN(male)
Info: Stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom.
Type: Poison
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 20 lbs
Evolution: Nidorino(Level 16)
Nidoking(Moon Stone)
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: An aggressive Pokémon that is quick to attack. The horn on its head secretes a powerful venom.
Type: Poison
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 20 lbs
Evolution: Nidoking(Moon Stone)
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It uses its powerful tail in battle to smash, constrict, then break the prey's bones.
Type: Poison
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 137 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its magical and cute appeal has many admirers. It is rare and found only in certain areas.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 17 lbs
Evolution: (Evolves from #173 Cleffa with friendship)
Clefable(Moon Stone)
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A timid Pokémon that is rarely seen. It will run and hide the moment it senses people.
Type: Normal
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 88 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: At the time of the birth, it has just one tail. The tail splits from its tip as it grows older.
Type: Fire
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 22 lbs
Evolution: Ninetales(Fire Stone)
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1,000-year curse.
Type: Fire
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 44 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 12 lbs
Evolution: (Evolves from #174 Igglybuff with friendship)
Wigglytuff(Moon Stone)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The body is soft and rubbery. When angered, it will suck in air and inflate itself to an enormous size.
Type: Normal
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 26 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Forms colonies in perpetually dark places. Uses ultrasonic waves to identify and approach targets.
Type: Poison/Flying
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 17 lbs
Evolution: Golbat(Level 17)
#169 Crobat(Friendship)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Once it strikes, it will not stop draining energy from its victim even if it gets too heavy to fly.
Type: Poison/Flying
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 121 lbs
Evolution: #169 Crobat(Friendship)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: During the day, it keeps its face buried in the ground. At night, it wanders around sowing its seeds.
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 12 lbs
Evolution: Gloom(Level 21)
Vileploom(Leaf Stone)
#182 Bellossom(Sun Stone)
Found in: Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The fluid that oozes from its mouth isn't drool. It is a nectar that is used to attract prey.
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 19 lbs
Evolution: Vileploom(Leaf Stone)
#182 Bellossom(Sun Stone)
Found in: Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up.
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 41 lbs
Evolution: #182 Bellossom(Sun Stone)
Found in: Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Burrows to suck tree roots. The mushrooms on its back grow by drawing in nutrients from the bug host.
Type: Bug/Grass
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 12 lbs
Evolution: Parasect(Level 24)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A host-parasite pair in the which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places.
Type: Bug/Grass
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 65 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Lives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats insects. It is attracted by light at night.
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 66 lbs
Evolution: Venomoth(Level 31)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The dust-like scales covering its wings are color coded to indicate the kinds of poison it has.
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 28 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Lives about one yard underground where it feeds on plant roots. It sometimes appears above ground.
Type: Ground
Height: 0'8"
Weight: 21 lbs
Evolution: Dugtrio(Level 26)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A team of Diglett triplets. It triggers huge earthquakes by burrowing 60 miles underground.
Type: Ground
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 73 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Adores circular objects. Wanders the streets on a nightly basis to look for dropped loose change.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 9 lbs
Evolution: Persian(Level 28)
Found in: Blue, Silver, Crystal

Info: At the time of the birth, it has just one tail. The tail splits from its tip as it grows older.
Type: Normal
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 71 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Silver, Crystal

Info: While lulling its enemies with its vacant look, this wily Pokémon will use psychokinetic powers.
Type: Water/Psychic
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 47 lbs
Evolution: Golduck(Level 33)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Often seen swimming elegantly by lake shores. It is often mistaken for the Japanese monster, Kappa.
Type: Water/Psychic
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 169 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Extremely quick to anger. It could be docile one moment then thrashing away the next instant.
Type: Fighting
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 62 lbs
Evolution: Primape(Level 28)
Found in: Red, Yellow, Gold

Info: Always furious and tenacious to boot. It will not abandon chasing its quarry until it is caught.
Type: Fighting
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 71 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Yellow, Gold

Info: Very protective of its territory. It will bark and bite to repel intruders from its space.
Type: Fire
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 42 lbs
Evolution: Arcanine(Fire Stone)
Found in: Red, Yellow, Gold, Crystal

Info: A Pokémon that has been admired since the past for its beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings.
Type: Fire
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 342 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Red, Yellow, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its newly grown legs prevent it from running. It appears to prefer swimming than trying to stand.
Type: Water
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 27 lbs
Evolution: Poliwhirl(Level 25)
Poliwrath(Water Stone) **or** #186 Politoed(Trade while holding a King's Rock)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Capable of living in or out of water. When out of water, it sweats to keep its body slimy.
Type: Water
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 44 lbs
Evolution: Poliwrath(Water Stone) **or** #186 Politoed(Trade while holding a King's Rock)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: An adept swimming at both the front crawl and breast stroke. Easily overtakes the best human swimmers.
Type: Water
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 119 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

#63 ABRA
Info: Using its ability to read minds, it will identify impending danger and Teleport to safety.
Type: Psychic
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 43 lbs
Evolution: Kadabra(Level 16)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It emits special alpha waves from its body that induce headaches just by being close by.
Type: Psychic
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 125 lbs
Evolution: Alakazam(Trade)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its brain can outperform a supercomputer. Its intelligence quotient is said to be 5,000.
Type: Psychic
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 106 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Loves to build muscles. It trains in all styles of martial arts to become even stronger.
Type: Fighting/Rock
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 43 lbs
Evolution: Machoke(Level 28)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its muscular body is so powerful, it must wear a power save belt to be able to regulate its motion.
Type: Fighting/Rock
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 155 lbs
Evolution: Machamp(Trade)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Using its heavy muscles, it throws powerful punches that can send a victim clear over the horizon.
Type: Fighting/Rock
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 287 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: A carnivorous Pokémon that traps and eats bugs. It uses its root feet to soak up needed moisture.
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 9 lbs
Evolution: Weepinbell(Level 21)
Victreebel(Leaf Stone)
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It spits out Poisonpowder to immobilize the enemy and then finishes it with a spray of Acid.
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 14 lbs
Evolution: Victreebel(Leaf Stone)
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although no one has returned from there.
Type: Grass/Poison
Height: 5'7" m
Weight: 34 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Drifts in shallow seas. Anglers who hook them by accident are often punished by stinging acid.
Type: Water/Poison
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 100 lbs
Evolution: Tentacruel(Level 30)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The tentacles are normally cut short. On hunts, they are extended to ensnare and immobilize prey.
Type: Water/Poison
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 121 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Found in fields and mountains. Mistaking them for boulders, people often step or trip on them.
Type: Rock/Ground
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 44 lbs
Evolution: Graveler(Level 25)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Rolls down slopes to move. It rolls over any obstacle without slowing or changing its direction.
Type: Rock/Ground
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 232 lbs
Evolution: Golem(Trade)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its boulder-like body is extremely hard. It can easily withstand dynamite blasts without damage.
Type: Rock/Ground
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 622 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its hooves are 10 times harder than diamonds. It can trample anything completely flat in little time.
Type: Fire
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 66 lbs
Evolution: Rapidash(Level 40)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Very competitive. This Pokémon will chase anything that moves fast in the hopes of racing it.
Type: Fire
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 209 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Incredibly slow and dopey. It takes 5 seconds for it to feel pain when under attack.
Type: Water/Phsychic
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 79 lbs
Evolution: Slowbro(Level 37)
#199 Slowking(Trade while holding a King's Rock)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The Shellder that is latched onto Slowpoke's tail is said to feed on the host's left over scraps.
Type: Water/Physichic
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 173 lbs
Evolution: #199 Slowking(Trade while holding a King's Rock)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Uses anti-gravity to stay suspended. Appears without warning and uses Thunder Wave and similar moves.
Type: Electric/Steel
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 13 lbs
Evolution: Magneton(level 30)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Formed by several Magnemites linked together. They frequently appear when sunpots flare up.
Type: Electric/Steel
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 132 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The sprig of green onions it holds is its weapon. It is used much like a metal sword.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 33 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A bird that makes up for its poor flying with its fast foot speed. Leaves giant footprints.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 86 lbs
Evolution: Dodrio(level 31)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Uses its three brains to execute complex plans. While two heads sleep, one head stays awaken.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 188 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

#86 SEEL
Info: The protruding horn on its head is very hard. It is used for bashing through thick ice.
Type: Water
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 198 lbs
Evolution: Dewgong(Level 34)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Stores thermal energy in its body. Swims at a steady 8 knots even in intensely cold waters.
Type: Water/Ice
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 265 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Appears in filthy areas. Thrives by sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories.
Type: Poison
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 66 lbs
Evolution: Muk(level 38)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

#89 MUK
Info: Thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge. It is so toxic, even its footprints contain poison.
Type: Poison
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 66 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its hard shell repels any kind of attack. It is vulnerable only when its shell is open.
Type: Water
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 9 lbs
Evolution: Cloyster(Water Stone)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: When attacked, it lauches its horn in quick volleys. Its innards have never been seen.
Type: Water/Ice
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 292 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Almost invisible, this gaseous Pokémon cloaks the target and puts it to sleep without notice.
Type: Ghost/Poison
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 0.2 lbs
Evolution: Haunter(Level 25)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Because of its ability to slip through block walls, it is said to be from another dimension.
Type: Ghost/Poison
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 0.2 lbs
Evolution: Gengar(Trade)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Under a full moon, this Pokémon likes to mimic the shadows of people and laught at their fright.
Type: Ghost/Posion
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 89 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

#95 ONIX
Info: As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to a diamond, but colored black.
Type: Rock/Ground
Height: 28'10"
Weight: 463 lbs
Evolution: #208 Steelix(Trade while holding a Metal Coat)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Puts enemies to sleep then eats their dreams. Occasionally gets sick from eating bad dreams.
Type: Psychic
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 71 lbs
Evolution: Hypno(Level 26)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: When it locks eyes with the enemy, it will use a mix of Psi moves such as Hypnosis and Confusion.
Type: Psychic
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 167 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its pincers are not only powerful weapons, they are used for balance when walking sideways.
Type: Water
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 14 lbs
Evolution: Kingler(Level 28)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The large pincer has 10000 HP of crushing power. However, its huge size makes it unwieldy to use.
Type: Water
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 132 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Usually found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a Poke Ball, they have zapped many people.
Type: Electric
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 23 lbs
Evolution: Electrode(Level 30)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It stores electric energy under very high pressure. It often explodes with little or no provocation.
Type: Electric
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 147 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Often mistaken for eggs. When disturbed, they quickly gather and attack in swarms.
Type: Grass/Psychic
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 6 lbs
Evolution: Exeggutor(Leaf Stone)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Legend has it that on rare occasions, one of its heads will drop off and continue on as an Exeggcute.
Type: Grass/Psychic
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 265 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Because it never removes its skull helmet, no one has ever seen this Pokémon's real face.
Type: Ground
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 14 lbs
Evolution: Marowak(Level 28)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The bone it holds is its key weapon. It throws the bone skillfully like a boomerang to KO targets.
Type: Ground
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 99 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: When in a hurry, its legs lengthen progressively. It runs smoothly with extra long, loping strides.
Type: Fighting
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 110 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #236 Tyrogue if Attack > Defense)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: While apparently doing nothing, it fires punches in lightning fast volleys that are impossible to see.
Type: Fighting
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 111 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #236 Tyrogue if Attack < Defense)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its tongue can be extended like a chameleon's. It leaves a tingling sensation when it licks enemies.
Type: Fighting
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 144 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Because it store several kinds of toxic gases in its body, it is prone to exploding without warning.
Type: Poison
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 2 lbs
Evolution: Weezing(Level 35)
Found in: Blue, Red, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Where two of poison gases meet, 2 Koffings can fuse into a Weezing over many years.
Type: Poison
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 21 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its massive bones are 1,000 times harder than human bones. It can easily knock a trailor flying.
Type: Ground/Rock
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 254 lbs
Evolution: Rhydon(Level 42)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees.
Type: Ground/Rock
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 265 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: A rare and elusive Pokémon that is said to bring happiness to those who manage to get it.
Type: Normal
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 76 lbs
Evolution: #242 Blissey(Friendship)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The whole body is swathed with wide vines that are similar to seaweed. Its vines shake as it walks.
Type: Grass
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 77 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The infant rarely ventures out of its mother's protective pouch until it is 3 years old.
Type: Normal
Height: 7'3"
Weight: 176 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Known to shoot down flying bugs with precision blasts of ink from the surface of the water.
Type: Water
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 17 lbs
Evolution: Seadra(Level 32)
#230 Kingdra(Trade while holding a Dragon Scale)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Capable of swimming backwards by rapidly flapping its wing-like pectoral fins and stout tail.
Type: Water
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 55 lbs
Evolution: #230 Kingdra(Trade while holding a Dragon Scale)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its tail fin billows like an elegant ballroom dress, giving it the nickname of the Water Queen.
Type: Water
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 33 lbs
Evolution: Seaking(Level 33)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: In autumn spawning season, they can be seen swimming powerfully up rivers and creeks.
Type: Water
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 86 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: An enigmatic Pokémon that can effortlessly regenerate any appendage its loses in battle.
Type: Water
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 76 lbs
Evolution: Starmie(Water Stone)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its central core glows with the seven colors of the rainbow. Some people value the core as a gem.
Type: Water/Psychic
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 176 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

#122 MR. MIME
Info: If interrupted while it is miming, it will slap around the offender with its broad hands.
Type: Psychic
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 120 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: With ninja-like agility and speed, in can create the illusion that there is more than one.
Type: Bug/Flying
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 123 lbs
Evolution: #212 Scizor(Trade while holding a Metal Coat)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

#124 JYNX
Info: It seductively wiggles its hips as it walks. It can cause people to dance in unison with it.
Type: Ice/Psychic
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 90 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #238 Smoochum at level 30)
Found in: Blue, Red, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Normally found near power plants, they can wander away and cause major blackouts in cities.
Type: Electric
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 66 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #239 Elekid at level 30)
Found in: Red, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its body always burns with an orange glow that enables it to hide perfectly among flames.
Type: Fire
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 98 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #240 Magby at level 30)
Found in: Blue, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: If it fails to crush the victim in its pincers, it will swing is around and toss it hard.
Type: Bug
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 121 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: When it targets an enemy, it charges furiously while whipping its body with its long tails.
Type: Normal
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 195 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today.
Type: Water
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 22 lbs
Evolution: Gyarados(Level 22)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage.
Type: Water/Flying
Height: 21'4"
Weight: 518 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: A Pokémon that has been overhunted almost to extinction. It can ferry people across the water.
Type: Water/Ice
Height: 8'2"
Weight: 485 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

#132 DITTO
Info: Capable of copying an enemy's genetic code to instantly transform itself into a duplicate of the enemy.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 9 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

#133 EEVEE
Info: Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element Stones.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 14 lbs
Evolution: Vaporeon(Water Stone) **or** Jolteon(Thunder Stone) **or** Flareon(Fire Stone) **or** #196 Espeon(Friendship at day) **or** #197 Umbreon (Friendship at Night)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Lives close to the water. Its long tail is ridged with a fin which is often mistaken for a mermaid's.
Type: Water
Height: 3'3
Weight: 64 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to blast out 10,000-volt lightning bolts.
Type: Electric
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 54 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: When storing thermal energy in its body, its temperature could soar over 1,600 degrees.
Type: Fire
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 55 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A Pokémon that consists entirely of programming code. Capable of moving freely in cyberspace.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 80 lbs
Evolution: #233 Porygon 2(Trade while holding an Upgrade item)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Although long extinct, in rare cases, it can be genetically resurrected from fossils.
Type: Rock/Water
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 17 lbs
Evolution: Omastar(Level 40)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow

Info: A prehistoric Pokémon that died out when its heavy shell made it impossible to catch prey.
Type: Rock/Water
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 77 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow

Info: A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil found in what was once the ocean floor eons ago.
Type: Rock/Water
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 25 lbs
Evolution: Kabutops(Level 40)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow

Info: Its sleek shape is perfect for swimming. It slashes prey with its claws and drains the body fluids.
Type: Rock/Water
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 89 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow

Info: A ferocious, prehistoric Pokémon that goes for the enemy's throat with its serrated saw-like fangs.
Type: Rock/Flying
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 130 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily more slothful.
Type: Normal
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 1014 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to appear to doomed people who are lost in icy mountains.
Type: Ice/Flying
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 122 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow

Info: A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to appear from clouds while dropping enormous lightning bolts.
Type: Electric/Flying
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 116 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow

Info: Known as the legendary bird of fire. Every flap of its wings creates a dazzling flash of flames.
Type: Fire/Flying
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 132 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow

Info: Long considered a mythical Pokémon until recently when a small colony was found living underwater.
Type: Dragon
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 7 lbs
Evolution: Dragonair(Level 30)
Dragonite(Level 55)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A mystical Pokémon that exudes a gentle aura. Has the ability to change climate conditions.
Type: Dratini
Height: 13'1"
Weight: 36 lbs
Evolution: Dragonite(Level 55)
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: An extremely rarely seen marine Pokémon. Its intelligence is said to match that of humans.
Type: Dragon/Flying
Height: 7'3"
Weight: 463 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It was created by a scientist afters years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments.
Type: Psychic
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 269 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Blue, Red, Yellow

#151 MEW
Info: So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Worldwide, only a few people have seen it.
Type: Psychic
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 9 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Nintendo Promotion, Gameshark/Xplorer

Info: A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its head. It is docile and loves to soak up the sun's rays.
Type: Grass
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 14 lbs
Evolution: Bayleef(Level 16)
Meganium(Level 32)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The scent of spices comes from around its neck. Somehow, sniffing it makes you want to fight.
Type: Grass
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 35 lbs
Evolution:Meganium(Level 32)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The aroma that rises from its petals contains a substance that calms aggressive feelings.
Type: Grass
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 222 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It is timid, and always curls itself up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection.
Type: Fire
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 17 lbs
Evolution: Quilava(Level 14)
Typhlosion(Level 36)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back.
Type: Fire
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 42 lbs
Evolution: Typhlosion(Level 36)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: If its rage peaks, it becomes so hot that anything that touches it will instantly go up in flames.
Type: Fire
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 175 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its trainer must be careful.
Type: Water
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 21 lbs
Evolution: Croconaw(Level 18)
Feraligatr(Level 30)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: If it loses a fang, a new one grows back in its place. There are always 48 fangs lining its mouth.
Type: Water
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 55 lbs
Evolution: Feraligatr(Level 30)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes it head and savagely tears its victim up.
Type: Water
Height: 7'7"
Weight: 196 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A very cautious Pokemon, it raises itself up using its tail to get a better view of its surroundings.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 13 lbs
Evolution: Furret(Level 15)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It makes a nest to suit its long and skinny body. The nest is impossible for other Pokemon to enter.
Type: Normal
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 72 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It always stands on one foot. It changes feet so fast, the movement can rarely be seen.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 47 lbs
Evolution: Noctowl(Level 20)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its eyes are specially adapted. They concentrate even faint light and enable it to see in the dark.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 90 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It is very timid. It will be afraid to move if it is alone. But it will be active if it is in a group.
Type: Bug/Flying
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 24 lbs
Evolution: Ledian(Level 18)
Found in: Silver, Crystal

Info: When the stars flicker in the night sky, it flutters about, scattering a glowing powder.
Type: Bug/Flying
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 78 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Crystal

Info: It lies still in the same pose for days in its web, waiting for its unsuspecting prey to wander close.
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 19 lbs
Evolution: Ariados(Level 22)
Found in: Gold, Crystal

Info: It spins string not only from its rear but also from its mouth. It is hard to tell which end is which.
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 74 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Gold, Crystal

Info: It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby.
Type: Poison/Flying
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #42 Golbat with Friendship)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It shoots positive and negative electricity between the tips of its two antennae and zaps its enemies.
Type: Water/Electric
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 26 lbs
Evolution: Lanturn(Level 27)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea's surface from a depth of over three miles.
Type: Water/Electric
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 50 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

#172 PICHU
Info: It is not yet skilled at storing electricity. It may send out a jolt if amused or startled.
Type: Electric
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 4 lbs
Evolution: #25 Picachu(Friendship)
#26 Raichu(Thunder Stone)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Because of its unusual, star-like silhouette, people believe that it came here on a meteor.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 14 lbs
Evolution: #35 Clefairy(Friendship)
#36 Clefable(Moon Stone)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It has a very soft body. If it starts to roll, it will bounce all over and be impossible to stop.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 2 lbs
Evolution: #39 Jigglypuff(Friendship)
#40 Wigglytuff(Moon Stone)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 3 lbs
Evolution: Togetic(Friendship)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: They say that it will appear before kindhearted, caring people and shower them with happiness.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 7 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

#177 NATU
Info: Because its wings aren't fully grown, it has to hop to get around. It is always staring at something.
Type: Psychic/Flying
Height: 0'8"
Weight: 4 lbs
Evolution: Xatu(Level 25)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

#178 XATU
Info: They say that its stays still and quiet because it is seeing both the past and future at the same time.
Type: Psychic/Flying
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 33 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: If static electricity builds in its body, its fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you.
Type: Electric
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 17 lbs
Evolution: Flaaffy(Level 15)
Ampharos(Level 30)
Found in: Silver, Gold

Info: As a result of storing too much electricity, it developed patches where even downy wool won't grow.
Type: Electric
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 29 lbs
Evolution: Ampharos(Level 30)
Found in: Silver, Gold

Info: The tail's tip shines brightly and can be seen from far away. It acts as a beacon for lost people.
Type: Electric
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 136 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold

Info: Bellossom gather at times and appear to dance. They say that the dance is a ritual to summon the sun.
Type: Grass
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 13 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #45 Vileplum with Sun Stone)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The tip of its tail, which contains oil that is lighter than water, lets it swim without drowning.
Type: Water
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 19 lbs
Evolution: (Evolves from #298 Azzurill with friendship)
Azumarill(Level 18)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: By keeping still and listening intently, it can tell what is in even wild, fast moving waters.
Type: Water
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 63 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Although it always pretends to be a tree, its composition appears to be closer to a rock than a plant.
Type: Rock
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 84 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.
Type: Water
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 75 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #61 Poliwhirl by trade while holding a King's Rock)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: To keep from being blown away by the wind, they gather in clusters. They do enjoy gentle breezes, though.
Type: Grass/Flying
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 1 lbs
Evolution: Skiploom(Level 18)
Jumpluff(Level 27)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The bloom on top of its head open and closes as the temperature fluctuates up and down.
Type: Grass/Flying
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 2 lbs
Evolution: Jumpluff(Level 27)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Once it catches the wind, it deftly controls its cotton-puff spores to float, even around the world.
Type: Grass/Flying
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 7 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

#190 AIPOM
Info: Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 25 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It may drop out of the sky suddenly. If attacked by a Spearow, it will violently shake its leave.
Type: Grass
Height: 1'0"
Weight: 4 lbs
Evolution: Sunflora(Sun Stone)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It converts sunlight into energy. In the darkness after sunset, it closes its petal and becomes still.
Type: Grass
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 19 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

#193 YANMA
Info: If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter windows in the area.
Type: Bug/Flying
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 84 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: This Pokemon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside.
Type: Water/Ground
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 19 lbs
Evolution: Quagsire(Level 20)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: This carefree Pokemon has an easy-going nature. While swimming, it always bumps into boat hulls.
Type: Water/Ground
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 165 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It uses the fine hair that covers its body to sense air currents and predict its enemies actions.
Type: Psychic
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 58 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #133 Eevee with Friendship at day)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: When agitated, this Pokemon protects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores.
Type: Dark
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 60 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #133 Eevee with friendship at night)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Feared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring misfortune to all those who see it at night.
Type: Dark/Flying
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 5 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It has incredible intellect and intution. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected.
Type: Water/Psychic
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 175 lbs
Evolution: Final(Evolves from #80 Slowbro by trade while holding a King's Rock)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It likes playing mischievous tricks such as screaming and wailing to startle people at night.
Type: Ghost
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 2 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

#201 UNOWN
Info: Their shapes look like hieroglyphs on ancient tablets. It is said that the two are somehow related.
Type: Psychic
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 11 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal
Note: There are 26 versions of this Pokemon, each one represents a letter of the alphabet.

Info: It hates light and shock. If attacked, it inflates its body to pump its counter-strike.
Type: Psychic
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 63 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #360 Waynaut with friendship)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you get close, it may react to your sense and bite.
Type: Normal/Psychic
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 91 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It likes to make its shell thicker by adding layers of tree bark. The additional weight doesn't bother it.
Type: Bug
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 16 lbs
Evolution: Forretress(Level 31)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its entire body is shielded by a steel-hard shell. What lurks inside the armor is a total mystery.
Type: Bug/Steel
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 277 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: When spotted, this Pokemon escapes backward by furiously boring into the ground with its tail.
Type: Normal
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 31 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It flies straight at its target's face then clamps down on the startled victim to inject poison.
Type: Ground/Flying
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 143 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Gold, Crystal

Info: Its body has been compressed deep under the ground. As a result, it is even harder than a diamond.
Type: Steel/Ground
Height: 30'2"
Weight: 882 lbs
Evolution: Final (Evolves from #95 Onyx by Trade while holding a Metal Coat)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Although it looks frightening, it is actually kind and affectionate. It is very popular among women.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 17 lbs
Evolution: Granbull(Level 23)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It is actually timid and easily spooked. If attacked, it flails about to fend off its attacker.
Type: Normal
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 107 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: To fire its poison spikes, it must inflate its body by drinkning over 2.6 gallons of water all at once.
Type: Water/Poison
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 9 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It swings its eye-patterned pincers up to scare its foe. This makes it look like it has three heads.
Type: Bug/Steel
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 260 lbs
Evolution: Final(Evolves from #123 Scyther by trade while holding a Metal Coat)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The Berries it stores in its vase-like shell decompose and become a gooey liquid.
Type: Bug/Rock
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 45 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: This powerful Pokemon thursts its prized horn under its enemies' bellies then lifts and throws them.
Type: Bug/Fighting
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 119 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Its paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it suddenly extends the claws and startles its enemy.
Type: Dark/Ice
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 62 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they are soaked with honey.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 19 lbs
Evolution: Ursaring(Level 30)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Although it is a good climber, it prefers to snap trees with its forelegs and eat fallen Berries.
Type: Normal
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 277 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Gold, Crystal

Info: It never sleeps. It has to keep moving because if it stopped, its magma body would cool and harden.
Type: Fire
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 77 lbs
Evolution: Magcargo(Level 38)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The shell on its back is just skin that has cooled and hardened. It breaks easily with a slight touch.
Type: Fire
Height: 2'7"
Weight: 121 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs.
Type: Ice/Ground
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 14 lbs
Evolution: Pilowswine(Level 33)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Because the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly.
Type: Ice/Ground
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 23 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It continuosly sheds and grows. The tip of its head is prized as a treasure for its beauty.
Type: Water/Rock
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 11 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It has superb accuracy. The water it shoots out can strike even moving prey from more than 300 feet.
Type: Water
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 26 lbs
Evolution: Octillery(Level 25)
Found in: Silver, Gold

Info: It traps enemies with its suction-cupped tentacles then smashes them with its rock hard head.
Type: Water
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 63 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold

Info: It carries food all day long. There are tales about lost people who were saved by the food it had.
Type: Ice/Flying
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 35 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Crystal

Info: As it majestically swims, it doesn't care if Remoraid attach to it for scavenging its leftovers.
Type: Water/Flying
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 485 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Gold, Crystal

Info: Its sturdy wings look heavy, but they are actually hollow and light, allowing it to fly freely in the sky.
Type: Steel/Flying
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 111 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It uses different kinds of cries for communicating with other of its kind and for pursuing its prey.
Type: Dark/Fire
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 24 lbs
Evolution: Houndoom(Level 24)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: If you are burned by the flames it shoots from its mouth, the pain will never go away.
Type: Dark/Fire
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 77 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning.
Type: Water/Dragon
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 335 lbs
Evolution: Final(Evolves from #116 Seadra by Trade while holding a Dragon's Scale)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It swings its long snout around playfully, but because it is so strong, that can be dangerous.
Type: Ground
Height: 1'8"
Weight: 74 lbs
Evolution: Donphan(Level 25)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

Info: It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its Tackle is strong enough to knock down a house.
Type: Ground
Height: 3'7"
Weight: 265 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire

#233 PORYGON 2
Info: This upgraded version of Porygon is designed for space exploration. It can't fly though.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 72 lbs
Evolution: Final(Eolves from #137 Porygon by Trade while holding an upgrade item)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The curved antlers subtly change the flow of air to create a strange space where reality is distorted.
Type: Normal
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 57 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: A special fluid oozes from the tip of its tail. It paints the fluid everywhere to mark its territory.
Type: Normal
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 128 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It is always bursting with energy. To make itself stronger, it keeps on fighting even if it loses.
Type: Fighting
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 46 lbs
Evolution: #106 Hitmonlee(Level 20 if Attack > Defense) **or** #107 HITMONCHAN(Level 20 if Attack < Defense) **or** Hitmontop(LEvel 20 if Attack = Defense)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: If you become enchanted by its smooth, elegant, dance-like kicks, you may get drilled hard.
Type: Fighting
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 106 lbs
Evolution: final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its lips are the most sensitive parts on its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things.
Type: Ice/Psychic
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 13 lbs
Evolution: #124 Jynx(Level 30)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It rotates its arms to generate electricity, but it tires easily, so it charges up only a little bit.
Type: Electric
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 52 lbs
Evolution: Electabuzz(Level 30)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

#240 MAGBY
Info: Each and every time it inhales and exhales, hot embers dribble out of its mouth and nostrils.
Type: Fire
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 47 lbs
Evolution: Magmar(Level 30)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its milk is packed with nutrition, making it the ultimate beverage for the sick or weary.
Type: Normal
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 166 lbs
Evolution: Magmar(Level 30)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal
Notes: This Pokemon is the female version of #128 Tauros

Info: Anyone who takes even one bite of Blissey's egg becomes unfailingly caring and pleasant to everyone.
Type: Normal
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 103 lbs
Evolution: Final(Evolves from #133 Chansey with Friendship)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: The rain clouds it carries let it fire thunderbolts at will. They say that it descended with lightning.
Type: Electric
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 392 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

#244 ENTEI
Info: Volcanoes erupt when it barks. Unable to restrain its extreme power, it races headlong around the land.
Type: Fire
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 437 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Said to be the reincarnation of north winds, it can instantly purify filthy, murky water.
Type: Water
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 412 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain, it will fall asleep so it can grow.
Type: Rock/Ground
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 159 lbs
Evolution: Pupitar(Level 30)
Tyranitar(Level 55)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its shell is as hard as sheet rock, and it is also very strong. Its thrashing can topple a mountain.
Type: Rock/Ground
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 335 lbs
Evolution: Tyranitar(Level 55)
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: Its body can't be harmed by any sort of attack, so it is very eager to make challenges against enemies.
Type: Rock/Ground
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 445 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

#249 LUGIA
Info: It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong.
Type: Psychic/Flying
Height: 17'1"
Weight: 476 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

#250 HO-OH
Info: Legends claim this Pokemon flies the world's skies continuously on its magnificent seven-colored wings.
Type: Fire/Flying
Height: 12'6"
Weight: 439 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Silver, Gold, Crystal

Info: This Pokemon wanders across time. Grass and trees flourish in the forests in which it has appeared.
Type: Psychic/Grass
Height: 2'0"
Weight: 11 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Nintendo Promotion, Gameshark/Xplorer

Info: Trecko has small hooks on the bottom of his feet that enable it to scale vertical walls. This Pokemon attacks by slaming foes with its thick tail.
Type: Grass
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 11 lbs
Evolution: Grovyle(Level 16)
Sceptile(Level 36)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The leaves growing out of Grovyle's body are convenient for camouflaging it from enemies in the forest. This Pokemon is a master at climbing trees in jungles.
Type: Grass
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 47.6 lbs
Evolution: Sceptile(Level 36)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The leaves growing on Sceptile's body are very sharp edged. This Pokemon is very agile - it leaps over the branches of trees and jumps on its foe from above or behind.
Type: Grass
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 115.1 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Torchic has a place inside its body where it keeps its flame. Give it a hug - it will be glowing with warmth. This Pokemon is covered all over by a fluffy coat of down.
Type: Fire
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 5.5 lbs
Evolution: Combusken(Level 16)
Blaziken(Level 36)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Combusken battles with the intensely hot flames it sweaps from its beak and with outstandingly destructive kicks. This Pokemon's cry is very loud and distracting.
Type: Fire
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 43 lbs
Evolution: Blaziken(Level 36)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Blaziken has incredibly strong legs - it can easily clear a 30-story building in one leap. This Pokemon's blazing punches leave its foes scorched and blackened.
Type: Fire
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 114.6 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: In water, Mudkip breathes using the gills on its cheeks. If it is faced with a tight situation in battle, this pokemon will unleash its amazing power - it can rush rocks bigger than itself.
Type: Water
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 16.8 lbs
Evolution: Marshtomp(Level 16)
Swampert(Level 36)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Marshtomp is much faster at traveling through mud than it is at swiming. This Pokemon's hindquarters exhibit obvious development, giving it the ability to walk on just its hind legs.
Type: Water
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 61.7 lbs
Evolution: Swampert(Level 36)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Swampert predicts storms by sensing subtle differences in the sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. If a storm is approaching, it piles up boulders to protect itself.
Type: Water
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 180.6 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Poochyena is an omnivore - it will eat anything. A distinguishing feature is how large its fangs are compared to its body. This Pokemon tries to intimidate its foes by making the hair on its tail bristle out.
Type: Dark
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 30 lbs
Evolution: Mightyena(Level 18)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Mightyena travel and act as a pack in the wild. The memory of its life in the wild compels the Pokemon to obey only those trainers that it recognizes to possess superior skills.
Type: Dark
Height: 3'03"
Weight: 81.6 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The hair of Zigzagoon's back is bristly. It rubs the hard back hair against trees to leave its territorial markings. This Pokemon may play dead to fool foes in battle.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 38.6 lbs
Evolution: Linoone(Level 20)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: When hunting, Linoone will make a beeline straight for the prey at a full run. While this Pokemon is capable of toppings 60 mph, it has to come to a screeching halt before it can turn.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 71.6 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Wurmple is targeted by Swellow as prey. This Pokemon will try to resist by pointing the spikes on its rear at the attacking predator. It will weaken the foe by leaking poison from the spikes.
Type: Bug
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 7.9 lbs
Evolution: Silcoon(Take a Female Wurmple to Level 7) **or** Cascoon(Take a Male Wurmple to Level 7)
Beautifly(Take a Silcoon to Level 10) **or** Dustox(Take a Cascoon to Level 10)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Silcoon was thought to endure hunger and not consume anything before its evolution. However, it is now thought that this Pokemon slakes its thirst by drinking rainwater that collects on its silk.
Type: Bug
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 22.0 lbs
Evolution: Beautifly(Level 10)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Beautifly has a long mouth like a coiled needle, which is very convenient for collecting pollen from flowers. This Pokemon rides the spring winds as it flits around gathering pollen.
Type: Bug/Flying
Height: 3'03"
Weight: 62.6 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: If it is attacked, Cascoon remains motionless however badly it may be hurt. It does so because if it were to move, its body would be weak upon evolution. This Pokemon will also not forget the pain it endured.
Type: Bug
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 25.4 lbs
Evolution: Dustox(Level 10)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: When Dustox flaps its wings, a fine dust is scattered all over. This dust is actually a powerful poison that will even make a pro wrestlers sick. This Pokemon searches for food using its antennae like radar.
Type: Bug/Flying
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 69.7 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

#270 LOTAD
Info: Lotad is said to have dwelled on land before. However, this pokemon is thought to have returned to water because the leaf on its head grew large and heavy. It now lives be floating atop water.
Type: Water/Grass
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 5.7 lbs
Evolution: Lombre(Level 14)
Ludicolo(Water Stone)
Found in: Sapphire

Info: Lombre's entire body is covered by a slippery, slimy film. It feels horribly unpleasant to be touched by this Pokemon's hands. Lombre is often mistaken for a human child.
Type: Water/Grass
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 71.6 lbs
Evolution: Ludicolo(Water Stone)
Found in: Sapphire

Info: Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhyth, the cells in Ludicolo's body become very energetic and active. Even in battle, this Pokemon will exhibit an amazing amount of power.
Type: Water/Grass
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 121.3 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Sapphire

Info: Seedot attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. It sucks moisture from the tree while hanging off the branch. The more water it drinks, the glossier this Pokemon's body becomes.
Type: Grass/Dark
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 8.8 lbs
Evolution: Nuzleaf(Level 14)
Shiftry(Leaf Stone)
Found in: Ruby

Info: Nuzleaf live in densely overgrown forests. They occasionally venture out of the forest to startle people. This Pokemon dislikes having its long nose pinched.
Type: Grass/Dark
Height: 3'03"
Weight: 61.7 lbs
Evolution: Shiftry(Leaf Stone)
Found in: Ruby

Info: Shiftry's large fans generate awesome gusts of wind at a speed close to 100 feet per second. The whiped up wind blows anything away. This Pokemon chooses to live quietly deep in forests.
Type: Grass/Dark
Height: 4'03"
Weight: 131.12 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby

Info: Tailow is young - it has only just left its nest. As a result, it sometimes becomes lonesome and cries at night. This Pokemon feeds on Wurmple that live in forests.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 5.1 lbs
Evolution: Swellow(Level 22)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Swellow is very conscientious about yhe upkeep of its glossy wings. Once two Swellow are gathered, they diligently take care of cleaning each other's wings.
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 2'04"
Weight: 43.7 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Wingull rides updrafts rising from the sea by extending its long and narrow wings to glide. This Pokemon's long beak is useful for catching prey.
Type: Water/Fying
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 20.9 lbs
Evolution: Pelipper(Level 25)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Pelipper searches for food while in flight by skimming the waves tops. This Pokemon dips its large nill in the sea to scoop up food, then swallows everything in one big gulp.
Type: Water/Flying
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 61.7 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

#280 RALTS
Info: Ralts has the ability to sense the emotions of people. If its trainer is in a cheerful mood, this Pokemon grows cheerful and joyous in the same way.
Type: Physic
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 14.6 lbs
Evolution: Kirlia(Level 20)
Gardevoir(Level 30)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Kirla uses the horns on its head to amplify its psychokinetic power. When the Pokemon uses its power, the air around it becomes disorted, creating mirages of nonexistent scenary.
Type: Psychic
Height: 2'07"
Weight: 44.5 lbs
Evolution: Gardevoir(Level 30)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Gardevoir has the psychokinetic power to disort the dimensions and create a small black hole. This Pokemon will try to protect its trainer even at the riskof its own life.
Type: Psychic
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 106.7 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: If Surskit senses danger, it secretes a thick, sugar syrup from the tip of its head. There are some Pokemon that love eating this syrup.
Type: Bug/Water
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 3.7 lbs
Evolution: Masquerain(Level 30)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Masquerain's antennas have eyelike patterns that usually give it an angry look. If the "eyes" are droopy and appear sad, it is said to be a sign that a heavy rainfall is on its way.
Type: Bug/Flying
Height: 2'07"
Weight: 7.9 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: If Shroomish sense danger, it shakes its body and scatters spores from the top of its head.
Type: Grass/Fighting
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 9.9 lbs
Evolution: Breloom(Level 23)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: The seeds ringing Breloom's tail are made of hardened toxic spores. It is horrible to eat the seeds. Just taking a bit of this Pokemon's seed will cause your stomach to rumble.
Type: Grass/Fighting
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 86.4 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Slakoth's heart beats just once a minute. Whatever happens, it is content to loaf around motionless. It is rare to see this Pokemon in motion.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'07"
Weight: 52.9 lbs
Evolution: Vigoroth(Level 18)
Slaking(Level 36)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Vigoroth is simply incapable of remaining still. Even when it tries to sleep, the blood in its veins grows agitaded, compelling this Pokemon to run wild through the jungle before it can settle down.
Type: Normal
Height: 4'07"
Weight: 102.5 lbs
Evolution: Slaking(Level 36)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Wherever Slaking live, rings of over a yard in diameter appear in grassy fields. They are made by the Pokemon as it eats all the grass within reach while lying prone on the ground.
Type: Normal
Height: 6'07"
Weight: 287.7 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Nincada lives underground. It uses its sharp claws to carve the roots of trees and absorb moisture and nutrients. This Pokemon can't withstand bright sunlight so avoids it.
Type: Bug
Height: 1'08"
Weight: 12.1 lbs
Evolution: Ninjask(Level 20)
Shedinja(One automatically appears in your party when you evolve Nincada to Ninjask - You need to have an open slot in your party to get it)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: If Ninjask is not trained properly, it will refuse to obey the trainer and cry loudly continously. Because of this quality, this Pokemon is said to be one that puts the trainer's ability to the test.
Type: Bug/flying
Height: 2'07"
Weight: 26.5 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Shedinja is a peculiar Pokemon. It seems to appear unsought in a Pokeball after a Nincada evolves. This bizarre Pokemon is entirely immobile - it doesn't even breathe.
Type: Bug/Ghost
Height: 2'07"
Weight: 2.6 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire
Note: To get this Pokemon you need to have an open slot in your party, when you evolve Nincada into Ninjask, Shedinja will appear in that open slot.

Info: Whismur is very timid. If it starts to cry loudly, it becomes strtled by its own crying and cries even harder. When it finally stops crying, the Pokemon goes to sleep, all tired out.
Type: Normal
Height: 2'00"
Weight: 35.9 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Loudred shouts while stamping its feet. After it finishes shouting, this Pokemon becomes incapable of hearing anything for a while. This is considered to be a weak point.
Type: Normal
Height: 3'03"
Weight: 89.3 lbs
Evolution: Exploud(Level 40)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Exploud communicates its feelings to the others by emitting whistle-like sounds from the tubes on its body. This Pokemon only raises its voice when it is in battle.
Type: Normal
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 185.2 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Makuhita has a tireless spirit - it will never give up hope. It eats a lot of food, gets plenty of sleep, and it trains very rigorously. By living that way, this Pokemon packs its body with energy.
Type: Fighting
Height: 3'03"
Weight: 109.5 lbs
Evolution: Hariyama(Level 24)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Hariyama's thick body may appear fat, but it is actually a hunk of solid muscle. If this Pokemon bears down and tightens all its muscles, its body becomes as hard as a rock.
Type: Fighting
Height: 7'07"
Weight: 559.5 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Azurill's tail is large and bouncy. It is packed full of the nutrients this Pokemon needs to grow. Azurill can be seen bouuncing and playing on its big, rubbery tail.
Type: Water
Height: 0'66"
Weight: 4.4 lbs
Evolution: #183 Marill(Friendship)
#184 Azumarill(Level 18)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Nospeass has been said to be completely unmoving, with its magnetic nose pointing due north. However, close observation has revealed that the Pokemon actually moves by a little over 3/8 of an inch every year.
Type: Rock
Height: 3'28"
Weight: 213.4 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Skitty is known to chase around playfully after its own tail. In the wild, this Pokemon lives in holes in the trees of forests. It is very popular as a pet because of its adorable looks.
Type: Normal
Height: 1'97"
Weight: 24.2 lbs
Evolution: Delcatty(Moon Stone)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Delcaty sleeps anywhere it wants without keeping a permanent nest. If other Pokemon approach as it sleeps, this Pokemon will never fight - it will just move away somewhere else.
Type: Normal
Height: 3'61"
Weight: 71.72 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Sableye digs the ground with sharpened claws to find rocks that it eats. Substances in the eaten rocks crystalize and risi up to the Pokemon's bodu surface.
Type: Dark/Ghost
Height: 1'64"
Weight: 24.2 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Sapphire

Info: Don't be taken in by this Pokemon's cute face - it's very dangerous. Mawile fools the foe into letting down its guard, then chomps down with its massive jaws. The steel jaws are really horns that have been transformed.
Type: Steel
Height: 2'62"
Weight: 16.5 lbs
Evolution: Doesn't evolve
Found in: Ruby

#304 ARON
Info: Aron has a body of steel. With one all-out charge, this Pokemon can demolish even a heavy dump truck. The destroyed dump truck. The destroyed dump truck then becomes a handy metal for the Pokemon.
Type: Steel
Height: 1'31"
Weight: 132 lbs
Evolution: Lairon(Level 32)
Aggron(Level 42)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Lairon feeds on iron contained in rocks and water. It makes its nest on mountains where iron ore is buried. As a result, the Pokemon often clashes with humans mining the iron ore.
Type: Steel
Height: 2'95"
Weight: 264 lbs
Evolution: Aggron(Level 42)
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire

Info: Aggron is surprisingly protective of its environment. If its mountain is ravaged by a landslide or a fire, this Pokemon will haul topsoil to the area, plant trees, and beautifully restore its own territory.
Type: Steel
Height: 6'89"
Weight: 792 lbs
Evolution: Final
Found in: Ruby, Sapphire