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user : kid2000uk
pet : baba_nina
NP : 3,334

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The Neopian Guild HQ.

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Yu-Gi-0h! The next generation This is the next generation of the "yugioh" guild.
kid2000uk: Polymerization Neighbourhood: Neopia Central
Yu-Gi-0h! The next generation
Guild Council
I. methuselah_13
II. joshmonkey140
III. theconfused...
IV. kijaucey
V. linkthechos...
Guild Stats
Page Views: 9086
Members: 94
Messages: 111
Photos: 0
Founded: 06/14/2003
Guild Poll
Who is your favorite yu-gi-oh character (besides yugi)
Mai Valentine
Joey Wheeler
Malik Ishtar
Setto Kaiba
Weevil Underwood

Guild Donation Shop
Guild Page
Guild HTML Page
Guild Guestmap
Guild Photo Gallery II
Kijaucey's Lair
*NEW!!* TCG Page
The Game Corner
Tournament Page
If you have created a web page and you want it to be added to the links just post your request on the message board with the URL of your page
This guild will be having a duel tournament, so check out the TCG and Tournament page, we are using YVD so download if you are interested!!!

<bgsound src="" loop=infinite>

Card Of The Week

Title=Tri Horn Dragon
Flavor Text=An unworthy dragon with three sharp horns sprouting from its head  
Updated Every Friday, Saturday, or Sunday

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