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I Love Noodle
Tuesday, 28 October 2003
So I don't know how much longer I'll be here because Eric offered to host a one of these little blog thingies for me so yea...Ha. I'm all excited about it. I have a spanish test tomorrow...Tengo que estudiar. I don't really have much to say, my life is kind of boring. I'm going to Homecoming on saturday. It'll be...interesting. It isn't even my homecoming...its homecoming at a differnt school. Fun. Well I'm out. Later.

Posted by pokemon2/pikachu115 at 3:01 PM
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Friday, 24 October 2003
Its been a while.
Ha...well I had a long week. Monday to thursday was sucky, so I'm not even going to talk about it. Tonight was a blast. I went to Courtney's party. I saw Trevor there and we talked. He's hot!!And by hot I mean REALLY hot! I want to be his friend but like we're at totally different ends of the social spectrum. I told him one day when he's standing with a group of people I'm going to go over and talk to him, he said I should. I also met this guy Chase. He's a cutie...Ha at least I think his name is Chase. I'm not sure. I'll have to find that out! Anyways, It was a really great party. DUDE! I got my weezer cd today. It's awsome! Tomorrow morning I'm going shopping with Heather. Its saturday, our yard sale day. The only problem is I have to wake up at 6:45. Thats sooooo early. I had such a good time at the party tonight. Hahahaha...Trevor. I asked him about whne he made fun of me last year, he blamed it all on this other guy. I guess they don't realize how bad they made me feel by making fun of me!! Oh well. It was all in good fun I guess. I just laughed it off then...but then I developed a crush on Trevor and I got soooo upset. Ha...Oh well. It's all in the past now. Well I'm out for now. Later.

Posted by pokemon2/pikachu115 at 6:23 PM
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Sunday, 19 October 2003
Life really sucks sometimes.
I feel so bad. Heathers neighbor and friend is close to dying. Heather is so upset I can't stand it. I want to do something to make her feel better but I don't know if anything will make her feel better at this point. I hate seeing her so upset. She called me tonight and we talked. I tried to help...but I didn't. I feel helpless. Shes my best friend. I don't know what to do. I was so happy to hear from her tonight. I expected for her to call and tell me what a great time she had on her trip, but instead she called me to tell my that Sherrie is nearly dead. I've only met Sherrie once. She so great. She's not young, but she isn't old. She's to youg to die. I'm guessing she's in her 50's. When I met her it was the night of homecoming and Heather and I were all dressed up. She kept telling me how beautiful I looked. She's so nice. I can't even imagine what Heather feels like. She's known Sherrie for five years now. She wore a pair of Sherrie's shoes to homecoming! They were black heels. They look great with Heathers dress. If Sherrie does die I don't think Heather will be able to handle it. I don't think I'll be able to handle it.

Posted by pokemon2/pikachu115 at 6:15 PM
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Saturday, 18 October 2003
I have no life.
I haven't left my house since thursday. I need to get out of here. I really hope Heathers coming home tomorrow. I need her to come back! I'm talking to Taylor. It feels like we don't get to talk much anymore since school started. I also think we're running out of things to talk about. We've talked about everything there is to talk about. I really like talking to him. Ha...ok I'm done being all mushy gushy. I bought two cd's last night. I can't wait until they come. I'm getting sick of the cd's I have. Ok this guy on my buddy list keeps getting on and off and on and off and its really bothering me. Well I'm off. Later.

Posted by pokemon2/pikachu115 at 6:19 PM
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I'm Bored.
I'm so freaking bored today. I woke up at 12:30 and now I have nothing to do. I wish Keanan would get on so I could tell him about the dream I had about him, and that I saw The Shawshank Redemption last night and it was freaking brilliant. Its like my new favorite movie. Heather's still camping.I need her to come home. I have no life at all when shes gone. When I woke up this morning I thought it was Sunday. That made me happy. I want to go back to school. This week has been really borning. But then I realized my mom would never let me sleep past ten on a Sunday. I'm so bored. Maybe I'll watch a movie.

Posted by pokemon2/pikachu115 at 8:54 AM
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Friday, 17 October 2003
This is nifty.
So...I have my own little blog thing now. Fun. Since its my first entry maybe I should say a little something about myself. I'm short, and I like to complain. Ha...enough about me. I guess I could say somthing about my friends. There really aren't many. Heather's camping right now. Lynnsey's suspended for 10 days after break. Angela implyed that I'm slutty last week so I'm pissed at her, and Courtney just got back from Colorado. Her birthday is today. I should get her a present and give it to her Monday. Well i think thats all for my first post. Later.

Posted by pokemon2/pikachu115 at 2:06 PM
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