In the setting of the sun the land begins to fade into mottled hues of gray and brown. The warm brightness in the sky dissolves into a cool but comfortable caress of a soft breeze against your cheeks. All seems to be settling down in preparation of the coming night. It is because of this gradual fading and settling that the colorful wings attract your attentions.


     Up ahead of you two large wings suddenly rise up out of the grass. As you move closer you realize that there is a dip in the ground from which the two wings rise as if in greeting to you. A delicate head follows the wings as something unfolds itself, seeming to shake off gravity as it appears. What finally stands before you is a brightly colored unicorn which ruffles its wings before addressing you.
      "Good evening, my friend." The voice is distinctly male though light and quite soft. "What brings you to wander about in the growing dusk?"
      "I have come to explore and discover," You reply. "So I should be wandering for quite some time after dusk."
      "You are a traveler, then?" He asks, looking you over critically. You nod and he continues. "Even travelers must put aside their wanderings and rest at some point."
      You agree but insist that you should be moving on as you are anxious to cover more ground before full night sets in."
       "Of course, do not let me delay your journey." He tells you, laughing musically. "I should be leaving to, for I do not wish to sleep here in the open. I head for the forest. Farewell, traveler."
        And with these words he leaps into the air and sweeps away, the picture of grace leaving you to trudge on.

Name: Corana'torin
Translation: Heart's Landscape
Parents: Cora'kumin x Bonnina'tymin'veranasta'li'anatha
Glory: Iava Quiesta
Gender: Male
ID: 341
Class: Ninai
Birth Charity: Ishalansta'Inya