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ViSuaLDeFekt: StoopidRookie says you're gay
SmarterChild: That doesn't really matter, does it?
ViSuaLDeFekt: yes
SmarterChild: Well, you should mind your own business.
ViSuaLDeFekt: so you are gay?
SmarterChild: I don't think that really matters.
ViSuaLDeFekt: yes it does
SmarterChild: Does it?
ViSuaLDeFekt: yes
SmarterChild: Huh.
ViSuaLDeFekt: Huh yourself
SmarterChild: Huh yourself?
ViSuaLDeFekt: i said it first!
SmarterChild: I did not know that.
ViSuaLDeFekt: Cause you're dumb
SmarterChild: I hope I can change your mind somehow.
ViSuaLDeFekt: nope im convinced you're an idiot
SmarterChild: Oh yeah? Nope you're convinced me 're an idiot, huh?
ViSuaLDeFekt: That proves it right there
SmarterChild: That right?
ViSuaLDeFekt: Yes
SmarterChild: Oh.