my madison and you

Welcome to My Madison and You, version 2.0. Like the new layout? It was made for me by Hearth-san of the SEC. *nods* Her website is located here:

Anyhoo. This here's our temporary home, since hasn't been all that friendly lately. -_-; I'm still looking for a new host, or may eventually get my own domain... but we'll have to see what happens first. ^_^; But yeah. Since this is Angelfire and not envy, you'll hafta excuse the banners for now... *bats them away*

Soooo, navigation is via the nifty menu you see to the right. *points* Have fun and click to yer heart's content. Click, click, click.

your medusa and me.
nioj eht yvan.

Last updated: March 12, 2002.
XxThis layout rocks my socks. Courtesy of TSD!xX