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Up-Dates, Old and New

  • October 2, 2002, 11:18 p.m.
    My gosh, it seems forever since I last put up new drawings....but no longer! ^_^ I have FINALLY added my latest work to the site! You find new drawings just about everywhere: New Animie has a TON, School Doodles is growing again, and Mix and Match picked up a few additions as well. Best of all is the addition of a new section of the site, which I have chosen to call "Doodles Etc...". ^_^ Fun fun! I hope this satisfies those of you who have been pestering me about new work.....*glares*...
    Soon as I have time, I will be putting up a whole load of new "Mars and Joan" comics. The series finished earlier this year, and so I have the whole thing ready to put up now. It's just going to take awhile. Check back though....we do some CRAZY stuff later in the comic!!! ^_^
    *Yawn* I must run's mucho late and I am dropping rapidly. Enjoy the new work, and don't forget comments viz the guestbook!!! Thanks muchly!
  • September 12, 2002, 6:55 p.m.
    Well well well...finally I'm at work again! ("Oh god, what is it THIS time?! Lol....) Lately I've been a bit bored with the general "look" of the site. I was, quite literly, (for those of you who'll get the joke), "seeing stars"!!! ^_^ I've been looking around for some ideas, and at last hit upon a design I like. Now it's up, and along with the bright new colors and web elements, I feel inspired to work on the site again (It's not like I don't have enough new stuff to add at this point! ^_^). It'll be up as soon as I can scan it! Watch also for a new "doodes" section....that will be up soon.
    *shakes head* Man, you know, sometimes I wonder why I keep this site up, but it really is fun, if nothing else. ^_^ I guess those other of you with silly webpages know what I'm talking about. Well, I must run for now. Hope you like the newest!
  • February 7, 2002, 8:23 a.m.
    Hi all, here we are again. I've been playing around with some new ways of jazzing up the look of the site (I'm sure you've noticed the colors, lines, and- of course!- the images. ^_^). It's a lot of fun working with so many differnt "looks"!
    I've also FINALLY up-dated the text part of the site. There are new notes, new tad bits in the Picture Gallary, and the "Story of the Martian" is finally up and taken the place of that stupid survay list in About Me. So, you can all finally stop yelling at me. ^_^
    I should also let you all know that there is another HUGE batch of drawings going up as soon as I can get my butt to a scaner. I have LOADS of good stuff for the School Doodles section (including the introduction of a new style of animation!), so check back soon! Again, if you hate checking and seeing nothing, then you just have to E-mail me for up-date notes! Bye for now!
  • November 22, 2001, 11:57 p.m.
    WOW it's been long since I updated the site! I'm sorry to all who check often (as I ask over and over). I have been away ALL summer, and too busy to get to Dad's, where I can scan my images. But now I have! FIFTY new images total went in between today and yesterday. Good deal, if you ask me. You'll notice four new sections to the Picture Gallery part of the site. I've done this to group drawings by style. (Makes more sense then having hundreds all on one page with no order!) So far, the only up-dating I've been able to do is images. I hope to get my hands on "Notes to My Friends" A.S.A.P though. Those NEED up-dating!
    Well, I'd better go. It's late, and I head back to the city early tomorrow. Hope you guys like the new stuff! Tell me all your feed-back in the guest book...I can't WAIT to read it!
  • June 20, 2001, 12:02 a.m.
    Hi everyone! The Martian is working late. :) I've just put in my lst batch of pictures before I leave for the, only 10 days away! Seems like we're all suddenly taking off. I have a whole bunch of un-finished pictures that I need to color up and scan in, but that will have to wait until August. As soon as I get home, I'm going to have a TON of new stuff, so be sure to check back then! In addition to filling up sketch books with my usual stuff, I'm undertaking a bit of a prodject: An on-going anime strip for the site. I'm not sure if it's going to happen yet, but I hope so! Well, I must run now, it's way past my wake-up time. ^.^ jk, jk...but I do need to scram. I'll see you all soon I hope! Enjoy the new pics!
  • April 12, 2001, 5:35 p.m.
    Ahh, so it comes down to this again: The up-date section. *sigh* ^.^ Ah well, I don't really mind. As for what's up, there are now new pictures in the picture gallary and I've got a new lay-out there as well. It took a while to get in, but now it's there for good! (hah, take that, you messed up comp!) I've also redone the "Notes to My Friends" section, so be sure to check there.
    So far, I have had NO suggestions for the questions without answers! The whole point of that page is for me to learn some new ones, so if you know one, then by all means SEND IT IN!! Whoops, I'm out of time now, so I'll see ya'll 'round! Stay cool....
  • February 20, 2001, 2:35 p.m.
    Hello everyone! Not much time to write now except to anounce the arrival of a new Questions Without Answers section and to say a hi/happy b-day to a few people. To start with the section, it is an "inputs" section...that is, I need all of you to expand it. I want anyone who has a question without an answer to E-mail me or put it in the guestbook. If you want to know more about how it works, just go to the section.
    For those of you with b-days--namely Henry, Sam, and Lily just a quick hi and, of course, happy birthday! I've E-mailed you all so there's really nothing much more to say here. I'm out of time anyway. :) TTYL, TTFN, and all that!
  • February 7, 2001, 1:01 p.m.
    Yo here, wassup everyone? A lot going on here. School has been back for two weeks now and I just had my first batch of tests today. I am SO happy...I go crazy if I don't have way too much to do. :) Performing-wise, I have a full month of stuff beginning this weekend with a Masterclass (I'm nervous~!) and a summer auddtion. Next week is a performence and taping and beyond that it looks like prep for a spring concert series. Looks like it'll loads of fun. On the slightly less-cool side of things, I also have a seating auddtion on Saturday. For once I'm ready, but it'skinda like going to the dentist even if you know you don't have a cavity. (You all know what I mean)
    As far as the site is concerned, I've scanned in a few drawings and I'm selecting a few more to be scanned in later. I haven't had time to load the "Questions without answers" section yet, but I hope to get to that before too much time has passed. Well, I've got to go now. Talk to most of you later!
  • January 5, 2001, 3:22 p.m.
    Hey everyone and a 5-day-late happy new year! Just a quick 30-second hi here are I install a new section. The Picture Gallary is going in, but actually doesn't have any pictures yet. The scanner was having problems so I'll have to give it another shot the next chance I get. That's all for now. See y'all~!
  • December 25, 2000, 12:23 a.m.
    Hello all! Merry Christmas/Hanuka/Kwanza/Whatever! (I know there are more, but I never remember them all. Talk about your holiday traffic jams!) ANYWAY...just wanted to write and say...all that. :) I've been working quite a bit on the site and most of the older sections are back up (They all got deleted in the transfer, so I had to re-write them)Anyway, up-dates are well on there way and I'm pretty pleased. It's looking like I'd hoped and all that which you all just don't care about. :) Well, that's about it for now. I'm sorry these haven't been very interesting up-dates lately, but I only write at the last minutes after up-dating so I'm more worried about being late then writing cool stuff. Well, I g2g for now. More coming soon!
  • December 13, 2000, 1:19 p.m.
    Hi everybody! I just have time to write a quick note before I have to get to class, but I did want to put some record of my work in here. :) Well, the big up-dates are coming along nicely. As you can see, I've completely re-done the front page and the Up-dates section. I'm working on the notes now and I'll be adding several new sections durring Christmas break. I think it'll look great when I'm done! I've also added another guest book and some new weblinks.
    Lastly, I have a request for you all: I'm collecting all my friend's webpages so I can put in links. There are a bunch of you who I know have pages but I just don't have the address. (You know who you are) If you could send those to me A.S.A.P that would be great! Also, if you have a webpage that I don't know about, then you can send me the address and I'll link it to this page. Then again, if you DON'T want a link to your page, then a simple E-mail to will do the trick there too. Okay, that's all the time I have for now. See ya! ~Mars(i)
  • November 29, 2000, 2:12 p.m.
    Hello everyone! Welcome to the new improved WebSite! I know I said last up-date that I would be deleting the site, but a whole bunch of people asked me not to (Thanks to all of you who changed my mind~ :)) Well, after thinking over the request, I decided not to delete, but insted to completely re-do the whole bit! Now, rather then just one page, I'm planning a multipage WebSite so it's easier to get around. (No more infinet scrolling down!!!:)) I've learned some new web techniques and tricks that will allow me to do some new stuff and now that I have access to a scanner, I'm thinking about adding some picutres...and maybe even some of my own drawings~! (But I'll need more then a little urging for that one) Anyway, the point is that I'm going to be making even more major up-dates and I'd love it if any of you have ideas or suggestions. Keep checking back ofter becuase you never know when I have a couple minutes to change things! :) Hope you like the up-dates and catch you all later!
    ~Mars(i) da Wacky...back for good! ("Oh no!")
  • October 6, 2000, 4:56 p.m.
    Hey everyone. I know it's been a long time since I've up-dated this. Well, sorry. See I've made a decision. I'm going to be deleeting this site at the end of two weeks. See, I've used up most of the space on this page and I'd like to start new sometime. Plus, it's not like the web hangs on my silly page or anything. :) That's about all I have to say. ~Mari
  • April 1, 2000, 6:25 p.m.
    Hello all people who come to the site! How are the little Earthlings? Good? Good. I just have time to say Hi and I made some big-time up-dates so: "hi! I made some big-time up-dates!" Hehehe. :P gotcha! (Well, at least I up-dated!)
  • March 22, 2000, 9:00 a.m.
    Hello to all web surfers! (Namely, my friends, cause you're the only ones who would even CONCIDER coming to this page--:):P)It's happened again folks!! I'VE UP-DATED THE SITE!! (No, DUH) Okay, I'll stop being dumb now. I've added in a new section. I got the idea from Caitlin, one of Amanda's friends. I saw it on her site. Caitlin, do you mind if I use your idea? It's a very cool one. If you don't want me to use it, then E-mail me at Coolness!
    Well, I'm actually at school now and I have to get ready for my next class, so I'll skidatle for now. Check the site later for new stuff, and you know, I have to give the "SlamBook prize" to Jen. She's signed it 7 times!! Can anyone beat her record?? (HINT HINT!!)
  • March 14, 2000, 5:43 p.m.
    Yo yo! Up down! (Yes Amanda, that WAS for you.) It's been a long time since I got to work on the site. (It's already March for cryin' out loud!) I've been SOOO busy! I only have a minute or so more to write, so I'll make it short:
    #1-Sam, it was great to see you a few weeks ago! I miss ya lots already (No big surprise there). Glenn is still yammaring about how cool you were. :) Told ya that'd happen. Anyway, the next time I see ya, I WILL be seeeing to it that we get to sight read some. :)
    #2-Yumi, have fun in NYC! The big apple, yo! It'll be great I'm sure. Call me when you get back in town okay?
    #3-Amanda, How did writing that poem go? If you're stuck, you can E-mail me. I'm not so good at poetry, but I'll try my best. I haven't been able to get that guys name yet. You must not think of it enough or something. :)
  • Feb 22, 2000, 11:25 a.m.
    Hey people! How are all you humans? (*teehee*) I'm pretty good, I guess. I have the first test of my life on Friday--Math test. :) I'm looking forward to finding out what this "test" thing is. Well, I have a few up-dates for now:
    #1-Happy late birthday to Lily! She turned 14 on Valentines day! Sorry I didn't get to post sooner Lily. Happy birthday!
    #2-I think all of you got the notice I sent out, yes? About that un-known E-mail? Well, if you haven't responded yet, I would like it if you could. I need to know who sent that and I don't have the sources to find out myself. Thanks a lot!
  • Feb 11, 2000, 6:54 p.m.
    Hello all you guys out there. I told you to check the site often, didn't I? You see how much I can do in half an hour? :) Well, Just some silly notes for now.
    #1--(Most important) Almost happy birthday to Sam and Henry! Yeah yeah, I know when ALL your birthdays are. Don't freak out. I bet you don't know when MINE is! (Oliver, keep your MOUTH SHUT!!:P) So happy birthday to them. Henry, I'm gonna call you tomorrow night, and also, being the Queen of Late, I haven't gotten to mail that letter yet. I'm SOOOO sorry! I'll get it off TOMORROW! (Mom HAS to let me 'cause it's your B-day) Sam, watch the mail! I sent ya something. I see you in...WHOA!! 10 days!! YEAH MAN!!
    #2--(Less important) Well, I have a dreaded SEATING AUDDTION tomorrow afternoon! Uh-oh! Wish me luck people! Ooops! Look at the clock! I'm out of time to write! Thanks for coming to the site! Check back often, and remember....
  • Jan 28, 2000, 7:02 p.m.
    Hello all my friends! (No...really....) I've decided to add an up-date section to my site (As you can see) How this works is when I add to the site, I'll write an up-date under this section. I may not have time to write much, or I may have all the time in the world, but I WILL always try to remember to up-date it. (That way you guys can keep track of how often I add to the site) Oh well. I'm outta time now. I see you all soon! Bye now!

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