"That Rocket Girl"
By: Bleeding Rose

Author’s note: ::Looks around with shifty eyes.:: I OWN POKEMON!!!! WHOO, WHOO! ::Some IRS people take her away, while she kicks and screams.:: I’m not lying!!! Get your hands offa me!!! Ahhh! Okay, fine, fine! I don’t own Pokemon, and I’ll never say I owned Pokemon again, Okay?! ::The IRS people let her go.::

You saw nothing. ::Runs away.::


Chapter 1: The contest

Okay, so she’s a big dreamer. Often at times she’d even have unrealistic or ridiculous types of fantasies. But dreams that went this far… There aren’t words to explain how surreal that can be. She never would have imagined that night would have gone so far…

To tell you the truth, James and Meowth wouldn’t have either. The important thing is, that this was probably the most important decision she’d make in her entire life. It all started that faithful Saturday afternoon…


As the three of them walked along the rocky dirt paths, Jessie, James, and Meowth’s stomachs yearned for food.

"James, when was the last time we had a decent meal?", Jessie said, sounding rather tired. 

"I think about 4 days ago.", he replied. 

The three sulked as they approached a little area called "Twilight Town". They passed various stores and restaurants as they walked, smelling the aroma of food. Seeing a bench, they sat down and tried to gather their thoughts.

"I’m going to go crazy! Those shoes displayed in that window are even starting to look tasty." Jessie sighed as she held her stomach, trying to calm her hunger pains.

"Yeah, I think we’re all going crazy.", said James, replying to Jessie’s comment. He noticed that there was a medium-sized poster board attached to the window Jessie had been looking at. "Hey, Jessie… Look at that sign outside the window."

Gingerly limping from lack of energy, Jessie began walking over. She read the following:

ll 5:00 on Saturday. ll

Free food and drink will be provided. Fun for the whole family! Sing to your favorite tunes! Dance to the music! And maybe even win the grand prize of five hundred dollars! 

Come and join us all! We’ll be waiting to hear your beautiful (Or maybe not-so beautiful) voices!

"Well, I sure don’t know ‘bout dat ‘fun fer da whole family’ part", but I heard da food part!", proclaimed Meowth with a smile.

"And it’s FREE!" Said James, squealing in a joyous tone.

"Not only, that, but it’s tonight! Looks like we’ll be eating dinner!", Jessie interjected.

The three were all obviously delighted.


The line leading into the karaoke show/free dinner session was surprisingly short, making Jessie,
James, and Meowth all the happier.

"Good evening, Sir. Madam.", the young man said with a smile. "May I ask who will be the lucky person singing tonight?", he finished.

"Oh, you must be mistaken. We’re only here for the show.", James replied.

*And for the free food, of course…*, thought James.

"Oh, I believe it is you who is mistaken. Every sign posted throughout Twilight Town said that there had to be at least one person in every party who sang tonight, or else you’ll have to pay for admission, food and drink.

James looked back at Jessie.

"Er, I guess I forgot to read the fine print…", Jessie said.

The three looked at each other.

"Meowth…?", James said in a questioning tone.

"Heh! Don’t look at Meowth… As if a talking cat ain’t freaky enough… I don’t think the world is ready for a singing cat."

"Well, I’m certainly not going to do it. Karaoke isn’t ‘my thing’. Besides, I’ll probably be the only male singing up there."

"I’ll be singing tonight, sir." exclaimed Jessie.

James and Meowth were surprised to hear Jessie decide so quickly.

"Great. Name please?"

"Sure thing. Jessica-" She was cut off by James.

"Excuse me. I need to have a private conversation with my friend. I hope you don’t mind, it’ll only take a minute or two.", he said to the man, quickly pulling Jessie away.

"Uh, sure.", he replied.

Bringing Jessie around the corner, James looked at Jessie, who was quite confused.

"What’s the matter, James?"

In reply, James spoke. "Don’t tell the man your real name. Make up a pseudonym, so that there’s no risk of blowing our cover."

"Right.", she agreed with a nod.

As they walked back, the man looked up from his clip board, and clicked his pen. "So, that’s Jessica…"

"Rocket." She firmly said. James winked at her, and the three of them entered. The man led them to a table, and told Jessie when she needed to go backstage. After the man left the table, a waitress came with drinks for the couple. After taking a giant gulp, James placed his glass down, and spoke.
"So, Jessie, are you nervous?", he said sounding rather antagonizing.

"No. It takes a lot to get me nervous… And a stupid karaoke contest isn’t going to get me all worked up." She sat back. "The only thing I’m concerned about is when our meal is coming."

James smiled. He admired Jessie’s bravery, and carefree attitude. To be honest, he admired everything about her. Accept maybe the fact that she was more assertive than he. But then again, that wasn’t really her fault.

"Here comes our order!", said Meowth, practically drooling.

The three of them chowed down, enjoying the familiar taste of food they loved so much.

Jessie looked up at the clock. "Oh, gee. I gotta get backstage!" Quickly sliding out of the booth they were sitting in, she strode to the doorway leading to backstage, looking rather confident.

"I wonder what song she’ll pick.", James said, putting another forkful of food into his mouth."

"I wonder if she sounds good singing…", Meowth wondered.

Looking down at Meowth, James raised his eyebrow.

"You know what? I never have heard her sing alone before. She always sang with me.", James said, also wondering.

"Well, I guess we’ll soon find out!" , the feline said sounding satisfied.

Meanwhile, backstage, many people were chatting among their selves, while Jessie stood alone in the corner. A tall man came in, holding a bulky book. As he put it on the table in front of him, he spoke.

"Now then. Who wants to pick their song first?"

Many people crowded around the table, but the man looked amongst the crowd to pick someone. He looked to see a girl standing alone. "How about you. Yes, you in the corner."

Jessie looked up. She smiled, and walked over. Carefully flipping each page, she saw no songs that seem to suit her. Finally, a certain title caught her eye. However, she lingered for a moment, having a "should I?" look on her face.

"I-I’ll sing this song, Sir.", Jessie finally spoke.

"This one?", he began. "Are you sure? It has some pretty high pitched notes…"

"I can handle it.", she said promptly, while walking away. *The high notes aren’t what I’m concerned about… Anyway…*, she thought to herself.


It seemed that the night was getting longer and longer. James and Meowth continued to eat, while listening to both good and bad voices sing. Whenever someone sang badly, Meowth and James would crack a joke or two.

"She sounds so bad, she could wake the dead wit dat voice!", claimed Meowth

"He sounds worse than Botch!", James snickered.

They were certainly being entertained…

The order in which people sang was listed alphabetically by last name, leaving "Jessica Rocket" no where near the beginning. However, her turn finally came, and soon enough, she was standing in front of about fifty people, ready to sing.

"Jessica, it’s your turn!", said a man dressed in black, tapping her on the shoulder.

*You can do this, Jessie. Be strong…*,she thought to herself, desperately trying to encourage herself.

Though she was already placed firmly on the stage floor, James had not noticed her name being called, neither had Meowth.

The soft piano solo chimed through the whole room, as Jessie’s song began.

Singing gracefully, Jessie started.

"Playground school bell rings again.
Rain clouds come to play again.
Has no one told you she's not breathing?
Hello I’m your mind giving you someone to talk to.

James looked up from stirring his drink. Never had he heard such a beautiful voice sing so passionately. Surely enough, it was Jessie who was singing. He became mesmerized in the lulling melody of her voice.

"If I smile and don't believe.
Soon I know I’ll wake from this dream.
Don't try to fix me I’m not broken.
Hello I’m the lie living for you so you can hide.
Don't cry."

Though it had been contradictory to what Jessie had just sung, a tear slowly slid from her cheek. James suddenly felt a painful symphathy for her, and paid attention to what his partner had to say. Her voice was dulcet. Her talent was elusive. Words slowly slurred from her tongue as she put feeling into every lyric. Enamored, the audience listened to her, singing as if she had wrote the song herself.

She was truly amazing.

"Suddenly I know I’m not sleeping.
Hello I’m still here.
All that's left of yesterday…"

*Picture copy write of Bleeding Rose*

As Jessie stepped offstage, the audience roared with excitement and glee. She had been the first, and only, standing ovation that night. With a shy smile, Jessie emotionlessly stared at the crowd. Though it was out of character for her to be shy, something caused her to not beam with pride, as she usually would. It was rather puzzling to James. Walking back to her, James’, and Meowth’s table, she hid her face while she wiped her tears.

She was lucky she hadn’t bothered to put on mascara that night. However, James knew something was wrong.

"J-Jessie…", stuttered James. "I had no idea you had such a beautiful voice."

"It’s not the voice, James.", said Jessie, pretending not to be crying previously. "It’s the feeling a put behind it."

James stared in her puffy eyes. Squinting, he approached the question slowly.

"Jessie, why… Were you crying up there?", he said, waiting for a rather painful slap.

"Me?! Crying?! You must have been mistaken, James. I was tearing from those bright lights up there, and…", she blushed as she spoke.

Somehow, James knew that she was fibbing, though he decided not to fiddle with the subject. If Jessie felt it was too personal to discuss, then she was entitled to her right of privacy.

"I’m in the mood for a sundae.", Jessie said with a smile.

"On a Saturday?", James joked with her.

"Just get the waitress over here, James.", Jessie said with a laugh.

The rest of the night carried on, and more people sang. Most of them were pretty good, but James could have sworn that one of them sounded like they were drunk. He joked more with Meowth and Jessie, generally having a good time.

The contest was over before they even realized it, but hey, you know how people say, "Time flies when you’re having fun."

Jessie stood up, stretching her arms in satisfaction.

"That was delicious ice cream.", she said licking her lips.

They were all getting ready to leave, however, a man walked up to the microphone, holding a piece of small paper.

"Attention, everyone…", he began.

Jessie sat back down, wondering what the man had to say.

He continued. "I have just received the results from the contest, and there are three winners."

The audience seemed intrigued as he spoke.

"3rd place goes to Krissy Hallman!"

The man held a small coupon, which was good for getting a free meal on Wednesdays at the restaurant they were in. As a skinny, long-haired blond walked up to the man, she accepted the coupon, and smiled brightly.

There were about 5 people in the crowd who started clapping, who quickly stopped once they noticed no one else was clapping.

"2nd place goes to Madison Freely!"

A dark haired girl, rather chunky, walked up waiting for her prize. It was a sum of 50 dollars in cash. She seemed happy, but still, it wasn’t 1st place.

Once again, a small crowd of people started clapping, but stopped afterwards.

"And finally…" The man, hesitated. Everyone was dying to know who was the lucky winner.

"1st place winner and champion-Jessica Rocket!"

Jessie perked up. Her eyes shot open. She had won the contest, and all she had intended to do was get a free meal. She had won something, for a change.

As she slowly got up, still amazed, James instantly stood up, and started clapping loudly. He wasn’t ashamed of being the only one clapping. However, after Jessie had received her award, she turned around to see the whole crowd standing, giving off beams of applause.

Jessie walked back to her seat, and James sat down.

"And to think… We only came here for a free meal…", Jessie said, holding the cash in her hand.


When Jessie, James, and Meowth left, they could hear the faint mumble of some people talking.

"I reckon’ that Rocket gal could go pretty far with that voice of hers!"

"Yeah, she was great! She should seriously consider getting an agent…"

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