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My Little Kitties: Naughty Kitties

Welcome to the hiding spot of three more of my little angels. These little guys happen to be my Naughty Kitties, sometimes they need a time out but other then that their little angels. These kitties get along pretty well with each other but do get into a tussel every once in a while. Naughty boys.

Naughty Kitty number one is my little Dais Kitty and even though he's given up his armor he's a good little guy and sometimes gets into a tussel with my Vegeta Kitty. Poor little guy is always teased by Vegeta about his eyepatch and usually ends up with both in separate corners. *sigh*.

My other Naughty Kitty is my little Cale Kitty, he's usually asleep next to a heating vent and purring away while my Vegeta and Dais Kitty are fighting in the kitchen over who gets what sardine. *sigh* You can usually find him by the heating vent but then of course you can also find him on my bed or on my lap while I'm on the computer...cute little guy.

Now for the naughtiest kitty of all, my little Vegeta Kitty. This little guy is always getting into a fight with my Dais Kitty and is usually put in time out. This little guy can be a sweetheart when he wants to be but usually he want to be the leader and Dais won't stand for that.

Kitty Couples