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Evee's Site: Evee Island

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ME!Get one from this site on my free layout page!

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Poke Storm

Evee's Island

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Mew's Bubble

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Mew's Sancuary Mew's Sancuary

Mew's Sancuary

Thanks for visiting my site.And hi,My name is Melissa.Call me Mel.And don't forget to add your page to my afflates page.(E-mail me with your site url,and your banner HTML if you have one.)Then again you could also adopt a Pokemon for your site.Just E-mail me the Pokemon's picture(or the name,and I'll find one.)you want,and the nick name you want to give it,and I'll send it to you within 2 days.(Fri.-Mon on weekends,I do my site research on the weekends,so I wouldn't have enough time to make one!)And I almost forgot about my Chat room,Message Board,and pubic drawing board.Plus,don't forget to get your own free E-mail account.(!)And sign my guest book!Have fun!

If you want to use something on my site then tell me,and I'll send you the HTML block for it.If you don't tell me then I'll sick the EV association after you!

We hit 500 hits on 02/19/01 at 3:25 p.m.!

Melissa's Pikachu Clock ^_~(Yes this has the right time!)

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