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Welcome to my web thingy. I'm Megan, also known as Mega Rose. I've lost my sanity and am too darn lazy to rummage through the couch cushions to find it again. Here you can read my sprite comic, Megatopia. I also have some other random nonsense. I'll add other stuff if I feel like it.

2004 May 22 Saturday

Whoa. Two updates in two days. That's a new record for me. Sweet! Check the new comics link, I'm too lazy to write out a real link.

2004 May 21 Friday

I gots a new Megatopia up.

2004 May 13 Thursday

If you've been wondering where I've been all this time, I haven't left. I'm just lazy. I's gots a new rant up.

2004 March 18, Thursday

Click here or I'll track you down and torture you. That's right, YOU! CLICK THERE! NOW! You're probably the only one reading this so you know who you are...

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