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Misha Fan Club

Misha Jokes

Sign the guestbook.... Or die a sloooooooowwww painful death involving knives, and rats, and pins, and um... knives... and fire!
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Who stole the last cookie?
I think it was Misha, in fact I know it! IIIIIIIIIIILIN DAWG!!! G-UNIT SHIZZLE!!!..

Misha is an incredibly blameable red hair young chap who does everything. The Misha's mating habits are virtually non-existent. Although, he on occasion has relations with trees and various other shrubbery. He favours rose bushes, as the thorns give him that extra orgasmic tingle.

His other partners include marmots, parrots, bears, sloths, peacocks, flamingos, and musk oxes (musk ox musk ox not very dirty, cleaning musk ox very very easy mate). If he's in rambunctious mood, he gets a gay policeman and jumps into a kangaroo pouch.

Time for the slide show

Misha backpacking across India... Yeah he had a jolly time.

Misha got his period today. He's growing up so fast... *tear*

Misha and his buds on halloween.

I don't think Misha got his juice box this morning...

Moley moley moley moley moooolllleeeee!!!!

The original G. Golly what a gangster.

Why they say he sometimes mates with bears...

Misha studying really hard to ace that puberty exam...

We're not entirely sure, but we believe Misha once evolved from being a kitten.

Misha climbing Mount Everest. He took a bit of a tumble from the top.

Misha coming home from summer camp. He's smiling because he lost his balls in an unfortunate sewing accident. Don't ask...

These are Misha's children. My how the aging disease sets in.