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Sean's Email!!!!

Yes, I decided to put my email on here again. This allows me to be able to use colors that are tough to do on Hotmail when on a Mac. So now for something totally cool, mixed with something totally not-so-cool:

The Pharaoh of the Opera!!!

Christine= Anzu

Phantom= Atem

Guy Christine likes= Yugi

Friend= Serenity

Friend's Sister (Yeah, I know she's supposed to be her mother, but Mana's not that old)= Mana

Manakin of Christine= Dark Magician

Guys that bought Opera house= Honda and Duke

Conceited Opera Chick= Mai

Concieted Opera Chick's Boyfriend= Joey

Perverted Guy in Audience= Grandpa with Johji.

Enter the lovely Anzu, with her long, flowing curled hair and her beautiful voice.

"I'm so happy! Today I'm going to actually be the star of the show for once! ... All these years I've been training and waiting and perfecting myself so that I could finally get to the top... well it's time to go on!"

"Whatever... you're just getting this because my voice went out..." *walks off*

"I know she can be a pain at times Anzu... but she sure is great in the sack!!" *grin* *thumbs up* *walks off with her*

"Meh... well, hope I do good!"

Goes on. Sucks. But the people like her anyway because she has big boobs.

"Whooo yeah! Shake those tits!!!"

"Hey!! Higher old man! I can't see the cleavage!!"

Later, in Anzu's room

"Hey Anzu!"

"Oh hi Yugi!"

"You were totally cool! I mean, did you hear those two guys in the front?"

"Yugi... those guys just liked my boobs..."


"But thanks for being so nice. That's why I like you so much."


"W-Well, I'd better go Anzu!!" *leaves*




"You were great!"

"I sucked... I bet he'll be real dissapointed..."


"No... Yugi's too sweet to be dissapointed... I'm talking about... him."

"Kaiba......?!" *blushies with stars and hearts*

".... um.... eww... and I keep telling you that he has no idea that you even exist."

"Whatever... we're meant to be!!! Anyway, so who?"

"Well..." *lights a candle on a table* "Before my father died, he told me that when he was gone, an Angel would be sent to watch over me..."

*raises eyebrow* "Mm... kay..."

"It's true! So now every night I have these weird dreams about a masked man with a cape and stuff. It's kinda creepy, but at the same time......" *blushes* "I think I'm falling in love with his voice..."

"Mm... kay..."


"500,000 YEN?!!! What the hell does he do with all this money?!!"

"Well Duke, they say that the Pharaoh uses it to invest in the stock market of America."

"Woah... Honda... take your Digimon jokes elsewhere man... And I am not paying this much to some dildo who calls himself 'The Pharaoh of the Opera'."

"Actually, I think the people named him that."

"Whatever. The dildo gets nothing."


Back to Anzu

"Well, I'd better get going Anzu. See ya!"


Door shuts. Gets oddly dark. Faint singing is heard

"Ah! That voice!"

*Mirror in the room opens to reveal the Pharaoh wearing a mask covering half his face*

"Crap...! I got my tunnels mixed up again...!"

"Ah! You--!"

"Oh. Hello... Well, I must be leaving now." *starts to leave*

"I must follow him... something about him just calls to me..."

"Hmm? Whatever..."

*Starts singing as she's walking*

"Are you following me?!"


"Maybe if I pretend she's not here... then she'll just die..."

At the Pharaoh's cave

"Ah... home." *turns around* "Wah!! Oh... you're still here...."

"But I-- I love you..."

"That's nice... however, I prefer to be alone. So if you could just find the tunnel you followed me from and go home..."

*gets all close to him* *looks at a shadowy figure behind some curtains* "Is that a dummy of... me?"

"No." *Opens curtains to reveal a Dark Magician statue*

"But you were singing to me at night!"

"I sing to myself at night. It helps me sleep."

"Oh well... I still love you!" *snuggles*

"Really! This is why I came down here in the first place, to get away from freaks like you! Will you just get off of me!"

"But.... love.... you...." *takes off mask*

*nothing happens* *he looks perfectly normal*

"What the?"

"Hey! That's mine!" *snatches it back*

"But... why do you wear it?"

"Because I like smell of plastic on my face."

"Mm... kay... But I still LOVE YOU!!!"

"ACK! That's it! MIND CRUSH!"

*colors invert* *face cracks*