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Light_Togetic's Adopted Pokemon

These are my adopted pokemon from TPM.


Koffing was my first adopted pokemon. He's at level 8, and has only Poison Gas, Psywave, and Tackle as his attacks. His ability is Levitate, which prevents ground attacks from hitting him. He loves to puff out his poisonous gases all day. He was adopted from the PokeZoo.


Chansey is my second adopted pokemon, also from the PokeZoo. She is a level 9 female, and her ability/trait is Natural Cure. Her attacks are: Pound, Growl, Refresh, and her bred move is Metronome. She's very friendly. Sometimes maybe too friendly, as she sticks to her friends all the time.


Shuckle was an abandoned pokemon that I adopted from the PokeZoo. She's at level 8, and her ability/trait is Sturdy. Her attacks are Constrict, Withdraw, and Earthquake. I'll wait to see what kind of personality she has....


Plusle too comes from the PokeZoo, and she's quite the cutie! She loves to make friends, so it's no surprise that she and my Chansey have become good friends in the short time they've known each other. Her ability is Plus, and her attacks are: Growl, Thunder Wave, and her egg move is Iron Tail. She's at level 6.