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The Gorgeous One

Yoo-hoo!  Over here!  Mr. rich person!
Home Run Jess!  Home Run Jess!
Oh, gross!  A slug!
James, you lost my hairspray AGAIN!  BAD!
Uh oh... that can't be good...
Ow!  James, watch where you're putting your foot!
That, James, was ATROCIOUS AIM!
The perfect poster shot of the perfect woman!
Barge in on me again and you'll find out why I'm the Queen of Mean!
I dream of Jeanne with the light blue hair... oops.  I didn't say that.
I'm not supposed to be a Roman Candle!
Ahh... is that a Pringles can I see?
A pity you can't see all of my beautiful figure.
A cockroach in MY KITCHEN!
That was my FOOD!
What?  Is my mascara smeared?
Green just isn't my color...
Either the boss pays hospital bills, or we walk!
*singing* If you need to fall apart...
Thank you, thank you, you may rise.
Hand over the gummi worms and no one gets hurt!
Oh, my FACE... wait a sec!  Maybe it'll make a good disguise!  I mean, the other ones worked, for God's sake...
Feast your eyes!  Gaze upon my countenance and despair!
Because, my dear James, I know how and you don't.
Where's my other half?!
Oh, well, um, maybe I could be persuaded to wash your uniform this once, James...

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