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Who goes with who? Now these are just MY opinions, so don't sue me. If you do, you die (not really). It's almost six AM and I'm hyper because I can't stop thinking of Pokemon, so just bear with me here. Some of you may be wondering why I tend to prefer heterosexual pairings. Am I homophobic? No (at least I don't think I am). It's just, I'm a young woman who has never had a boyfriend. Therefore, it's easier for me to identify with heterosexual couples.

Well, to tell the truth, my favorite person to go with Ash would be...MISTY (Pokeshipping)! Oh em gee, what a surprise. (For those of you don’t know, “oh em gee” is OMG, an abbreviation for “Oh My Gosh/God”) If not Misty, then I could imagine him with Gary (Palletshipping). But as long as he isn’t officially with anyone else, I’ll be a Pokeshipper at heart...and maybe throw in some Palletshippy stuff for variety.

I want to see Misty with Ash! My second choices are Brock (Gymshipping), Tracey (Orangeshipping), and Gary (Egoshipping). Maybe even Richie (Indigoshipping). Misty’s one of those people who I could see with a lot of characters...but not at the same time. Like I said, I’m a Pokeshipper at heart, but I also like Gymshipping and Orangeshipping. Egoshipping would be interesting.

Brock has so many different girls he likes. How can I just pick one? I guess the best choice would be Misty. As much as I hate to admit it, there’s probably more evidence for these two than Ash and Misty. But like I said, I’m a Pokeshipper at heart! If those two didn’t work out, I might, at a stretch, be able to see him with Jessie (Brocketshipping) (!?) or even James (also called Brocketshipping oO) or Tracey (Thirdwheelshipping). But he’ll most likely end up with nobody in the anime, and we’ll have to leave it up to fanfic authors like myself.

Um...James (Rocketshipping). Is there anyone else? Just kidding! It might work with Cassidy (Yamushipping). I mean, really, those two are the only lesbian couple I could EVER see happening in Pokemon. Oddly enough, I always had this pseudo-obsession with Jessie and Ash (Redshipping). o_O That would just be so weird and silly, don’t you think? Jessie and Ash... *snickers* But I swear, I’m really a Pokeshipper at heart!

Jessie. Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie. Can’t picture him with anyone else. Brock? Doubtful, but the only other possibility, I think. Maybe Tracey (Innocenceshipping)...Nah. He’d be cute with Ash (Naiveshipping)...but I’m a Pokeshipper at heart!

Honestly? Ash. Maybe Misty. But I think he looks best with Ash. Nothing else would work. I mean, who else does he know? Brock? It just doesn’t look right. Ash is definitely the best choice. But I’m a Pokeshipper at heart.

ME (AniMEshipping)! Huh? That’s not a valid answer? Oh, you mean actual character. Well...uh...Misty. I swear to God, I’m a Pokeshipper at heart! I always thought that if Tracey HAD to be with a male character *sob sob* it should be Brock. I mean...dang, they just look so good together! Not as good as Tracey and Rachael, of course, but then who does?!?...Actually, I’m more infatuated with the Japanese character Kenji. Tracey just has two many girls after him. Even a few is too many.

This is getting good. To tell the truth, I can see him with one person and that’s Ash’s mother, Delia (Eldershipping). Yes, I’s too obvious. But who else could it be? Say “Tracey (Apprenticeshipping)” and I’ll block your IP from this site (like I could do that). There’s no one else his age! Well...except a couple of gym leaders, maybe...Lt. Surge (?)...Blaine (?)...Giovanni (?). Ick, let’s stop thinking about these old men. I’m a Pokeshipper at heart.

Delia is Ash’s mother, for those of you who don’t know. There are two people I can picture with her. No, three. First choice is Prof. Oak, obviously. A lot of my stories involve Tracey knowing that there’s more to their relationship than meets the eye...poor, sweet, innocent Tracey (Kenji). T_T The other is Giovanni (Diamondshipping). Oh, come on. Think of how dramatic that would be for poor Ash! But then, I’ve been toying with the idea that Giovanni is actually GARY’S father. More on that later. Finally, there’s Brock’s father. Of course, that would make Ash and Brock brothers...


Nobody. Richie has faded into oblivion, doomed to be forever happy and perfect.

Um...Cassidy (Neoshipping). Why not James? (Kokoshipping) Well...No. Just no.

Butch. Or Jessie. Either one would work, really. Some people think Butch and Cassidy are related. Others think Jessie and Cassidy are related. But then, some people think that everyone in the entire series is related. Somehow, that wouldn’t surprise me.

Maybe Ash (Baseballshipping). In fact, Ash is the only...No, wait. Brock (?) said something about her being interesting and blushed...Dangit. I wish I could remember more.

Uh...nobody. Like Richie, he’s gone for good.

Why didn’t I do this one before? I can only really see Pikachu with Meowth (Krazyshipping). Maaaaaybeeeee Squirtle. No other Pokemon, though.

What are you people thinking? Togepi’s a baby, for crying out loud! Besides, hasn’t it evolved already? Ugh, I really need to catch up here.

Probably Pikachu. Who else does Meowth interact with?

Each other. :D I kind of liked them better as Ekans and Koffing, though.

That’s all I can think of. And now, for my favorite ships.
