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Your shop is one of the best tools you have to getting loads of neopoints. However, you can lose neopoints if you don't have a good plan with your shop. The guidelines below each talk about a certain element that your shop provides. I hope it helps you like it helped me!

Your Shop Name

It may not seem important, but your shop name does say a lot about how creative you are.For example, if your shop was all about food, and you called your shop "The Food Shop", it doesn't sound nearly as creative as "Zorg Breath's Ancient Delicacies". Put some thought into your shop name, and try and make it have something to do with what you're selling.If your shop sells toys, and you called it "Trading Card Shop",obviously it sounds a bit weird.

What You Sell

You obviously have tons of choices on what to sell. Will you make your shop a specialty store, or will it carry everything imaginable? It's your choice, but obviously some choices are wiser than others. Don't make your store sell items of only one colour, like a store that only sells Pink things. Not only does it create a nuisence when you try to buy things of that particular colour, but it also doesn't open the window to makeing big bucks. Make sure that whatever it is you sell, that there is a constant demand for it. Food is your best bet. My shop only sells food, and I don't remember one time when I couldn't sell something.

Shop Description

If you want to spruce up your shop a bit, and make it look really neat, I definetly recommend learning some HTML. Not only does it look great, but it might attract some customers too. Remember to keep your shop description appropiate, or you will get frozen. Adding some colour and images makes your shop look more professional. To learn some HTML, I found a great site is

Shop Prices

This is going to be the biggest factor in whether or not your shop becomes a success. The best way to make sure your shop is fairly priced, is to use the Shop Wizard. I recommend selling things at more or less the average price. I sell things usually 5 to 10 np higher than the lowest price. If you plan to have a small gallery of items, and you price them at a very high price, I think you would be wise to explain in your shop description why you priced those certain items so high, or you might find yourself getting some angry neomails.

Shop Stock

You should try to restock your shop at least once a week. If not, you may find that you are getting NP rather slowly. Be sure not to put in more than 100 different items in your shop. If you do, it will take a long time for some customers to load your shop, and they might decide to take their business elsewhere then.

Advertising Your Shop

Unless you have REALLY low prices, most people will not notice your shop even exists. There is a way to overcome this, and it is to advertise your shop. The NeoChat board is a great place to entice users to view your shop. You can also advertise a bit on your guild msg board. Whereever it is that you advertise your shop, make sure to avoid spamming at all costs. It drives customers away!