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    Visitors since November 30

    CJSR FM 88

    My time slot is Mondays from 11:00am to 1:00pm.

    Don't miss Your Weekly AA Meeting with Adam and Aron [sic] every Tuesday from 10:00pm to 11:00pm.


    Jon dot Dunbar at Digital Grotto dot Tokelau
    Mickey at Digital Grotto dot Tokelau Use these images to link my site

  • May 2002 archive

    Friday, May 31
    keywords: Jebus, Christmas in May, May 26, Operators, Kasuals, Kovie, Masturbating Angel
    Let us now celebrate the birth of our lord.

    Following up those Lego links I had a few days ago, here's something along a similar vein, only with human bodies.

    And here's Internet ESP to scare the shit out of you. I just figured out how they do that, and now I'm even more scared.

    I found this compatibility test through Firda. You can even how compatible you are with me.

    Thursday, May 30
    keywords: See Magazine, Best of Edmonton readers poll, Mari Sasano, CJSR, Mari Sasano's legs, A-Channel, Mari Sasano's belly button
    I just interviewed the Frenetics. Which means this will be a completely See Magazine entry today.

    A brief word on the Frenetics: no, they are not a mod band. If you're expecting to hear another Strokes ripoff band with Oasis haircuts who are too pretentious to find their own asses, you're liable to be disappointed.

    I found the most tasteless review possible of the Frenetics' CD (scroll down).

    See cut out one of the questions from this week's Savage Love column. The second one (FACIALGOOB). Great advice.

    Today's pictures are outtakes from this week's "Framed" column.

    I got a lower-case bulk e-mail from Felix Carter.

    so i'll get to the point - on june 4th, this coming tuesday i'm playing a show. you know, singing with my acoustic geetar, making you challenge yourself to see how long you can keep your eyelids open.

    also on the bill are two local singer/songwriters: geoff hawryluk, and tim barlott, and headlining is a fellow named kevin devine who's from new york city, he's playing solo, but he also plays in a band called miracle of 86.

    the show is at remedy cafe, which is 8631-109st and the show starts at 8:30pm ...i'll be playing around 9:15pm. it's a pass the hat kinda gig so kevin devine can pay for his gas (he's touring canada right now) for some reason i don't know, the show is 18+ (???)

    anyway, tuesday june 4th, at remedy. i hope to see you there. xo.


    I've been meaning to shoot some singer-songwriters for some time. This seems to be a good chance...although I'll just have to settle with my camera.

    Somebody finally submitted a letter to See Magazine chastising the Best of Edmonton readers poll for giving second place to Southside Sound and ignoring other stores, like Freecloud and Foosh. It's about fucking time all that was said, or I would have done something. If you don't buy vinyl, don't vote for the best place to buy vinyl category. Southside Sound. Honestly.

    Wednesday, May 29
    keywords: Stomp All-Skanadian Tour, Operators, General Rudie, Chris Murray, Kingpins
    They're up.

    Looks like Kovie carried through on her threat.

    A letter from Powerman:

    hi all it is i matt, typeing from cyber on jasper my beloved pc has now expird yes as of sunday night mt computer has stoped working i have no computer and i am sad i know not how long i will be off line pray for me

    call me all the time

    Tuesday, May 28
    A letter from Kovie:
    Where the crap are your ska show pics and your Jebus birthday pics? I want some furious action!!!!

    You so lazy.


    Well, now I don't feel quite so bad about that popsicle picture of you.

    To quell this uprising, here are some previews of what's to come.
    keywords: previews
    And Taz strikes back:

    If anything, Elly is a smaller version of me.
    Oh yeah, I have two Mickey pictures taken yesterday.

    Famous last words are frightening.

    Here's an interesting game: you think of either a dictator or TV sit-com character, and the Internet guesses who it is.

    Aw, poor Kati.

    Really Johnny-cat, is it your life long goal to make me look odd. Well you're probably achieved it by now, so...


    Only post pics where I look like the supermodel that I am, or I'll start posting pics of you on my website. You've been warned....

    Yeah, I'd like to see you try to run a website...

    Monday, May 27
    Mickey replies to Konrad:
    aS6UJILKO,HJBDS67YREFAZ1qr4ythg7jui254,, ,mnnnn bgybh


    You too can e-mail my dog at Mickey at Digital Grotto dot Tokelau.

    keywords: Powerman, Remedy, phantom hand syndrome, Bear
    It's been a long time since my last gallery of Powerman. Too long, you might say.

    Mickey got a creepy e-mail from Konrad.

    I have the money, alright.

    So we'll meet at the requested place, and I'll give you the cash in return for my mother's safety. Don't hurt her anymore, you fuzzy lil' bastard.


    Mickey, you damn fool, what dirty business have you got caught up in?

    Charles from Six Different Ways answered some questions I sent him. I've been finding his website fairly enjoyable lately; there's just the right blend of interesting links and commentary.

    Sunday, May 26
    Jebus' birthday

    keywords: St Albert, museum, Cherie, People's Church
    Just catching up on some St Albert photos. That's all for now.

    It's a Lego sort of day. Here's some more. Do Lego people actually have breast attachments?

    Taz Dhariwal, a guy who seems to know everybody I know, and looks like a bigger version of Elly, has two pictures on Mirror Project. Looks like he might have a head up on me with the Stomp Tour photos. Finally, another Edmonton weblog.

    Saturday, May 25
    keywords: traffic, 109 St
    Dammit, I missed yesterday. I'm so sorry. To make up for it, I'll give you two galleries today.
  • First, some traffic pictures.
  • Next: Sta Wars cereal.

    Tonight's the big night of the Operators/General Rudie/Chris Murray (scroll down) show.

    Are you ready to die? Someday they'll get it right.

    Scroll to the bottom of this article. Hey, Tom Green is Native!

  • Thursday, May 23
    I was interviewed by Charles at Six Different Ways. He asked some interesting questions, and I made some okay answers. Soon he'll respond to my questions.
    keywords: St Albert, Riel Drive, Skyreach, Cherie, Golden Suppository
    When I went to see the Rainmaker Rodeo last weekend, I found out I was a week early. So we made our own rodeo.

    Hardmod Mike pointed out that I linked the wrong picture gallery, so you can see his _real_ photo collection here.

    Some kid got suspended for writing this essay. Actually, it's a pretty damn good paper for his grade level. Very strong imagery. "Ha ha, look at his boner!"

    I've just been hired as a freelancer for Latitude 53. My first assignment is a performance art review. And they just gave me a second project to review.

    I got an interesting letter from Indecliner aficalledinska:

    hey man..I checked out yer pics..

    and the one that says

    "check out the dude the bottom frame"

    that's me there..

    I have a sprained ankle and it got twisted again when i was in the pit..

    but super good pics though!!

    Poor guy.

    Wednesday, May 22
    keywords: Wednesday Night Heroes, Kasuals, Mofos, ninjas, Brad's chest hair, modskin Mike, a forbidden Bevurlee picture
    Lately I've been getting my entries out pretty late in the day, but I've been up editing pictures, so you'll get them as early as possible. How about some Wednesday Night Heroes action?

    Double good news: JFK and the Conspirators are coming to Likwid Lounge. No word on who else is playing with them, but I'll be your friendly neighbourhood DJ.

    I finally figured out the secret behind viewing Hardmod Mike's photos.

    All 'a you skinheads and Britpop wannabes: start memorising.

    I found a pretty good gallery of Tokyo photos. I think I got these from Charles, my current Blogger Insider partner.

    Learn how good or bad your favourite rock star is in bed. We should start our own version of this page for Edmonton punk bands.

    Tuesday, May 21
    keywords: Anarchy Adam, Jebus, Cherie, Mr Chow, Sta Wars[sic]
    Now that the whole world has seen it, I'll give my review of Episode II. It didn't make the same mistakes as Episode I; no, it made the same mistakes as L Ron Hubbard.

    Too much emphasis on grand, widespread actions, not enough on the social/environmental impact on the characters. All science fiction that claims to be good better have believeable characters who react at least somewhat realistically to skydiving between skyscrapers, or having a space fight in an asteroid belt, or even carrying out a doomed relationship. Even Episode I occasionally had moments like this, although the overall movie was tainted with Jar Jarisms.

    The version I saw didn't have opening/closing credits, and the special effects weren't fully visible enough, so all I had to judge it on were plot, character, and dialogue. Bottom line: I could have done a better job with a cat taped to my forehead.

    Oh well. Pictures.

    While we're at it, might I mention that Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the five dollar man, looks suspiciously like too many science fiction characters. All us Canadians have seen the Spock modification. But with the new five dollar bill, I've discovered the true identity of Darth Sidious.

    I tried blowing up the picture to show you the American flag on Parliament, but it was too small. You can read about it somewhere here. And check out these weird money folds.

    Consider this alternate ending to Empire Strikes Back. Sensible. Erection. Ties up all the loose ends.

    Monday, May 20
    Victoria Day

    keywords: Victoria Day, Highlevel Bridge, Cherie, Kinsmen
    I promised you pictures; you got pictures.

    Queen Victoria sure hated masturbation; one look at her should tell you why. Although I have to admit, she was hot in her youth. Here's a picture gallery of her.

    Today is the celebration of one of the most sexually repressive monarchs in the history of the British Empire. Once again, the Students' Union Building is closed, but the SUB parking garage is open for business. Fucking university. Anyway, to commemorate this occasion, I'm wearing the Helmet of Pure Thought.

    Okay, there are some fucked up masturbation prevention devices there. My favourites: vaginal juices detection cream and the anti-nocturnal emission blanket (delivers an electric shock when it gets wet). The scary thing: these devices are all real, and available for purchase over the Internet.

    Here's a similar site: Virigard. I like the artwork.

    If you're so insecure you can't even be naked in the privacy of your own bathroom, there's Honor Guard [sic].

    I'll have some Victoria Day pictures up in a little bit.

    Sunday, May 19
    keywords: St Albert, Rainmaker Rodeo, Texas Tornado
    Yesterday's rodeo turned out to be a big mistake. I was a week early. Oh well, Cherie and I took in the sights of St Albert. Ten minutes later, we headed home.

    All I have are pictures from the press conference.

    If this is true, the US teen pregnancy rate is about to skyrocket.

    That photo of hot golfer Cristie Kerr kissing a hot trophy has been getting a lot of publicity; I thought I'd pick it up in case Yahoo gets wise and removes it.

    Saturday, May 18
    keywords: Jebus, Qui-Gon Jinn
    Separated at birth: Jebus and Qui-Gon Jinn?

    I have some good news.

    Now it's off to the rodeo. Yee-haw!

    Friday, May 17
    keywords: public health care, Friends of Medicare, Roy Romanow, Mike Hudema
    Yesterday was an as-it-appeared-in-See-Magazine gallery; today will bemore of the same.

    Check out what I found in a glass of milk.

    Yesterday I went to a press conference for the St Albert Rainmaker Rodeo; I'll show you those pictures soon. This morning, I phoned my editor at See, and gave her the strangest answer you never want to hear. She asked how yesterday was, and I said something along the lines of: "It was okay. The image quality was poor, but we got to drink in the theatre....Oh wait, you're talking about the photo assignment."

    Thursday, May 16
    keywords: See Magazine, Savoy
    I took a bunch of photos for "Framed," a feature that runs in See Magazine. They're all online here, where you can see them uncut (but cropped differently).

    This picture is for Chris, David, or any of the other Batemen who might find it. I found an old photo of Princess, their cat who was recently put to sleep. Actually, they adopted Princess from us after my Baba died.

    Wednesday, May 15
    keywords: Mickey, Westridge, ravine
    This is the last Mickey gallery for a while.

    I'm in a computer lab in the Law Library. Every time I type into the address bar 'www' a big list of porn sites come up. Looks like I got the lucky computer.

    Well, the porn computer has given me the weirdest links. Most of these were gathered through Fark, usr/bin/girl, and Weblog Wannabe.

  • I haven't tried it yet, but there's a new Scorched Earth on the web.
  • Here's another game: Roadies. Sort of like Lemmings.
  • me and my monkey in thirty-two locations
  • This whole zero-tolerance policy of violence in schools is getting out of hand.

  • Tuesday, May 14
    What a day. First I interview 4-track ska legend Chris Murray, then I shoot photos at a Friends of Medicare protest, then my big fat guardian angel Powerman sends me a link correction.

    A word on Chris Murray. He dropped the "Venice Shoreline" nickname when he moved to LA, because it comes from an LA gang: the Venice Shoreline Crips. I guess he could get away with it in Canada, but not here. Also, he doesn't actually tour with a band, so if any musicians accompany his act, they'll be from one of the other acts. (Brad: hint, hint! [learn some of his songs])

    I get the weirdest hits. Hello South Korea!

    Monday, May 13
    keywords: Mickey, Anarchy Adam, Jebus, Cherie, Cafe on Whyte
    The contents of my slumber party with Mickey.

    Be sure to check out the Silly Signs gallery for a couple new entries.

    Ever hear of the Deacon Effect? It's basically an explanation for why women seem so attracted to jerks. After reading the disclaimer, I'm leaning towards doubting whether this actually happened, but 'Sabastian' makes a good point: "If it's so fucking fake why has it proven to be true a million times?"

    Sunday, May 12
    keywords: Cherie, Old Strathcona
    You're gonna get a lot of galleries of Mickey over the next few days, and a lot of neighbourhood pictures. Here's the first gallery. Soon I will document my slumber party with Mickey, but not now.

    On Tuesday, I interview (Venice Shoreline) Chris Murray.

    Saturday, May 11
    keywords: Moneen, Cherie, Sixty Stories, Pillar, Jebus, and some guy who kept putting his hands up
    Cherie finally got herMoneen pictures online.

    Tonight: slumber party with Mickey!

    Friday, May 10
    keywords: Students' Union Building, University of Alberta
    Here's a weird writing site: the dialogue project.

    And try out the graphical search engine kartoo.

    Today is a look at the Students' Union Building's aggressive expansion.

    That's all for today; Cherie will send me a link to her Moneen photos in a short while.

    While driving my sister home, I came up with a new car game: when you see a vanity licence plate, pretend you're the asshole cop who pulls the car over for speeding, and come up with the worst wisecrack possible. Okay, there's no point, other than to humiliate people who spend money on vanity licence plates.

    Thursday, May 9
    keywords: Eli, Ed, Liv, Elly
    I'm nearly caught up. Here are some pictures from Eli's party after the Mad Bomber Society show.

    Here's the scrabble board after a game with Eli, Greg, and Laura. My biggest triumphs were turning Greg's 'top' into 'utopia,' making 'moo,' which later became 'moon,' and of course 'jew' and 'queen.' And correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't 'dialed' have two 'l's in Canada?

    Wednesday, May 8
    keywords: Mickey, birds
    I haven't had any Mickey pictures lately, so here they are.

    Thankfully, my mailbox is quiet today.

    Some guy turned a flatbed scanner into a digital camera.

    I just saw Spider-Man last night. Definitely better than I was expecting. But nothing compared to Spider-Man's greatest bible stories.

    Tuesday, May 7
    keywords: John, Kegger, Leith, Kelly, Ed, Liv
    With the posting of this gallery, I'm now caught up with the old stuff. Now the new stuff is old stuff. Oh.

    A rebuttal from Kati:

    Tell stupid Powerman that I could take him in a skirt-off any day.
    He'll shrivel up into a gelatinous blob once I break out my mini-skirt.

    Screw you Powerman!!!!


    I don't like where this is going.

    Monday, May 6
    keywords: Anarchy Adam, fire, Slurpees, WWF
    This gallery is almost a week old now. Other stuff just keeps coming up. Well, not today.

    Powerman sent me a strange comment regarding something I said.

    well I Malkav Powermann challenge Kati to a skirt-off I will go dress for dress shot for shot pose for pose and we will let the fans of decide SO WHAT ABOUT IT KATI .....GOT THE GUTS ?????????
    Oh god. I'm not even gonna comment. Here's one important note though: please make sure you're using That's my official address. You can get there just by clicking on the banner.

    Sunday, May 5
    keywords: Mad Bomber Society, Deadcats, Three Inches of Blood, New City Suburbs, Elly
    The fifth anniversary pictures are done. All hail my mighty Sandisk card reader.

    Saturday, May 4
    I've wasted a couple hours at, which collects gossip on all the new movies coming out. There's a lot of promising stuff on the way; it should be interesting to see how much of it actually works out. There are sequels abound: James Bond: Die Another Day, Batman Year One, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Men In Black II, The Matrix Reloaded, Charlies Angels II: Halo, True Lies II, X-Men II, X-Files II, and that's not a complete list.
    keywords: Anarchy Adam, Jebus, Moneen, Mr Bear 2000
    Cherie's in Saskatoon, so I promised I'd send her some bear pictures.

    Last night was Mad Bomber Society, Three Inches of Blood, Deadcats, and the flames of damnation. Give me a couple days on those.

    Today: relaxation.

    Friday, May 3
    keywords: Rhoneil, Leah, Ed, House of Poor Choices
    These are pretty old, so I better post these photos of Rhoneil and Leah's moving-out party. Leah's moving back to the west end and Rhoneil's leaving for Montreal in a month. Here's their website.

    Linkage for today: a good photo site from Holland?

    When I was looking for lyrics for Goldfinger, I found this site, which doesn't have lyrics but has a lot of trivia on the soundtracks. Very interesting read, for those inclined to it.

    Thursday, May 2
    keywords: Record Fair, Freecloud, Telly Savalas, Penthouse
    My parents are in Calgary, and Cherie's in Saskatoon. I'm on top of the world, and there's nothing to do.

    How about I show you what I got at the record fair. This is not a complete list.

    See published my Goldfinger interview today. To fully appreciate the title and the lede, you should read the original Goldfinger lyrics as sung by Shirley Bassey.

    The tables have turned. I've completed several interview questions sent through Kristina Pardue.

    Wednesday, May 1
    keywords: Record Fair, Freecloud
    I went to a record fair the other day. Dropped $80 on records; you'll see which tomorrow.

    Here's a strange personal website I found run by Rob Wright from les Tabernacles. You're gonna have to look closely to find the content.

    Cherie went to see Moneen last night, and I sent my camera with her. She wants to save the pictures for her website when it's eventually brought back, but we'll all have to be patient.

    My friends:

  • Brad Nat 007 The Operators mp3s
  • Ass with Anarchy Adam
  • Milena
  • The House of Poor Choices with Rhoneil and Leah
  • Sheri's Flash site
  • .Bitter Incorporated. with Bevurlee Ritchie
  • Nardwuar
  • Bess Lovejoy
  • Elito Sarah Chan's website

    Photo sites

  • Phil Duperron
  • Digital Ripoff with Gerg
  • Meet thy Makr
  • Derek Bisbing
  • Edmonton Punk Photo Page by Robin
  • Dallas Whitley
  • The DiGiTaL FoToHaUz by Elly
  • Picture to HTML

  • The Mirror Project
  • Jones Soda
  • Photolog with Mr. Phancy
  • Itinerrance disposable camera trades


  • /usr/bin/girl


  • Blah *mumble* blah
  • Wil Wheaton Dot Net
  • Dollarshort
  • Sleeping Pills
  • Harrumph connected with
    Mirror Project
  • Weblog Wannabe

    People I don't know

  • Jeff K
  • Jesus' personal ad

    Cool sites

  • Indecline
  • Edmonton Punk Page
  • Very Very Fred Perry
  • (look for web filters)
  • Action Attack Helicopter (look for poetry by Zak Pashak)
  • Build your own Red Meat comic
  • Mario Twins

  • Japanese emoticons
  • Hong Kong monikers
  • Am I All Your Base or not?
  • The Carotene Project
  • The Shotgun Constitution
  • Homemade Game Genie Codes

    Fun games

  • Beetle Buggin'
  • Steppenwolf
  • Park Power
  • Laser Puzzle Game
  • Snowball fight
  • The Way of the Stick
  • Mini-Golf
  • Air-Hockey
  • A crazy stick-man first-person game
  • Jesus Dress-Up
  • Lego Junk-Bot game

    Sort of scary sites

  • Fat Chicks in Party Hats
  • Space Caulk
  • Camel Toe

    Genuinely frightening sites

  • National Alliance homepage
  • Hygiene Tips for Pagans
  • White Thunder (home-grown supremacist AND physics student at the U of A)
  • Walk for Capitalism
  • Americans for Purity
  • Has the Rapture already happened? Did you miss it?
  • All photos taken with a Nikon CoolPix 950 digital camera.

    Please remember that these photos are all copyrighted to me. If you want to use them in any way, there's a 90 per cent chance I'll give you my permission, and be able to give you a copy with a higher DPI.
    Copyright Jon Dunbar 2002