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Created by Stranj Myth

Battling Pokédex


::The Assistants::


::For your information::

What is the 'Raise Your Own Pokémon' game?
The 'Ryo Pokémon game' was created by Stranj Myth for fun. It is based on the Nintendo game series 'Pokémon' (incase you hadn't already guessed).

What happens in the game?
You get given random pokémon eggs to hatch and raise. Your pokémon gain a level every day you post on the gamefaqs message boards. You can breed more eggs from your hatched pokémon to trade with other players. The point of trading? To get to know other people and get all 17 types in your Pokédex. For completeing your Pokédex you are rewarded with a legendary pokémon and more pokémon eggs. You can also get eggs from the Shiney-egg Board Hunts, which at current is the only way to get shiney pokémon. There is also a battle system created just for this game so you can battle other players as well as trade with them.

Who are the assistants?
The assistants are to the ones who hand out the eggs, oraganize the Shiney-egg Board Hunts and keep this site updated. If you have any questions we're the ones to ask.

How do I join in?
It's easy: Just go to the Super Smash Brothers Social Board on the GameFAQs Message Boards and look for the RYO Pokémon topic, post and you'll be given your first egg!

::Site Updates::

20/08/03 - Made scrollbar blue. Pretty huh?
14/08/03 - Replacing 'Blah! Blah! BLah!' with words.
11/08/03 - Just playing around with the layout.

The Pokémon logo and all monsters are copyright © Nintendo. The RYO Pokémon game has no affiliation with Nintendo and is nothing more than a fan-made game based on the Pokémon series. If anything at all goes wrong it's not our fault. If you really want to blame someone then you need to find Stranj Myth - this was all his idea.