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kiera2's beginner's guide to DV's

Well, Hi. Welcome to my guide to DV's.
Like so many of my other crazy ideas, I decided to do this one evening when I was bored.
I decided I wanted to learn html.. so I started making a website to practise. And I thought I might as well make it about something useful. Besides, they always say that by explaining things to other people you consolidate your own knowledge.. after making this site, I have to agree.

A quick note - the info in this site pertains to Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver and Crystal versions only. The DV system for Ruby/Sapphire/Fire Red/Leaf Green, and most likely any following games, works a little differently.

Thanks go to those nice people at the GBCB, who helped me with my html, everyone at the Pokemon Board, where I learned most of this stuff, and to my youngest brother. I asked him to read over the site, figuring that if an 11-year-old could make sense of what I was saying, most people should be able to. Which of course is the whole idea.

Anyway.. on to the info!

Start from the start..
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