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My ASB Team

Sig:Ring Man
Desc: When Nave feels very threatened with a physical attack comming towards her, she focuses, her rings turning an even deeper blue than normal, her Psychic and Dark powers combining to form a Ring man shape and give it animation. This Ring Man grabs the on comming opponent, and throws them in the direction they came from before they get close enough to touch Nave.1 time use. Type:???|Accuracy:85%|Damage:14%|Effects:N/A
Sig: Dragon Memory
Desc: Mercury Searches his mind, after a move is used, and can now perform all moves of that type within reason. EX: a teamate or foe uses Razor leaf, Mercury can use Solarbeam, but not Vine Whip, due to Dragonite not having any vines.He can keep using the moves of a type he has found for 3 Rounds, after which, he will forget.1 time usage. Type: Dragon|Accuracy: 85%|Damage: 0%|Effects: See above
Sig: Dark Star
Desc: Outkast focuses on the star on his forehead, randomly choosing an element in his moveset, and firing a beam that will explode on impact with his opponent.the randomly chosen type can only be one in Alakazam's moveset. I.e., it can't be a Flying type, since Alakazam doesn't learn a Flying type move. Type: Varies|Accuracy:80%|Damage:16%|Effects:N/A
Signature Move: Steel Beam
Athena makes her claws glow a bright silver. She rams her claws together. Using as much Steel-like powers, she makes a huge silver beam come out of her claws.One time usage Type:Steel|Accuracy:75%|Damage:25%
Sig:Dark World
Desc: Poltergeist snaps his fingers, and instantly he and his foes are transported to a darker version of the arena they were at, where Ghost type moves are boosted to doing twice their usual damage, and only Ghost and Dark types can see clearly.They will stay in this world until Poltergeist faints or is told to stop, however the strain of keeping this world up drains 2% health from Poltergeist per action it is up.It can only be used once, and will last for 2 rounds maximum on it's own, if Poltergeist is not told to stop, or faint. Type:Ghost |Accuracy:80% |Damage:2% to poltergeist per action |Effects: see above
Sig:Conjured Spirit
Desc:She wails loudly, calling for the ghost of her dead mother, who does one of the following: 1)Drains HP which she gives 1/4 to Lorna 2)Does 15% damage 3)Nothing 4)Causes a random status problem 5)Absorbs 1 attack 6)5% damage to Lorna Ref decides which happens,3Round Gap between usage Type:Ghost|Acc:75%|Dam:N/A|Eff:see above
Sig:Callin the homies
Desc:He calls out and brings forth 0-3 Rattata who attack the opponent(5%) or shield Ratteo from 1 attack. 3 Round Gap between usage Type:Normal|Acc:70%|Dam:N/A|Eff: look above
Desc: Princess curls up tight into a ball, secreting her poison from the tips of her spines, and rolling quickly towards her opponent.If she is hit while using Rollerball, the attack against her is 10% weaker than normal. Type:Poison|Acc:75%|Dam:15%|Eff:10% chance PSN
Sig:Steel feathers
Desc: Rome flies up high, and pulls out a few extra feathers, launching them at his opponent. if Sunnyday is in affect, they become super-heated, doing fire damage. If rain dance, the feathers freeze from the water and height, causing it to do Ice damage.If neither, does Steel damage.2 round gap between usage. Type:Steel or Fire or Ice|Acc:85%|Dam:12% |Eff:~If Steel-15% flinch ~if Fire-15%brn part it hits ~if Ice-15% freeze part it hits
Sig: Dark Side of the Moon
Desc: Honey lets out a loud roar, the moon shaped cresent on her glows, as the moon rises, and then she emits a cresent shaped beam is fired at her foe.This special beam disables her foe from using any weather affecting attacks(Rain dance,Sunny day,Sandstorm) as well as hurting them.Lasts for 2 rounds, 1 time use per opponent. Type:Normal|Dam:10%|Acc:75%|Eff: see above
Sig: Obelisk of Curses
Desc: Pharoh prays as a giant obelisk grows from the ground. This Obelisk glows with the color of the element of the last attack the opponent used, then fires a beam. The Obelisk has 4 possibilities: 1)Does the status effect of the type if Electric,Fire,Ice,Poison(Frz,Psn,Par,Brn)(33%chanc e) 2)Disables the opponent from using any moves of that element(for 2rounds)(33%chance) 3)Does 18% damage(33%chance) 4)Does nothing(1%chance) 1 time usage Type:same as element obelisk uses|Accuracy:90%|Damage:shown above|Effects:shown above
Sig: Hunter becomes the hunted
Desc: Kanjira sits there, far enough away that she cannot be hit by any attack that need a part of her foes body to use. As soon as the opponent gets near her, she howls, and tall flames sprout out of the ground, singing her foe(s) before they get within 3 feet of her. Type:Fire|Accuracy:85%|Damage:10%|Effects:20%Brn
Desc: Scooby's teeth glow whiter as he bites down on his opponent, as his teeth begin sucking health from his victim. Scooby can be hit more easily while this move is in effect, depending where he bites down. Scooby gets 1/3 of the health he drains. It takes a high powered move to knock him loose or a command for me to tell him to let go. 1 time use. Type: Dark|Accuracy:75%|Damage:12%per action(gets4%)|Effects:N/A
Desc:Lucky makes a special egg, not for her to eat, but to launch at her opponent.This is an evil, rotten egg, if it hits her foe, it will: 1)Confuse(49% chance) 2)temporarily take away their vision(lasts 1 round)(49% chance) 3)Nothing but damage(2% chance) 1 TIME USE Type: Dark|Accuracy:75%|Damage:15%|Effects:above
Sig: Elemental Rage
Desc: Nidor works himself into a ferenzy, his horn glowing with a random elemental color that a Nidoking family poke can know, and charges towards him/her. If Nidor is physically hit while glowing, it gets damaged 2% plus the 8% if hit by his charge.Nidor will glow only during the action the move is used. Type:Varies|Accuracy:80%|Damage:8%(2% X # of times Nidor is hit physically)|Effect:N/A
Sig: Tag Beam
Desc: Feizhi and her baby begin to glow with a random elemental type that she knows, then they both fire that elemental beam.If the babie's beam hits, 3% damage, Feizhi's does 15% damage.Can be used once per every 2 Rounds. Type: Varies|Accuracy:85%|Damage: Baby:3% Feizhi: 15%|Effects: N/A
Sig: Armadillo Steel
Desc: Armadeus focuses, his whole back covering with a blue aura, as his already tough scales turn to steel, lessening his water/ice weaknesses, but making him twice as weak to Fire type moves(Ex: X2 instead of X1) If hit in the stomach, will be normal weaknesses and resistances for Sandshrew. Type: Steel |Accuracy: 90% |Damage: 0% |Effects: See Above
Desc: Neo begins throwing out computer cables, that act like vines, if the opponent is stuck by one or more, Neo sucks 10% of one of his opponent's stats: 1)strength 2)defense 3)speed 4)stamina 5)health Randomly picked, but can also get similar status effects(PSN,PAR) Can be used once every 3 rounds. Type: Normal |Accuracy:75% |Damage: see above |Effects: See above
Sig: Haduken
Desc: Ryu shoots out a ball of varying energy type, which will randomly be any type a Raichu can know.The ball swiftly travels towards his foe, exploding in firework fashion upon impact. Type: Varies|Accuracy: 85%|Damage: 14%|Effects: None
Arch Angel
Sig: Dark Arrows
Desc: Arch Angel's wings grow slightly, enabling flight for only this move, flying in a circle above his foe, a mystical bow and arrows appearing in his hands. Arch Angel will randomly shoot 1-5 arrows.These arrows are of a dark nature that if hit right, has a possibility of blinding the foe for 1 action. Type: Dark |Accuracy:80% |Damage: 3% per arrow |Effects:10% chance of temporary blindness
Sig: Dragon Ballz
Desc: Dracor summons a mass of Dragon energy in the sky, then launches them in ball form towards his opponent.The balls will envelop his foe, weakening and stressing out the target as well as damaging it.3 time usage. Type: Dragon|Accuracy: 80%|Damage: 10%|Effects: see above
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig:Ice shield
Desc: Isis creates a shield of Ice around her, which is only weak to Fire and Fighting type moves.This shield boosts her defense by 20%, and can be thrown at her opponent if she wishes, but it will take an extra action to throw the shield. If she does not throw the shield, and it is not destroyed, it will last 2 Rounds on its own.3 time usage. Type: Ice|Accuracy: 80%|Damage: 10% if thrown|Effects: see above
Sig: Powers of the Ancients
Desc: Tyrant prays, as a small rift in the dimension tears open. A demon, similar looking to an alien in the movie Alien comes out, and leaps into Tyrant's foe's body.Inside he does internal damage, and the possibility of: 1)leaving an egg that will hatch, doing 10% damage(20% chance) 2)Nothing but damage(40% chance) 3)Cause Poisoning with the acid that runs through it's veins(20%) 4)Cause Paralysis by tearing at their spinal chord(20%) 1 time usage Type: Dark|Accuracy: 85%|Damage:15%|Effects: see above
Sig:Alphabetic Memory
Desc: Hypnotico gazes his wide psychic ability, and chooses a random letter of the 23 letters of the alphabet that have moves starting with them.For the next 2 rounds, he can only use 4 Moves in total that start with that Letter and Alphabetic Memory.Limited to being used 3 times per match. Type: Psychic|Accuracy:80%|Damage:N/A|Effects: see above
Sig: Reindeer Game
Desc: Comet charges his opponent, grabbing them up with his Antlers, then tosses them back where they will be kicked by his back hooves.There is a good chance of the foe flinching.3 time usage per match, 1 time usage per round. Type:Normal|Accuracy:85%|Damage: 5% from antler throw, 10% from hoof kick|Effects: 30% chance of Flinch
Sig: None
Sig: Spirit Call
Desc: Arcana howls loudly, calling forth the spirits of her long since burried ancestors. Randomly, between 2 and 4 spirits will travel through the ground to where Arcana's opponent is standing, where they shoot up, sending her foe flying, causing 6% damage per spirit. As they leave, there is a 30% chance of one of the spirits to use a ghostly attack(not to be confused with a ghost TYPE attack), which can do 5% damage. One Time Use Per Battle. Type:Ground/Ghost|Accuracy: 80%|Damage:3%Ground/3%Ghost per spirit 30% chance of 5% ghost type damage extra|Effects:see above
Sig: Hydrocharge Beam
Desc: Sparkler focuses, forming an orb of water with an electrified center in his mouth. Once formed, Sparkler will shoot this orb, as it becomes more beam-like, and races to his targeted foe. The drawback is there is a 20% chance of Sparkler being zapped by the electricity himself, as he is a water type still. 2Rd. gap between uses. Type: Water/Electric|Accuracy: 90%|Damage: Water:8%/Electric:8%|Effects: See Above
Sig: None
Sig:Web of Illusions
Desc: Toby creates a strong web, while mentally making his foe see their favorite thing in the world, making them run straight into the middle of the web.They see themselves as swimming in it, like a mirage, entangling themselves in the web even more. As soon as they are entangled, they realize where they are, and stop fantasizing. It takes 2 actions. to get out of the entanglement, unless a fire move is used to burn the web, but that causes a 50% chance of them being burned.While in the web, physical moves are near impossible.1 time use Type:Normal|Accuracy:85%|Damage:N/A|Effects:see above
Sig: Citris Spray
Desc: Citris, being part plant creates a caustic fluid that she can create, then spit at her opponent.This fluid will burn the eyes, nose, throat, and mouth of any foe hit by this spray.It doesn't affect Citris, due to her having an immunity from it.The Burning sensation will stop the affected from seeing clearly, smelling or producing any attack that involves their mouth/throat. The spray will instantly be cured if water is applied, or it has affected her foe for 2Rounds. 2 time usage. Type:???/accuracy:90%|Damage:5%|Effects: See Above
Sig:Crazy Spit
Desc: Droz's eating habits of eating pretty much anything in site have made an interesting saliva, which acts almost like glue to other pokemon.Droz takes a second or 2 to get ready, then spits at his opponent. If hit, the opponent is now slowed down some, weighed down, and partly glued in place.The saliva has some interesting characteristics, such as fire moves Droz uses on the victim covered in this saliva will do .5 more damage, IE: 1.50 damage instead of normal 1.00 damage, and more likely to burn.The increase in effectiveness is due to the chemicals in saliva from what Droz has eaten.I keep way too many things within his reach, like hair spray, bug spray, oil, gasoline, whiteout, glue, all things that promote burning.The spit will remain on its own for 2 rds., but can be washed away with Rain or water moves. 3X usage, cannot be used if the opponent is already covered in spit. Type:???|Accuracy:80%|Damage:N/A|Effects:See above
Desc: Jasper gathers electric energy, storing it in his spiky fur. Sensing an opponent about to physically attack him, he curls up in a ball, protecting his most sensitive parts, and only leaving his quill like fur.If an opponent hits Jasper, it will be stuck with the quills, causing pain, and paralysis from the electricity in the quills. The damage and paralysis only occurs if the foe touches Jasper before he takes another action.Jasper will stay curled up for 1 action, unless told to stay longer, which he can stay for up to 2 actions.3Rd. delay between uses. Type:Electric|Accuracy:95%|Damage:14%|Effects: PAR
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: Raging Headache
Desc: After taking enough damage, Ducky gets a headache, which enrages him, making him use a strong psychic like attack that will raise the foe in the air, with a red aura surroundng both Ducky and foe, then slam them down hard into the ground with the strength to almost make a crater. If Ducky has 50-100% health, it does 7% damage.If Ducky has 1-49% health, it does 13% damage. This move can only be used twice, and not in the same damage category, due to the measure of strength it takes to use.The second time used, it has a 30% chance of failing. Type: Psychic|Accuracy: 80%|Damage: 7% or 13%|Effects: N/A
Sig: Sickle Top
Desc: Sickle begins spinning rapidly, his sharp sickles pointed out, and rushes towards his opponent.In this state, it is nearly impossible to do full amount of damage, as his sickles, and spinning will deflect most of the attacks, Sickle only taking 1/4 of the usual damage. This move can only deflect damage from certain attacks, which is decided logically by the ref.Sickle can stay spinning for 3 actions if asked, but will normally stay for one, and can only use this move to attack for 1 action. He may attempt to incorporate attacks like cut,slash, etc.., but their accuracy will drop.3X usage Type: Normal|Accuracy: 70%|Damage:14%|Effects: see above
Bull Durham
Sig: Rodeo Style (Couldn't think of a better name)
Desc: Bull charges at his opponent, his head down, horns ready to gore, he uses his horns to then flip his opponent behind him, where he smashes them with his back hoofs. The skills needed to perform this move makes it impossible to use more than 3 times in a match, but the opponent will learn to dodge this move if used more than twice against it. Type:Normal|Accuracy:80%|Damage:18%|Effects: N/A
Sig: Power of the Unown
Desc: As a young pup, Myst had saved an Unown's life, and for this, he was given a special ability, that lies dormant most of the time. When he closes his eyes, trying to contact the Unown, a brilliant aura glows around his body, and a portal to the Unown opens. The Unown have 4 possibilities: 1)They look down at Myst's suffering, and cure his status effects.(25% chance) 2)The Unown sense Myst's low health, and heal him 8% health.(25% chance) 3)The Unown look angrily at his opponent, and fire a special blast attack at the foe, which does 12% damage.(25% chance) 4)The Unown could come out, annoyed , and strike both opponents with a weaker blast, causing 7% damage to all pokemon in the field.(25% chance) This move may only be used 3 times in a battle.1 round gap between uses. Type:???|Accuracy:89%|Damage:7%to all/12%to foe/none|Effects: see above
Sig: None
Sig: Mirror Mirror
Steelix increases his body temperature (using the same technique he would use a Fire attack, but without the actual flames). The resulting heat given off makes his metal coat even shinier than it previously was. The increase in shininess ergo increases the reflectivity of the coat, and makes it almost mirror like. This means Steelix can now use Mirror Coat. Despite this, he is now weaker to Fire type attacks (because his metal coat is softer) and his physical defence is down (also because the coat is softer). After 3 rounds his coat re-hardens and the use of Mirror Coat is lost, while all defences return to normal. Two time use, with a 5 round interval between uses. Type: Steel | Accuracy: 75% | Damage: 0% | Weakness to fire increased 30%, physical defence down 40%. Steelix learns Mirror Coat
Sig: Hypnotic Trance
Desc: PsyBird gazes at her opponent, multi-colored rings shoot out from her eyes, and towards the opponent, attacking them not only through the eyes, but through the head, into their mind. This allows Psybird to possibly control her opponent for 1 action, which will take up an action for both pokes, EX: "Make Pikachu Dynamic punch itself",(35% chance of this occuring) or the foe not being able to do the commands it was given(50% chance), or it could do nothing(15% chance). Nightmare,Dream eater,Sleep talk may not be used, as they aren't alseep, but in a trance. This trance will last for 2 actions, and can be used 1 time on each pokemon she faces, but has to have a 2 round gap between uses.Psybird can't do anything besides control the opponent for the 2 actions, or the trance ends. Type:???|Accuracy: 90%|Damage:N/A|Effects:see above

Doc Oc
Sig: Sticky Ink
Desc: Doc Oc creates inside of him a sticky, caustic ink, that he spits at his opponent, and secretes from the suction cups on his tentacles.This ink will blind the foe, and any thing that touches it will stick to it, say the opponent wipes its eyes with it's hands, they will become stuck.The ink secreted on Doc Oc's suction cups, allow him to have a super strong grip on any surface, including ceilings, and wet surfaces. The Ink is as strong as crazy glue, but the little amount secreted on the suction cups, mixed with other bodily fluids allow movement, although it is slowed down quite a bit.The Ink wears out, and goes away after 2 actions on the foe, but 4 actions on the suction cups. The problem with the ink, is it will hinder Doc Oc's movement once he sticks to a surface. 2 time usage, 2 round gap between uses. Type:???|Accuracy:85%|Damage:N/A|Effects:See above
Sig: Jinkies
Desc: Clap-Trap forms a Mucousy Perl in it's mouth, then fires the perl at his opponent. Upon impact, the perl oozes out mucous from the inside, covering the opponent. There is a 65% chance the mucous will make the slimed pokemon feel ill, distracting it from using one of it's actions to vomit, and feel better, as well, as slow down their movement. There is a 5% chance the Perl will have poisons inside of it, poisoning the pokemon hit by the Perl. The making of this Perl takes time to make, so there must be a 3 Round gap between uses, and can only be used twice per battle. Type:???|Accuracy:85%|Damage:10%|Effects:see above
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: Little act, little dance, little seltzer down your pants
Desc: Mimor begins by acting as if he is in love with his foe, confusing his opponent,as he will act on males and females, then Mimor begin dancing, mostly by stomping on his opponent's feet, angering the affected foe. Mimor finishes by pulling out a bannana cream pie, and a bottle of seltzer, throwing the pie in his opponent's face, then spraying them with the seltzer, possibly affecting their eyesight. Since Mimor can only be able to hold one pie and bottle of seltzer on his person, this move may only be used once. 65% chance of confusion on the foe. Type:???|Accuracy:89%|Damage:16%|Effects:see above
Sig: Cold Air
Dirvish blows a very cold air around it's body. The air is so cold that is causes water vapour in the air to begin to freeze creating a cloud of small icy particles around her. If the enemy were to attack her physically then they would take a little damage from the icy pieces. If the enemy was wet (eg from a water attack) and passed through the cold air then they would be at risk from freezing. The cloud of cold air will stay around Dirvish for 2 rounds before melting away. Attack can be used 3 times per battle with a 5 round interval. Type: Ice | Accuracy: 85% | Damage: 12% (rising to 15% if enemy is wet) |Effects: 20% of enemy being frozen if they are wet when attacking.
Sig: Icy tail slap
Desc: Dew gathers icy vapors, and chunks of ice around his tail, and approaches his enemy. Upon close enough range, Dew swings his tail viciously, smacking his foe with such force and chilling cold, it has a 65%chance of freezing whatever it touches. This move may be used once per Round. Type:Ice|Accuracy:90%|Damage:12%|Effects: see above
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: Revenge of the Jellyfish
Desc: Tentas approaches her foe, tentacles whipping about violently, trying to inject a neurotoxin into them. Once the foe has been injected, he/she/it has a 25% chance of being completely paralysed, leaving it completely helpless to attack/defend for one action. If paralysation has not occured in the Round RotJ has been used, the chance for paralysis increases 25% each Round until it occurs. Once paralysed for 1 action, the opponent's body is free from the neurotoxin. It takes 2 Rounds from the Round with the action of paralysis before Tentas may use this move again. Type: Poison|Accuracy: 95%|Damage: 8%|Effects: See above
Sig: Forceful Transformation
Desc: Morpheus has a genetic power inside of him, which enables him to transform into any pokemon, which he can also use to force transformation on others. Morpheus powers up a beam, which, after successfully hitting an opponent, will randomly make it transform into any non legendary pokemon, which is up to the ref. The affected Pokemon morphs at the end of the round it was hit, giving its trainer the next 3 actions to know the new forms moves. Ex: Round 1- Foe hit with FT, after the third action, it morphs randomly, end of Round 2- Foe turns back to normal. Morpheus's foe is stuck as this pokemon for 1 full round, then turns back to it's normal form. The victim can't be morphed into - Magikarp, Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Ditto,Wobbuffet, or Unown. Morpheus can only use this beam on his foe once. Type:???|Accuracy:85%|Damage:N/A|Effects:see above
Sig:Neurotoxic Injection
Desc:Slitherina sinks her fangs into her opponent, releasing a neurotoxic substance into the opposing pokemon's veins. This substance spreads slowly throughout their body, causing severe damage to the neural tissues as it spreads. For the first round following the injection, the opposing pokemon will feel fine, able to act as normal. For each subsequent round, the damage to the nerve tissues will be apparent, as the pokemon slowly succumbs to near-fatal paralysis throughout their body. After a variable amount of time(dependant upon the mass of the pokemon injected), the pokemon will lose the use of one or more of their appendages. The rate at which the toxin spreads is variable, depending upon how large the pokemon is. This move obviously will fail against any pokemon with a hard exterior, nor will it work against any ghost-type pokemon. It is possible for the affected pokemon to develop a resistance to this substance. After the round the pokemon is infected, there is a 10% chance the pokemon will develop a resistance. The chance of developing a resistance increases by 10% for each consecutive round. Heal Bell automatically removes all traces of the toxin. This move can only be used once per opposing pokemon. Type: Poison | Accuracy: 90% | Damage: 10% |Effects: Described above
Sig:Static Shield
Desc: Magneto builds up static electricity, which it can send out into a dome shield that will cover about 10 feet away from the center where Magneto is in all directions. This shield can be entered and exited easily, but while inside, any pokemon will have trouble using moves that aren't one of the poke's types. Using those moves will fatigue the pokemon faster, and weaken the moves by half their usual power.(I.E.: a non-normal type using Hyper Beam) This shield will remain on the field for 2 full rounds(6actions), then can be used only one more time(twice in total), 3 rounds after the shield fades. Type:Electric|Accuracy:95%|Damage:N/A|Effects:See Above
Sig: Wrath of the Dragon
Desc: When enraged by an opponent, Shenrona is able to bring forth an anger, to a level never seen before, as gold flames and celestial energy engulf her, she is able to devastate her opponent with her newly gained power, defence, and speed boosts. She remains in this stage for 3 rounds, after which, her powers take a dive for the rest of her fight, causing this to be a one time only move. Type: Dragon|Accuracy:99%|Damage:N/A|Effects: All Shenrona's attacks boosted by 10%, speed increased, defences increased 5%, then after, all her moves are 5% weaker than normal
Razor Jaw
Sig: Fossil Fusion
Desc: Having been a Fossil, and an ancient pokemon herself, RJ has a strange power. She begins emitting a blood red aura, and an earsplitting hum, as she calls forth the fossils/bones of a random pokemon(randomly selected by the Ref). The bones instantly fuse with RJ's skin, increasing her defence 5%, and allowing her to use 1 move from the moveset of the fossil pokemon she just fused with for 3 Rounds, as well as her own moveset(My choice of what move). After 3 Rounds, the bones will return to the Earth, and RJ will lose the defence boost, and move will nolonger be in her control. RJ can only perform this move successfully once per battle. Type:???|Accuracy:95%|Damage:N/A|Effects: See above
Sig: Hypnotic Sugestion
Desc: Only while asleep, can Hootie give a mental suggestion that his foe is a different pokemon. When the foe awakens, for 1 round, it will think it is a randomly chosen pokemon, and try to perform the attacks it's trainer gives, if it thinks it is a poke that knows the move, they will do 3% more damage than usual, if not, it will become confused. This suggestion will work on any pokemon, no matter what type.1 time usage per opponent Hootie faces. Type: Psychic|Accuracy: 90%|Damage: N/A|Effects: See Above
Sig: Voodoo
Desc: Odifera having a background in the black arts, steals between 6-8% health from her opponent, which is absorbed from a black cloud, then puts it into a voodoo doll shaped like her foe. She now has 2 options, absorb their health from the doll, which will take a second action, but she would get all 6-8%, or play with the doll, which in turn will force her opponent's body to do the same actions. Odifera cannot use the doll to make her foe commit suicide, or wound themself too badly.(no spikes, lava, or cliffs!!)The opponent may destroy the doll, either way, it's not getting the health back.This move may be used once per match. Type: Dark |Accuracy:89%|Damage:6-8%|Effects: See Above
Sig: Wing Buster
Desc: Roquet flies around above her foe, picking up tremendous speed, then plummets down, creating an illusion of there are more Pidgeys following right behind her, causing her foe to possibly worry, and forget to make a move(25% chance), as she crashes into them.(Think the Flash) Type:Flying|Accuracy:89%|Damage:7%|Effects: see above
Sig: Aerial Bomb
Desc: Singer fills his lungs with air, stretching his body, until he is light enough to fly. Once in the air, he waits until he is a good bit above his foe to deflate quickly, and violently come crashing down on top of them, causing both pokes to have a headache. Type:Flying|Accuracy:90%|Damage:8%|Effects: both pokes headached
Sig: None for now
Sig: None
Sig: Bubble Belch
Desc: All that smog and gas inside a weezing is enough to make one sick, but Ko uses this to his advantage by belching out 4 Koffing sized bubbles that if touched by a foe with pull them inside. Inside the bubble, All attacks outgoing will do 10% less damage than normal, all incomming attacks will do 5% less than usual damage. EX: Outgoing attack would do 15% damage will now do 5% damage, but the lowest an incomming or outgoing attack can do is 3%. That isn't all though folks, this bubble is made from some foul smelling gases that have a 50% chance of making the pokemon too sick to attack for one action. After 1Rd. the bubble pops, and the poke is free to battle as usual. 2 time usage, with a 3 rd. gap. Type: Poison|Accuracy: 85%|Damage: N/A|Effects: See above
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None
Starry Night
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: Ender's Game
Desc: Being a pokemon associated to disasters, and the end of the world, Omega can help quicken the end, calling forth desctructive wind, rain, fire, and lightning, that hurt both pokemon, but affect Omega less, as he has the knowledge of what is to come. All arenas are now in ruins, allowing no move that needs/uses weather, or earth to be successful for 1round. One time usage. Type: Dark|Accuracy: 85%|Damage: 20% to foe(5%each Flying,Water,Fire,Electric) 8% to Omega(2%each Flying, Water,Fire,Electric)
Sig: None
For Killer Tai
Brown in color, a prize from the Tournament
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None
Sig: None

Wins: 25

Losses: 5

Draws: 1

168¥ Coowner of Firestorm98's Eggpark