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8th August 2004
It has been over 4 months since the band have done anything. Even practise. No shit. 4 months. Something is happening on thursday but I don't know what it is as Dave just went offline before he told me. No gigs lined up. I'll keep you posted as always but there's been literally nothing to post. It is possible we've forgotten all the songs and will have to write a whole new line-up. Anyway if someone could be so kind to tell me what is going on on thursday that would be ideal. Much love to all. I hope you're all happy I have now updated the site with some more news which has nothing in it. I'd say how the last gig went but I can't remember.

23rd March 2004
Howdy it's been a while. New gig confirmed, Friday 2nd April at Strawberry Fields, all should come. Had a practise tonight but we just screwed around for ages. Barfly was good, the sound guy didnt suck. Lack of alcohol for all though, damn the wristbands.

30th January 2004
All details now up for Barfly on gigs page. Tickets have come in so are available to buy from the band members. We are now playing with Chase instead of All My Logic, so it's guaranteed to be a good one. We are recording From These Eyes tomorrow, but we're not quite sure what we're going to do with it once it's recorded. See you All at the Barfly, no exuses, and get the fucking tickets off us this time!

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